How many Automatic Weapons were there

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Dec 20, 2010
when the ban went into effect? Someone just told me a ban on AR's would work, citing how few crimes are committed with full-auto firearms today because of the NFA ban that occurred decades ago.

My thought is that there are tons more AR15's in circulation than there were full-auto firearms at the time of its ban. However, I cannot find any numbers to refer to.
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That is very interesting.

In 1995, there were "over 240,000" machine guns registered with the ATF.
In March of 2012, there were 488,065 machine guns registered with the ATF.

Since citizens have not been able to add to the stock of machine guns since 1986, that means that federal and state entities and police organizations have acquired nearly a quarter of a million machine guns in the last 17 years.
That is very interesting.

In 1995, there were "over 240,000" machine guns registered with the ATF.
In March of 2012, there were 488,065 machine guns registered with the ATF.

Since citizens have not been able to add to the stock of machine guns since 1986, that means that federal and state entities and police organizations have acquired nearly a quarter of a million machine guns in the last 17 years.
I believe it.
Someone just told me a ban on AR's would work, citing how few crimes are committed with REGISTERED full-auto firearms today because of the NFA ban that occurred decades ago.

Fixed it for you.

Law-abiding citizens register their full-autos.

Criminals don't.

See the connection?
There really aren't many crimes in the US committed with unregistered either. Of course the percentage of the population who had select fire guns at the time of the ban likely is dwarfed by the number who have weapons in the same class as the AR today.
The figure also includes all post-ban samples and newly manufactured guns being held by manufacturers. Not all the new entries are being held by governmental organizations. And you have to wonder if just possibly the figures might be skewed by SBR and SBS figures too? Maybe the larger figure is all types of NFA weapons and not just MGs.
I'm sort of surprised there aren't more in the U.S. A few years ago National Geographic printed that there were over 10 million AKs in Yemen.
Originally Posted by Sgt.Murtaugh
Someone just told me a ban on AR's would work, citing how few crimes are committed with REGISTERED full-auto firearms today because of the NFA ban that occurred decades ago.

Fixed it for you.

Law-abiding citizens register their full-autos.

Criminals don't.
FBI UCR has murders with firearms broken out by rifle, shotgun, handgun, other, and type not stated. Makes me wonder how amany of the other or type not stated are illegal, unregistered NFA items.

from the FBI UCR 
Homicides in America       2005   2006   2007   2008   2009
Total                    14,965 15,087 14,916 14,224 13,636
Total firearms:          10,158 10,225 10,129  9,528  9,146
Handguns                  7,565  7,836  7,398  6,800  6,452
Rifles                      445    438    453    380    348
Shotguns                    522    490    457    442    418
Other guns                  138    107    116     81     94
Firearms, type not stated 1,488  1,354  1,705  1,825  1,834
Knives, cutting weapons   1,920  1,830  1,817  1,888  1,825
Blunt objects               608    618    647    603    611
Hands, fists, feet, etc.    905    841    869    875    801
Poison                        9     12     10      9      6
Explosives                    2      1      1     11      2
Fire                        125    117    131     85     99
Narcotics                    46     48     52     34     45
Drowning                     20     12     12     16      8
Strangulation               118    137    134     89    121
Asphyxiation                 96    106    109     87     77
Other weapons/not stated    958  1,140  1,005    999    895

On putting military style Semi-autos on the NFA, REMEMBER there was no murders by civilians with registered machine guns from 1934 to 1986, one murder with a registered machinegun by a crooked cop, and still the Democrats rushed the Hughes Amendment through to close the NFA registry to additional civilian registration of new or imported machineguns after 19 May 1986. We accept registration of military-style semi-autos, it will be inevitable that they will pull a midnight run and push a Hughes Amendment type closure of the NFA registry to semi-autos, if they don't pull a confiscation order like Howard of OZ 1996.
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When you consider that fully auto firearms have been very tightly regulated since 1936 and it was really only the big time criminals using them before that, fully auto firearms have never been a major player in crime. Just like semi-auto rifles aren't now. Fully auto firearms were also never very common in civilian hands; same can't be said for semi-autos. The idea that any type of ban could 1) be enforced, 2) found Constitutional by an honest court and 3) have any effect on crime is laughable.
The accepted number from most nfa forums is 181,000 transferable machine guns exist in the US.
Since citizens have not been able to add to the stock of machine guns since 1986, that means that federal and state entities and police organizations have acquired nearly a quarter of a million machine guns in the last 17 years.

most of those from the last 17 years i would say are post-86 dealer samples. only transferable from dealer to dealer, not to non-07/SOTs.
There really aren't many crimes in the US committed with unregistered either.

There really aren't many crimes in the U.S. committed with rifles of any sort. That is why an AWB is so ludicrous.
criminals don't bother to use machine guns for two good reasons:

a hi point fits in your pocket easier.
5 shots from a hi point makes someone just as dead.
FBI UCR has murders with firearms broken out by rifle, shotgun, handgun, other, and type not stated. Makes me wonder how amany of the other or type not stated are illegal, unregistered NFA items.

from the FBI UCR 
Homicides in America       2005   2006   2007   2008   2009
Total                    14,965 15,087 14,916 14,224 13,636
Total firearms:          10,158 10,225 10,129  9,528  9,146
Handguns                  7,565  7,836  7,398  6,800  6,452
Rifles                      445    438    453    380    348
Shotguns                    522    490    457    442    418
Other guns                  138    107    116     81     94
Firearms, type not stated 1,488  1,354  1,705  1,825  1,834
Knives, cutting weapons   1,920  1,830  1,817  1,888  1,825
Blunt objects               608    618    647    603    611
Hands, fists, feet, etc.    905    841    869    875    801
Poison                        9     12     10      9      6
Explosives                    2      1      1     11      2
Fire                        125    117    131     85     99
Narcotics                    46     48     52     34     45
Drowning                     20     12     12     16      8
Strangulation               118    137    134     89    121
Asphyxiation                 96    106    109     87     77
Other weapons/not stated    958  1,140  1,005    999    895

On putting military style Semi-autos on the NFA, REMEMBER there was no murders by civilians with registered machine guns from 1934 to 1986, one murder with a registered machinegun by a crooked cop, and still the Democrats rushed the Hughes Amendment through to close the NFA registry to additional civilian registration of new or imported machineguns after 19 May 1986. We accept registration of military-style semi-autos, it will be inevitable that they will pull a midnight run and push a Hughes Amendment type closure of the NFA registry to semi-autos, if they don't pull a confiscation order like Howard of OZ 1996.
It looks like Hands, Feet and Fists cause twice as many murders than rifles? Maybe we should ban Hands, Feet and Fists instead.
Rifles in general don't get used much in crime.Full auto just isn't terribly conducive to crime, otherwise crooks would be converting semi autos at a much larger rate.

The full auto ban was stupid, it's not like they were used much in crime before.

How many crimes are committed with school buses? Most criminals use the same kinds of cars we usually drive to work.

The things that are most useful are the ones that get used most - by everyone. If I had a jackhammer I still wouldn't use it for much. I use my Sears cordless drill all the time.
most of those from the last 17 years i would say are post-86 dealer samples. only transferable from dealer to dealer, not to non-07/SOTs.

Mine are in those numbers, law enforcement has also purchased many of these guns. I know some larger police departments will purchase 50-100 at a time and these are departments for cities in the 250,000 population range. Guns get old and they change hands, often times they become hand me downs. City gets new guns and county gets city's old guns, at least here in the fly over states.
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