I just got a lecture this morning....

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Apr 29, 2006
I just got a lecture this morning from the person who guards (checks receipts, usually a retired person wearing civilian clothing and a red vest) the exit at the local WallyWorld.

I stopped by WallyWorld this morning on the way to work to buy some ammunition for a trip to the range this weekend. I am gearing up to reload, but certain key components are back-ordered at Midway. So I decided to stop at WallyWorld, they usually have the best prices.

On my way out, the guard asked for my receipt, I showed it to her, she then asked what was in the bags. As soon as I said the word ammunition she looked at me as if I was the devil himself, proceeded to tell me how shooting is a very bad thing, asked why I need a gun, and said it is very dangerous. This went on for a good five minutes. After which I left.

I am currently drafting a letter of complaint to WallyWorld.

BTW, I live in New York. This particular WallyWorld is frequented a lot by police officers and civilians alike for ammunition.
That's terrible.

To be honest with you, I would have just started laughing. And then I would have left in the middle of her lecture going, "Yeah, okay, sure lady."
I always just hold up the receipt as I keep on walking. I'm already PO'd that they treat every customer as a potential shoplifter. She'd be telling her story to the closing door if it was me.
I should have walked away, but I have some weird respect for all authority figures. Even though it came in the form of a retired person in a red vest guarding the exit at WallyWorld.
just walk out the door. once you pay at the register the items are yours, and the store has no business pawing through your bags or looking at your receipt.

definitely send the letter.
I don't blame him for staying to listen to the lecture. Must have been pretty amusing.

Or you could have asked him why he was working for a company that sells guns and ammo.
$10.95 for a box of CCI Brass .45 ACP is good reason to shop there, but the door checker has no authority to stop you whatsoever. I paid legally for my items at from the moment of sale, they are MINE and I need not prove that to anyone, least of all an opinionated and misinformed anti.

Next time they try to stop you, just keep on walking and see what happens. NOTHING. They have no authority to detain you and need to stop treating everyone like the lowest shoplifter.
At my local Walmart, they're more likely to ask you why you don't have ammo. LOL

In my experience, Walmart does a pretty good job taking care of complaints when the worker didn't do their job/did something they're not supposed to. I'd be willing to be she doesn't bother anyone else after that.
I think listening to the spiel is a small price to pay for the "standing" to write that letter. Perhaps WalMart will correct her behavior.
I think I would have gotten the manager and taken them to the presumptious person and asked them why this was allowed to happen.
Assuming I had the time, I'd just ignore her as she went on her rant, walk over to the customer service/returns counter where the 1-800 corporate number is usually posted, put it in my cell phone, then go stand right next to her and let her overhear as I lodged a complaint over her behavior with their customer service line.

Whatever people may say about Wally-World, the one consistent truth seems to be that complaint calls to their corporate HQ get acted on, and promptly. Considering that a simple call over an anti-CCW sign can get them removed, a door checker going on a rant about legal products the store she works at sells ought to get some serious smack-down from on high.

And who knows, the whole incident might be good for a $25 "we're sorry" gift-card and another free box of WWB or CCI Blazer... :cool:
I'd say your standing and listening was respectful and the right thing to do. granted it was very rude and uncalled for that she felt she must lecture you and change your evil ways. I've always been one to listen to older folks when they talk to me, even if it sometimes is just dribble.
I just keep walking. They don't need to see my receipt, and I will not be treated as a shoplifter. What are they going to do, not let me leave? Yeah, try it.

It's the same as the prepay business at gas stations. Dammit, do I have to leave a C-note at with the cashier before I start putting groceries in my basket at the supermarket?

As for the do-gooder with the advice, I'd have told her to mind her own business and left it at that. High road? Maybe not, but oh well. What happened to keeping your nose out of another man's business?
Wal-mart controls prices by controlling theft. Plus, some folks assume that the people at the doors are actually "greeters." More than a few of 'em are retired service, and I suspect a few cops and loss prevention folks in there.
"Is your employer paying you to tell customers NOT to buy WalMart products?"

Controlling theft is one thing, but the end does not justify the means. Find a better, non intrusive way to do it or cease and desist the activity. Simple to me!
I have to agree with AJ Dual, I would have filed a compliant right there in front of her. I'm sure that would have stopped her from doing the same thing to another shopper.
Wal-mart controls prices by controlling theft. Plus, some folks assume that the people at the doors are actually "greeters." More than a few of 'em are retired service, and I suspect a few cops and loss prevention folks in there.

Maybe at your Wal-Mart, but around here, these folks don't appear to know left from right or what day it is.

Besides, if Wal-Mart wants to control theft, maybe they ought to watch the back door and some of their employees. Or so I've heard.
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