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How Many Just Don't Know...

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Sep 12, 2003
Had an interesting conversation while at Walmart today. I picked up some WW valuepacks in 9mm, .40 S&W and .45ACP and tossed 'em into my cart and then proceeded with my wife thru the store to get her stuff. While standing in the checkout lane the lady directly behind us noticed the ammo and mentioned that that was quite a lot of bullets to buy all at one time (some people are just naturally concerned with other people's business I guess).

Being bored and having nothing better to do while waiting in line I struck up a conversation with her. Surprisingly enough the conversation led from one thing to another (the lines were unusually long considering the time of day) and eventually led to a comment from me that maybe she should look into getting a concealed carry permit (it was pretty obvious she wasn't an anti). Her reaction was - HUH? People can't do that! Only private investigators and the like can get concealed carry permits (this is in OK by the way and we've had CCW since 1995).

I explained to her that anyone who wasn't a felon, crazy and didn't have a protective restraining order on 'em could get one. That just about knocked her off her feet. She was totally amazed at the idea that just regular folks could walk around with concealed weapons at which point my wife had paid for our stuff and with a "have a nice day" the conversation ended.

All of which begs the question - how many folks just plain aren't aware that they can get a permit to carry if they want to in most states? CCW isn't advertised in OK and I'm pretty sure not anywhere else so if one has no interest in or imagines that it isn't even possible for real people to carry how are they to know that they can?

Personally I was dumbfounded that this lady had no idea she could be licensed to carry but after thinking about it for awhile pretty much decided that it might not be so surprising. After all why would any self respecting power grabbing government want to make it known to it's subjects - errr - citizens that they could go around packing? HUH?

"Being bored and having nothing better to do while waiting in line I struck up a conversation with her."

I salute you for the way you handled this. Many people might have taken offense at what was really an innocent question. You instead took a positive tact and undoubtedly left with woman with a positive impression of gun owners.

Good going.
i think alot of people dont realize you can carrry concealed in public. i realized it about a year or two ago but then again im only 19.
nobody here in CA seems to know unless they're already shooters (and even then sometimes). They all think they are strictly police things and even then alot of people seem surprised when I tell them off duty cops can carry. Many people around here aren't angry about they just seem confused as to why someone would do it (they think it's overkill). And many of them are completely surprised that any citizen without felony stuff and what have you can get one.
I have known about concealed carry for quite a few years. But then, growing up, one of my best friends dad had a wallet full of ccw's. (He was a long haul trucker, and had several to deal with all the states he was going through.)
Funny, I had always just assumed I could get one :D

Then I found out how much of a pain it was in MA

Did it anyway :)
People believe what they see in the media

We've never had concealed carry in Illinois, but I bet I get at least one lifetime Illinois resident a month tell me that someone they knew had a an Illinois CCW or that they were heading up to the courthouse to get one, or ask me if I think they needed one.

So I'm not at all surprised that people who live in states where they can get them are not aware that they can.

She was totally amazed at the idea that just regular folks could walk around with concealed weapons...

I'm sure lots of people believe anybody can walk into any gun show and walk out with one of those terrible evil wicked bad nasty dangerous assault weapons that can knock an airplane out of the sky.

Several people in my neighborhood are aware of CCW permits, but it's "just too much trouble." I hope they never need them.
I'd imagine there's a HUGE amount of people who think that only police/private investigators can pack concealed, even in relatively pro-gun states like my own, Arizona.

The ammo thing amuses me, though, because I've experienced that myself... buying ammo, mentioning it to a friend who doesn't know anything about guns whatsoever. After mentioning that I bought two 550-bricks of .22LR, 400 rounds of 9mm, 50 of .45LC, 50 of .44 magnum, and 700 rounds of .45ACP:

"Oh my god, what are you gonna do with all that ammo?"

"Well, how much do I think I should have gotten?"

"Uh... I dunno, how many bullets does your gun hold?" (referring to my 1911, which sure isn't in .22LR)

"It can take 7 or 8-round magazines."

"Well, then... isn't 15 or 20 bullets enough?"

I just laughed and attempted to explain the whole concept of "practice".
I went down to my local PD a few years ago to get a permit so I could join one of the courses being put on by the county Sheriffs department. I talked to one of the officers and he asked if I was a citizen (I am from New Zealand) to which I replied "No, I am a Permanent Resident". He then told me that if I was not a citizen then it was not possible. Unfortunately I took this as fact and went on my now dejected way.

Fast forward a couple of years and armed with the correct info I am now well stocked with handguns, rifles and shotguns and carry each and every day!

I should know better than to believe everything I hear.
My brother, who is an ex-cop from Oakland and now a police computerization consultant in Coventry England following a 50% medical pension for a bad fall in the line of duty and a marriage to a subject of the Crown, was shocked, absolutely shocked, when I told him I had given a 1911 worth about $1000.00 to my landscaper (who happens to be a friend of long standing) in exchange for about $1500.00 in services.

To which my reply was, "Only in America, man. You've been a sheep too long in merry ole' England there.":evil:
The only question I've ever had about my ammo was from the checkout lady at a place I frequent.

"Why in the world does everyone only buy boxes of Wolf (7.62x39 FMJ or HP) in quantities of nine at a time?"

Easy answer--it's as many as you can get for 20 bucks (each box costs $1.96) :)
You'd be surprised how many residents of the Free State of Tennessee are shocked to find out that not only do they not have to register their guns, but that they can't register their guns even if they want to... :scrutiny:
My experience: No one I met knows unless they go to THR. :D

Even worse in California, I bring it up to a friend or anyone... I get the "You gotta be kidding me" look... followed by "are you serious".... then "are you packing" to "wow".

People are clueless here. I found out when I was 14, cuz my uncle was packing a .38 snub nose. I thought it was sooo cool that he could carry a gun, though I kept wondering why he carried it in a fanny pack. Back then it made him look more feminine. :p
...that was quite a lot of bullets to buy all at one time...
Just this morning, I got a kick out of a story on the MSM TV show (don't remember which one) reporting how a couple in NY were arrested on some charge, and they had an "arsenal" of 14 guns and 10,000 rounds of ammunition. Gasp.

Mrs. AZLib looks over at me, and says "I guess we're in trouble then."

In truth, I probably don't have 10,000 rounds all that often, and I certainly don't now, but I very much have more than the 14 guns mentioned in the story.
I just had this conversation with a friend the other day. There's a lot of hubbub in Ohio now since CCW just got passed and a lot of places are putting up "no carry" signs. We figured that within a couple years most of these signs will come down and everyone who isn't involved with the issue will forget about it.
It's like an inside joke ('cept it aint funny.) If your into guns then you figure out your local CCW situation pretty quick, if your a sheeple, a gun isn't gonna help you munch on grass so why think about it?:confused:

I had a similar conversation with a lady last night (she brought up the topic of protection) ...her reaction to the notion of a citizen being able to carry a gun was :what: ...I suggested pepper spray for her.
one of my friends in the 2nd Amendment Society at school didnt know until i told him that GA was a shall issue state and anyone could go get a permit
I must admit I didn't know about concealed carry until a few months after my first gun. I saw a sign for the class and asked about it and then wow! Same with my wife. It just wasn't a big thing plastered all around so I never knew before.
black majic is correct about californians not knowing about being able to get a ccw in california unless they are shooters already.

it is very hard to get one here especially if you live in los angeles in orange county it is a little easier i would think since it is more conservative here.

i would like to try to get one one day but the class is too expensive for my buget right now. i cant hardly afford to buy ammo to go shooting.
All of which begs the question - how many folks just plain aren't aware that they can get a permit to carry if they want to in most states? CCW isn't advertised in OK and I'm pretty sure not anywhere else so if one has no interest in or imagines that it isn't even possible for real people to carry how are they to know that they can?

I bet a whole ton of people have no concept of how the permit process works in most states. The fact that SO MANY police and detective shows/movies take place in new york doesnt help either. SO many people believe that you need to have a permit to even OWN a pistol and forget about carrying it outside your home.
Personally I was dumbfounded that this lady had no idea she could be licensed to carry
Its real easy; guns are your hobby, so you are familiar with the issues that surround that topic. She probably has hobbies or pasttimes that you have no direct knowledge of. Gunnies may have a hard time understanding this, but most people do not live and breathe guns and gun issues.
She probably has hobbies or pasttimes that you have no direct knowledge of.

True, but I'm reasonably certain that knitting, decoupage, and breeding Pekingeses are nowhere mentioned in the Constitution, while bearing arms is. ;)
It doesn't suprise me that most don't know what's what.

I don't know how many times I've been asked, "Is that registered?"
No, you don't have to register guns in this state.

Well, my friend/father/brotherinlaw/neighbor/someguyIsawoncefromaverylongdistance has their gun registered.
Really, now how would they do that since there is no provision in the law for that to happen?"

Well, such-and-such I used to know had a permit to carry a gun LOADED.
Wow, really? Most people I know only have permits for unloaded guns.

We really shouldn't expect most people to know the laws. After all it's been many years since the media reported the facts.
Most people actually believe that what they've been seeing on TV and in movies for years is real.
The vast majority of people can tell you what's up with the voting on American Idol, or who got booted off Survivor, but can't identify which document contains the statement about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The vast majority of people don't know anything about anything.

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