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I hit the jackpot!

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Mar 6, 2003
Granddad passed away a couple of years ago and my aunt finally got around to cleaning out his house. She called me up for the day and I helped moving furniture and doing all of the stuff that this entails.

Well she brought out an old chest of granddads things and inside with the bunches of pics from his time as a naval officer during WWII were his Carcano rifle in excellent condition and his military field manuals including the M1911 field manual in pristine condition PRINTED IN 1941!!!

There are piles of good stuff in here that I haven't even gotten to yet including his uniform, medals, officers sword etc.

And the best part, was when she walked up and said, "he wanted you to have this cause he knew you'd appreciate it.

Today was a good day.
My Granddad passed away early last month. I got some of his stuff. I sure as hell don't feel like I hit the jackpot.

Maybe you should try to restrain your glee at your "jackpot" and think a little about the ticket that got punched so you could collect.
Ease up, guys. The gentleman's grandfather passed away a couple of years ago. I'm sure he's not celebrating the death, but death is an integral part of the cycle of life. Two years is long enough to allow for grieving. I think it's okay to now celebrate finding mementos of the grandfather.
+1 on Aguila. There's no call to rag on someone like that, even if Grandpa passed yesterday. You have no way of knowing the situation.
It's been two years, give him a break. Personally, I would be thrilled to think that when my kids inherit my "collection" they would feel they hit the jackpot. I read the post as someone honoring the memory of a grandfather who has served his country proudly, and specifically wanted this gentleman to have some of his prized memorabilia.

What would be tragic is to have no one care a whit about your memorabilia. That would be sad. I hope Stage 2 enjoys many years of recalling his grandfather, his service and his exploits. Battles in Italy were pitched and fierce, so I am sure that Caracano meant something to him. Uniform, ribbons, patches? Sweet. I wish I had my dad's. At least my brother has his 7.7 Japanese rifle (with mum, bolt cover, and flimsy monopod). I can't hold that rifle without wondering about all the island landings in the first three waves, night battles, days at sea, and the impending landing on Japan itself.

These were men of the great generation and it nice to see someone that appreciates one man's memory.
You did hit the jackpot! Nothing wrong with feeling that way.

I was not lucky enough to recieve these types of items that belonged to my grandpa. I did get his lapel pin for 30 years service with the Federal Gov't,
Grandad was a meat inspector. I remember him taking me to the slaughter house and the Kahn's plant when I was very young. I cherish the memories!

You are very lucky to have recieved military memorabilia, aside from personal value it has real value as well. Nothing wrong with feeling like you hit the lottery, you did!

I'm glad your grandfather's legacy is now in the hands of someone who cares.

You have a lot to live up to.

There is much of which you can be proud.

Keep the spirit of his commitment alive and honor his memory.

I can understand your joy at finding the riches he left you. I imagine he would be pleased that you value them.

Cherish what he has entrusted to you.

His torch is yours.
Its stuff like this which really make me wonder why I even bother posting on forums anymore. I was trying to share an enjoyable experience and some jackass has to take it out of context or read into it. Only an idiot would presume that my pride in these family heirlooms somehow indicates that I prefer these tangible things to my grandads company.

And to think I was going to take some time and post some pics.:banghead:
Go ahead and posts the pics, guy. The two things you mention are only a jackpot to you for two reasons-they belonged to your grandfather and he wanted you to have them.
Come on Stage 2, some of them went off half cocked, but many more of us understand what you meant and are happy that you get to remember your grandfather who served our country well. Death is apart of life and I know I felt a special bond when I went out trap shooting with my grandfather's LC Smith. I never met him, as he died 16 years before I was born, but you just know it's there.
Stage 2

Dude, read my post above.

Then bring on the pics.

He shared them with you. I'm happy he did.

So, come on, share them people you know will appreciate them.

Feel free to ignore any flak you may see from anyone who can't grasp the good here.
Ignore them, and please do post some pictures, after all YOU are now the curator of you Grandads legacy....what better way to keep it alive than by sharing with those who care (us THR folks) and are interested?

I am sorry for your loss, and elated at your enthusiasm for feeling you "hit the jackpot" at getting his momentos....hope my kids and grandkids will feel the same way one day. :)
Honor his life by cherishing his belongings he truly wanted you to have when he checked out. Now you have something to pass down to your children or grandchildren to honor him through your family tree for many lifetimes to come.

Your excitment at these belongings is exactly how he would want you feel and likely the reason he chose you to receive them. I personally would make a point to frame some of the items to display on my wall so I could share his experiences and triumphs (the medals) for others to enjoy as you obviously do.

Something like a framed in shadow box to display the medals.

I have a few of these family type things I received from my grandparents or uncles as a child and I put their value beyond the dollar for reasons I'm sure you understand.

Enjoy and share the heritage. Don't worry about the overly critical folks, it just can't be helped by some is all, as they interpret your joy as a long awaited pay off instead of the way you honor his life through yours by cherishing his prized belongings.

And to further support the views of the more rational members, and their words of encouragement to you, I would point out this contrast. Many jumped in and defended you (although you needed no defending) and those few that tried to chastise you haven't come back and even said "my bad". I'm more of a lurker here than a large contributor, and I don't know the members here as well as I do on other forums, so I'll watch what I say. Be that as it may, I think the jag-offs that jumped on you could at least acknowledge that they were way off the mark and owe you an apology. But perhaps they're just bitter and jealous because their own grandfathers, fathers, whatever, didn't leave them squat. And with outlooks like their's, is it any wonder? :neener: Don't sweat small words from small people who can't be bothered to come back and admit their mistakes. I want to see pics of you wearing Granddad's uniform and dress sword. Enjoy and preserve your family treasures.

Peace and God bless, Wolfsong.
You're very fortunate, my friend. Very fortunate indeed.

My grandfather was a quiet man, and neither my father nor I knew much about him as a person, because he was a very quiet man. He was a field engineer (IIRC) during WWII for the Army, and we've got a couple old crank radios from that. He also worked for the FBI until retirement. I know that he still had his service revolver (Detective Special) and a 3" Series 1 Colt Woodsman (in mint condition) at the time of his passing.

My dad was the youngest child by 16 years, and his older siblings are females - one a Long Island Liberal, the other a Fruit and Nuts Californian. The LIL, being the eldest, was the one responsible for carrying out the will as she was the closest, and his firearms "seem to have gotten lost" - or so my aunt says. It's very, very disheartening, both due to the emotional significance of having the revolver, and the rarity of the Woodsman. She probably threw them into the river or turned them into the police...

It kind of makes the whole affair of his death lacking a solid conclusion.
And, lest you think I'm raining on your parade, that was not my intent. I'm glad you are able to have those small, few - yet at the same time, immensely important - reminders of your grandfather's being. I know that whenever I smell Old Spice aftershave, I think of my grandfather, and that's (oddly) a very important thing for me. I can't imagine that the negative posters are even old enough to have lost a loved one.

My (other) grandfather recently gifted me with the .22LR rifle I grew up shooting, and which he taught me to shoot with. He's ailing in health (lymphatic cancer), offloading his worldly possessions, and currently it's difficult to shoot due to the memories. But, I know that down the line, it will only be the fond memories I recall without sadness, and I'll hopefully be able to pass on those memories to my children and grandchildren.
yea post the pics dont worry about the twits who think they know how you shoud feel i lost my mum (mom to you lot) a few years back an i miss her but when i found a chest of her stuff i thought id hit the jackpot to
Ignore the negative posters. I'd probably feel the same way. My Grandfather passed away when I was young, 7 or 8, before I got bitten by the history bug. All I know is from what little I pieced together, he was in the 8th armored and I have a picture of him sitting on top of a Sherman. I'd asked my grandmother and father about him but was told he never would talk about it, not once. Would just simply say war was war and ignore anything else asked.

I wish I knew more about what he did over there, wish I had his ribbons or just an inkling... But he took it with him. I'd consider you lucky, not in the fact that he's passed on, but in the thought that you have a memory of him and his memories. Cherish those and he's never really gone
Stage 2

I would consider myself lucky as well. You lost your grandfather a couple of years ago and now have a chest full of memories. You did hit the jackpot; a jackpot of memories of someone, who I wuold imagine, was an integral part of your life.

Ignore those who chastised you.
I have an old Side-by Double shotgun that was my Grandfathers... I never met the man, he died before I was born, but it was passed on to my father, then to my brother that had no use for it, and then to me... I shot it a few weeks ago for the first time since at least 1950... Anyhow, great sotry Stage!! Enjoy!
Stage 2:

Yes, you certainly "hit the jackpot" in terms of things passed on to you from your grandfather. Those things are certainly treasures to you, just as things I have from my deceased elders are very highly treasured by me. "Gramps" must have known those things would be enjoyed and preserved by you. Quoting "Auntie Em": "he wanted you to have this cause he knew you'd appreciate it." tells us everything we need.

My dad got into one of his 'clean out the joint' modes one time and tossed the boxes of WWII photos & stuff, including the Silver Star he earned in the Pacific Theatre. Don't know when it happened, but it did. Wish I had some of those things. Mom didn't even know when it got tossed.

Honor his memory. Tell the nay-sayers "Go pound sand"
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You hit the jackpot indeed.
Both in knowing your grandfather and now having possession of the treasures he wanted you to have.
Both of my grandfathers passed before I was born. The only grandmother I knew was on her deathbed at the time.
I have nothing to remember them by, and nothing to remember, period.
Treasure what you have. HE wanted you to have them to remember him, so do.
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