How to reply to my friend who says this

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ask him to find just 5 instances in your area where the police actually stopped a crime (as opposed to arresting someone for actually committing it)

I'll be amazed if he can find 1
That's why I don't "jack" with my pistol, it goes in the holster and it stays there. I don't take it out to show it to people, or check it, or admire it... like Tuner would say, "It ain't a toy and it ain't your friend."
Simples Rules for Simple Guys

Rule # 1: Don't "jack" with your sidearm. Consistently practice basic firearm safety. When in dout, refer to Rule # 3.

Rule #2: Just as you have a spare tire 'just in case' and a spare house key 'just in case' and a fire extinguisher 'just in case' get your CCW permit and some tactical training & practice and keep it to protect yourself and your loved ones 'just in case. Hopefully you'll never have to use your spare tire, your spare housekey, your fire extinguisher or your firearm. Keep Rule # 3 in mind.

Rule #3: You have a DUTY to protect your family. Do your duty,
And don't forget Rule # 1.
GunGoBoom said:
...keeps a .357 revolver in the car for protection...

Depending on where you live and where he keeps the .357 in the car, he may already carrying concealed and may be breaking the law.
While I appreciate your concern for your friend, I have to agree with the others who've counselled letting it lie.

IMHO, there're so many levels of wishfull thinking and denial going on in that head of his that I'm afraid that only experiencing and, hopefully, surviving a Darwinian Moment is going to change his attitude. I'm afraid that no amount of reasoned rhetorical argument is likely to do it, as it's my impression that he seems to believe that since he already has the requisite Talismans (firearms) they will somehow magically empower him to rise to the challenge in the Gravest Extreme.

As long as he believes that any potential threat is too nebulous to warrant serious concern and preparation, there's unfortunately not much of substance you can do about it.
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