I just bought my first rifle...

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Nov 25, 2006
Milwaukee, WI
A CZ 550 Safari Magnum in .458 Lott. I know it's a bit much as a first rifle, but I have a fascination with shoulder fired artillery. I'm shooting it for the first time tomorrow. It sure is easy to hold, easy on the eyes, and feels utterly at home when shouldered. I'm going to shoot Hornady .458Win. 500 gr RN Interbonds, and will try not to fight the recoil. I've done some reading here before I registered, and hope to put to good use the experiences of others. Wish me luck!:)
.458 Lott? As a first rifle? Hoo-boy I don't quite think you know what you're in for. Do you have any experience to lean on or is this your first time shooting a rifle? I would fold a very thick towel and drape it over the shooting shoulder. Hold it tight, I've heard stories of people suffering all kinds of ailments from not holding onto a powerful rifle like that sufficiently. I have heard of things like concussions, detached retinas, broken collar bones, etc. Can't say I can verify them, just stories I've heard from different places. Not trying to discourage, in fact I'm impressed at the guts displayed. Good luck!
I suggest you fire it standing up, not seated at a bench. Lean forward into it and let it rock you back on your heels...like you're going to have a choice. :)

Just kidding, have fun.

And don't drop it when it goes off. ;)

yes please,it is a must.Video your first session with the rifle and show us.:cool:
I hear the .458 Lott is a dandy squirrel gun. I've been using a .45-70, but I'm thinking of moving to a .458 Lott or .460 Weatherby myself because I've found it difficult to stop a hard-charging and wounded bushy tail.
quote;I hear the .458 Lott is a dandy squirrel gun. I've been using a .45-70, but I'm thinking of moving to a .458 Lott or .460 Weatherby myself because I've found it difficult to stop a hard-charging and wounded bushy tail

agh just admit it....you enjoy seeing the big SPLAT! that it makes.:p
Don't those magnum CZ's need stock reinforcements to avoid cracking under the heavy recoil?

I would seriously invest in a smaller rifle too, so you don't ruin your shooting potential by giving yourself a flinch.
quote;You are obviously unfamiliar with the type of squirrel I hunt.

haha!...obviously I was.:p

where I go shooting at certain times of the year these big ugly locusts are always around....you should see what a 357 or 44 magnum does to those....I always spare the ones mating,I mean I have some decency
So you only shoot the locusts that can't get laid huh? That's just so wrong. What a world.

At least the mating locusts would be going out with a bang.
I think you might not find your first experience in shooting a rifle to be a fun or edifying one if you go straight for a brute of a rifle like that. For heaven's sake, plop down 50 or 60 bucks and get a used .22 rifle and fool around with it for a couple of weeks before graduating to that cannon.

Well, whatever you do, I wish you well, sir.
A .458 Lott is a perfect choice for a first rifle. Most ppl go with something small like a .460 Weatherby or a .375 Ultra Mag, but IMHO you can't beat a .458 Lott to learn the basics. As an added plus, as you already know, it shoots the mild .458 Winchester, which is perfect for a beginning shooter and relatively inexpensive.
I hope you learn to hit with it someday, in the future, down the road...:D

Just don't anticipate the trigger (called "flinch"). Gently squeeze and let the trigger surprise you. Get your buddy to bring you the target so when you wake up in the emergency room, you can see where you hit....:what:
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