If in Illinois OPPOSE House Bill 5855. Protect Illinois Communities Act

There are a number of issues that have led to this, and three come to mind. First, Chicago, which drives Illinois politics has been pretty successful in fighting the 2A. They had a handgun ban in place for years until it was overturned in court and as far as I know there are still no gun shops or ranges in the city limits. Restricting people's access to handguns and ranges means a significant percentage of the population has grown up not owning guns, and enough of these people don't care about the 2A as it's never been part of their lives. Second, in the area we moved from a year and a half ago social issues were the priority among people there, and they don't care about gun ownership. It's amazing to me that people once again voted for social issues above the safety of themselves and their families and re-elected politicians who favor the rights of violent criminals over law abiding gun owners. Finally, Chicago has been corrupt as long as I can remember. Jokes such as "vote early and vote often" and about dead people voting are no longer funny, as this corruption goes a long way towards keeping these people in power. I understand that people get the government they vote for, but I have lifelong friends that still live there who I see often. They didn't vote for this and don't deserve it.
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Dear ISRA Members:

The ISRA is seeking Plaintiffs

Illinois Law Signed into Effect by Governor Pritzker Violates the Second Amendment

An unconstitutional law is in effect in Illinois now that Governor JB Pritzker has signed legislation approved by the Illinois House and Senate. We will be joining with the Second Amendment Foundation (with whom ISRA has successfully partnered many times in the past) and the Firearms Policy Coalition (with whom ISRA is currently partnered in two federal 2A lawsuits) in challenging many aspects of the new law.

To further these legal challenges, ISRA is seeking potential Plaintiffs to challenge the following restrictions:

1. the assault weapon ban/registration requirement, which gives owners until Jan. 1 to register serial numbers with the Illinois State Police;

2. the large capacity magazine ban;

3. the FOID card prohibition for 18–20-year-olds.

ISRA remains at the forefront of fighting for Illinoisans' 2A rights, including working with the top legal minds across the Country practicing in this area.

If you are interested in participating as a Plaintiff in any of these planned legal actions, please contact ISRA immediately by email at [email protected]. Please provide your contact information (address/phone) and which lawsuit(s) you are referencing.

Thank you,


Richard Pearson
Executive Director
Illinois State Rifle Association

If any Illinois residents want to join the suit here is how to do it. I don't know how they can get past the standing test if the law hasn't been enforced yet. States out west have sought to have suits against bans dismissed because the plaintiff suffered no damages because the law wasn't enforced against them.
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I'm still on an e-mail list of a LGS in the Chicago area and received an e-mail from them yesterday. They're filing suit against the state based on procedural issues, as Illinois did not not follow violated procedure in the way they passed this bill. They're also filing a federal lawsuit based on a number of things including common use issues.
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I have my differences with Pearson, I’ve known him for years, but the ISRA has the lead in the lawsuits and they will partner with those other groups like they have in the past. Anything you give to the ISRA will go to the Illinois lawsuit not towards suits in other states.
Time to back a sheriff who's backing us:

Support DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick

The Illinois State Rifle Association strongly encourages all members and friends to voice support for DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick. He is facing adversity for supporting our 2nd Amendment rights.

We are encouraging you to either attend tomorrow’s DuPage County board meeting at 9:30 A.M. (meeting begins promptly at 10 A.M.) 3rd floor, DuPage County Administration Building 421 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, or click here to contact the DuPage County Board to tell them you support Sheriff Mendrick.

Thank you for your continued support.



Richard Pearson
Executive Director
Illinois State Rifle Association
The sheriffs and second amendment sanctuary movement is really bothing them:

MDA Trying to Stop McHenry from Becoming 2A Sanctuary

Moms Demand Action is trying to prevent McHenry County from becoming a 2A sanctuary. Please spread the word.

There is a McHenry County Law and Government Committee meeting TOMORROW (Tuesday, January 31, 2023) at 8:30 AM in the McHenry County Board Conference Room located at 667 Ware Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098

View the agenda HERE

If you are unable to attend in person, please consider contacting the committee members directly and expressing your opposition.

Their contact information can be found HERE


Richard A Pearson
Executive Director

PO Box 637
420 E Locust St
Chatsworth Illinois 60921

I promise to send money to the opponent of anyone who votes against it in the next election.
Preliminary injunction granted!!

This isn't the end. Keep supporting the ISRA and GOA. We now have conflicting opinions in the federal courts. A judge in the Northern District of Illinois ruled the law constitutional and a three judge panel the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals refused to grant a preliminary injunction halting the law, that case is waiting for the full court to hear the appeal. Judge McGlynn has granted a preliminary injunction blocking the state from enforcing the law state wide. The state is certain to appeal this to the 7th Circuit.