I thought silencers were legal in 36 states?

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El Tejon said:
Unarmed, no fair making fun of American ignorance!
I see it as a fair deal...you mix up the countries in Europe, I fail to keep track of the US states. Deal? :D :evil:
tellner said:
The news story was some time. I could have sworn it was Sweden, but you may be right about Finland. It wouldn't be the first time I've been mistaken.
Hey, I would be dancing with joy if silencers were unregulated here...still need a gun to use em with though :(. Otherwise I would have to bash the zombies to, eh, re-death with it... :evil: :D
Unarmed, I saw an announcement a couple months ago for an antique arms auction in Sweden. I'll bet one of the halberds or two-handed swords up for bid would work against zombies. :D
Unarmed, I saw an announcement a couple months ago for an antique arms auction in Sweden. I'll bet one of the halberds or two-handed swords up for bid would work against zombies.
I would feel so bad to use a fine old sword to bash zombies with. I'm thinking of buying a high quality replica :). Pricey, but I won't ruin anything of historical value if I need something when something goes bump in the night :)
Antique firearms (cap and ball) are exempted from license. There is an collectors show quite soon in my town, and there has always been this guy there who sells old blackpowder rifles :). If they are safe to shoot, I might get one, if my economy allows for it :). They are excempted from storage laws too I think, atleast one doesn't need a burglar safe cabinet for them :)
Unarmed Shooter to El Tejon: "I see it as a fair deal...you mix up the countries in Europe, I fail to keep track of the US states. Deal?"

See, this is the worldwide division of labor that makes modern economies work! But who will confuse which South American countries speak what langauge? That's got to be addressed! (What's Portugese for "Ballester-Molina?")

I sure do wish suppressors were easier to come by in the States; I like the local indoor range but on busy days, even double ear protection isn't enough!

I laugh at the argment that supressors are soooo useful to assasins. They're completely unnecesary for that use.

Seriously, shoot a gun in your house. No one will call the cops, no one will come knock on your door. The sound can't leave your house, cross the yard, enter another, and still be louder than their TV. And even if the gunshot was outside, one shot would at most get a glance toward the street.

But, there's something much more insidious in these lies. It slowly convinces people that they should be banned, then that they are banned, and eventually they are banned, and by then no one knows the difference.
Not to hijack the thread, but does anyone have a link to a source discussing suppressors being made legal in MI?

Here's the skinny (and I have verified this with an MI Class III dealer): The AG (Attorney General) Michael Cox issued an opinion not too long ago and sent it off to the ATF that essentially states that Michigan's license requirement for owning a machine gun was satisfied if MI residents had the Federal forms. Essentially giving the middle finger to the Legislative branch for enacting a licensing requirement but never creating a license, and reversing the AG opinion from 1977.

Previously in Michigan you could get a machine gun, but you had to have a C&R (Curio and Relic) license and the firearm had to be C&R.

By stating that the Federal tax forms qualify as a license the supressores get legitimized because they're also in the same section of the law. No luck with SBRs (Short Barreled Rifles) or SBSs (Short Barreled Shotguns) though. They're off in a seperate section.

The paperwork has been sent off to the ATF as as if Jan 28th I think it was legal to buy a MG in Michigan. However, the ATF said that they weren't sure if this reversed the MI position on sound supressors, so, according to the Class III dealer guy: "Even though he shouldn't have to, Cox is going to send a clarification to the ATF that surpessors are qualified" or something to that effect. I wasn't take notes, but that was the jist of what he said.

I may finally get to 007 my P99.
Funny... the first thing I supress will likely be my P22. :)
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