How many want billery?

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Mad Chemist said:
Anyone who honestly believes that GW & Co. have been good for our country needs to lay off the booze.

Have you checked the stock market indices lately? That's where the rubber meets the road.
i think hillary will win if she runs...who else can the dems rally for?:rolleyes:
i don't see any candidates that stand out in particular when you mention presidential primaries...who? gore, kerry, :scrutiny:
if it isn't hillary then probably an independent-colin powell, jesse ventura, etc:eek:
Of course I'm not going to vote for Hillary. Look at her voting record on RKBA issues.

Everything else is just smoke and mirrors.
Have you checked the stock market indices lately? That's where the rubber meets the road.

Three months ago, stock market indices were at their low for the last year or two.

They have rebounded nicely. They may fall again at any time, and you know that.

If Bush gets the credit for the recent rebound, does he also get the credit next time it falls?

Also, the stock market did much better under Clinton than it has under Bush. Does that mean you like Clinton better than Bush?
Rest assured, a centrist corporate Democrat will be the next presedent. I knew that when I saw Bush completely boch the FTAA. The concensus of the big money sources that finance our political process will be that they need a Dem to get the global trade agenda on track, just as they did in '92. You can whine all you want on your web boards, but you're not calling the shots.

Unfortunately, right now Hillary is the best positioned centrist corporate Dem.

Heck, I'm so peed at the Bushies that I'd vote for any Democrat who isn't a senator from Mass or NY.
"It is not about the individual...

...It's about the needs of society." So says Hitlary, so says Lenin, fact any tyrant or would-be tyrant says the same thing. It's a great way to get the masses on board and lead them to slavery as they cheer. So, if you fear liberty, she's your man.

Lone Gunman and Hunter Rose

You two have been sniping at the Republicans, with some points well taken and others less so, but I'm still trying to get at what your point is. It seems to be one of the following:

1) President Hillary and a Congressful of Democrats would give gun owners the same outcomes as continued Republican control.

If you're really saying this, you're just wrong and I sincerely hope the circumstances that definitively prove it will not arise.

2) The Republicans are better than the Democrats for gun owners, but not as much better as I would like them to be.

If you're saying this, I agree with you, but I fail to see how rejecting the Republicans and letting the Democrats take control helps us.

It's easy to criticize. Let's see what constructive and realistic program you are championing as an alternative to electing the Republicans.
Yes, a president can rescind a previous President's executive orders. It takes nothing more than the stroke of the pen. Bush could undo every previous presidential executive order tonight if he wanted to. He won't do that, of course.

Neither of the things I mentioned was Clinton's doing. I think they belong to Reagan and Bush I.


I fall into category #2. I am not in favor of giving anything to the Democrats, and unless a truly pro-gun Democrat was running (if that person even exists), I would most likely not vote for him.

The point I am trying to make is simple. The neo-conservatives that have hi-jacked the Republican party are pushing the party to the left. They are not true friends of freedom or the 2nd Amendment. Real conservatives need to take the party back, and steer it back into the correct direction. I am advocating changing the Republican party from within, not voting in a Democrat instead. People like Bush, McCain, Giuliani, Warner, and a variety of other Neo-Cons needed to be voted out, and replaced by real conservatives. Unfortunately, there seem to be a paucity of real conservatives right now.

The answer to our problem is not simply electing Republicans. We have done that now for several years and it is getting us no where. The answer is electing the right Republicans.
Live Free Or Die said:
That's true. But let's not forget who brought us the Patriot Act: RINO's. Besides, any provocative use of executive powers by a leftist Democrat president would hopefully galvanize the true Republicans (or possibly even conservative-leaning Democrats) in congress to fight it tooth and nail.
You're 100% correct, but imagine what Billery could do with that much power.
Hunter Rose said:
>So I take it you are saying that with a Democrat congress and a Democrat in the White House, the AWB would still have sunset?<
Sure it would have sunset, when a certain place freezes over. :evil:
Lone_Gunman said:
The point I am trying to make is simple. The neo-conservatives that have hi-jacked the Republican party are pushing the party to the left. They are not true friends of freedom or the 2nd Amendment. Real conservatives need to take the party back, and steer it back into the correct direction. I am advocating changing the Republican party from within, not voting in a Democrat instead.

I'm with you then.
It's a quandry, to be sure. My main point is that the Republicans are NOT (as is often touted) "the Party of gun owners". They're the party of "not raping your rights beyond the status quo". However, the Democrats ARE the party of the anti-gun crowd...

So how to fix things. I keep using the young girl analogy, because it is SO apt: the Republicans pay lip service to being on "our side", but talk is cheap. How the heck do we get them to ACT on what they claim. I like the idea of working from the inside... but how long will that take? With the way things are going, it seems that we'll be talking about the proper power setting on a terrawatt laser by the time some of the gun control get's pushed out of the way...

Guess I'm just bitter about the whole deal, and disgusted with national politics. I know the Dems, upon victory, will start pulling every trick they can to erode our nation into a socialist nightmare. But I can't find it in me to believe in Republicans anymore...

Like I said, a quandry...
Biting tounge

The last time I posted something about “billary” the moderator deleted it. Since I can’t say how I really feel about her as President, I can only pray that there are not enough people out there stupid enough to vote for her. Just watching how she is manipulating the “sheeple” with her new found moderate positions (for her anyway), a hawk on the war, etc. makes me want to puke. :barf:
*I* want her

Well, *I* for one want her. I want her down on her hands and knees with a scrub brush and a bucket of soapy water. Cleaning my floors.

[looks stage right] What?

[looks back into camera] mean in politics...



Biker said:
Seems to me that the only vote pissed or thrown away is the one that wasn't cast.
Then again, maybe a bunch of dead Americans that fought for this country's independance a couple of centuries were wrong.
I hope not.
I believe that I'll put my faith in their vision, but thanks for your input.
Oh, you're quite welcome!:rolleyes:
Malone LaVeigh said:
Rest assured, a centrist corporate Democrat will be the next presedent. I knew that when I saw Bush completely boch the FTAA. The concensus of the big money sources that finance our political process will be that they need a Dem to get the global trade agenda on track, just as they did in '92. You can whine all you want on your web boards, but you're not calling the shots.

Unfortunately, right now Hillary is the best positioned centrist corporate Dem.

Heck, I'm so peed at the Bushies that I'd vote for any Democrat who isn't a senator from Mass or NY.

A centrist Democrat named John McCain.:neener::evil:
The Republicans may not actively seek to curtail your gun rights, but you can bet they'd roll over for antigun legislation if/when it becomes politically expedient/advantageous for them.

Both parties are anti liberty and pro big government, and there are far more issues than just legal gun ownership. If you're a single issue voter seeking a safe haven from antigun legislation by voting Republican, you need to take a look at the erosion of the rest of yours rights by way of big government expansionism and global corporatism. You might end up with the legal right to possess firearms, and not much else.
R.H. Lee said:
If you're a single issue voter seeking a safe haven from antigun legislation by voting Republican, you need to take a look at the erosion of the rest of yours rights by way of big government expansionism and global corporatism. You might end up with the legal right to possess firearms, and not much else.

What are they going to for the Democrat...maybe some 1% third party?
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