If you have nothing to hide....

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Dec 26, 2002
Outside The People's Republic of Boulder, CO
Looks like "backscatter" is moving toward wide application at airports. Great, just frelling great... :fire:

Air travelers stripped bare with X-ray machine

By Thomas Frank, USA TODAY
The agency in charge of the nation's air security expects later this year to begin using a controversial X-ray machine that will show airport screeners a clear picture of what's under passengers' clothes — whether weapons or just bare skin.

Screeners plan to test the "backscatter" machines at several U.S. airports, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) says. The refrigerator-sized machines are considered a breakthrough in scanning technology but have been labeled "a virtual strip search" by the American Civil Liberties Union. (Related story: Airports test 'futureworld' devices)

Security workers using the machines can see through clothes and peer at whatever may be hidden in undergarments, shirts or pants. The images also paint a revealing picture of a person's nude body.

The devices can potentially be used to screen hundreds of millions of air travelers each year, although TSA says more study is needed to determine how the devices may be used at U.S. airports. The agency declined to say when and where it expects to test the machines.

Continues at link....


Source: http://www.usatoday.com/travel/news/2005-05-15-airport-xray-bottomstrip_x.htm

Time to research what blocks the radiation and work it into a line of clothes. Tin-foil suit anyone?

As folks give up more Liberties for the sake of Freedom , I can see this "backscatter" being implemented in Corporate, Business, Retail, Service Gubmint settings where the Serfs are discourgaged to / denied the right to protect themselves. It is for sake of the State you know.

Word is our Airport is really nice inside with the upgrades - I wouldn't know. Don't plan on finding out - I allowed my passport to expire. I'll stick to seeing the USA in my Chevrolet - thank you very much.
If the ACLU is against it, I wonder if we could yet see hordes of nekkid college students swarming the airports to protest it...

Jes' wondering.

I think most of us have seen this coming for quite a while ... that doesn't make this news any more palatable ... Quite a disturbing and revolting development.
The images also paint a revealing picture of a person's nude body.
Having seen video of this technology in use, I'd have to agree with that statement ... and this would be another crystal clear indicator of the horrible, horrible potential for abuse of this system. If there were TSA personnel entertaining themselves with the strip searches, imagine how easily entertained they'll be now.
I recall they first started using this in London and it pissed a bunch of people off. The catch, however, was that it was optional and the incentive to use it was you get to go to the front of the line.

Hardly worth the trade-off! Something tells me it won't be optional before too long, however. Sad state of affairs.

A little bit of money to reinforce the cockpit door and a sidearm for each pilot would solve this whole 'terrorism' thing in short order.
Haven't used the Airlines since 911, let my passport expire too. Road travel only. Yeah, thought it would come to this eventually. Hopefully it doesn't transpire into the corporate workplace. But federal, state and city workers, of which I am a member, look for more privacy invasions and loss of rights, for the priviledge of being employed.
TSA #1 " Had a really bad day today at work.
TSA #2 " What happened? "
TSA #1 " Overeaters-R-Us came thru my checkpoint"

No disrespect intended, just well part of the job - can't always be college babes running off to Cancun. ;)
I lost interest in flying long ago - this just cements a dislike for the experience.... er, the process preceding it. :rolleyes:
A little bit of money to reinforce the cockpit door and a sidearm for each pilot would solve this whole 'terrorism' thing in short order.
There ya go. But why take logical defensive measures? That would reduce the need for a bigger, more intrusive government bureaucracy. And we can't have that.
Time to start wearing a piece of "jewelry" uder my shirt that says "if you can read this, you are violating my civil rights"...
"Eef ju have nothing to hide, comrade, vhy don't ju let me take a look around? After all, ju are a good Soviet, yah?"
Hollywood should be up in arms (figuratively of course :rolleyes: ) about this. Just think of all the celeb photos from these machines that are gonna start popping up on the internet!

I like the idea with the tin foil. Fortunately I'll be back in the country before these things get set up, and I don't plan on flying anywhere else any time soon.
Wow. While I don't agree with this, I dunno about these claims. I mean, we have this great invention called the internet, why would anyone want to look at blurry black and white pictures of someone, when they can get full, vibrant color, high-res pics with only a few clicks?
It gets worse than just getting nude images of the passengers. This technology can be used to reveal several extremely private aspects of the individual. Pacemakers, surgical items, penile implants, breast implants; every one of these items will be displayed on the screener's monitor.

But Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told a Senate subcommittee last month that he wants to employ the technology and doesn't want an "endless debate" over privacy issues.

Oh really? Then why don't we take pictures of him using this technology, and then post them on the Internet?
Something to be said for the American conservatism...it would clash directly with this "bright idea". Would be good to voice the opposition to the practice before it is implemented, rather than have restrict our own travel later or have to catch the people responsible and discourage them until dead. Civil wars are just so messy...
One used to be able to buy those slick X-RAY glasses years ago in the back of the Mens Magazines. I thought it was a scam back then. Maybe not?

The enterprising young feller that can turn this technology into something portable enough to put into glasses will get rich. :cool:

Then he will get arrested. :(

There are SO MANY things that they get to do in .gov that the rest of us can't.

'nuf said.
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