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In a SHTF scenario would you let a friend or neighbor borrow a gun?

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Aug 12, 2003
Portland, OR
I started thinking about this the other day when one of my friends mentioned something along the lines of "If we ever have a problem on US soil and we need a gun, we'll just borrow one from Joey". Yes, I own 23 guns, but after much thought I've come to the conclusion that I wouldn't let my friends or neighbors borrow a gun, even in a SHTF scenario. First, I think it's naive and irresponsible of them to not own their own weapons. Second, in a situation like that handing them a gun their unfamiliar and unpracticed with would not be a good idea. Most of the people I know have only shot once or twice, and that was with me. In all honesty, most couln't hit a man sized target at 100 yards with my AK, or even a pop can at 10 yards with my P226.

Would you loan your extra guns in a SHTF scenario?
I can only think of two of my friends to which I'd be willing to loan out weapons. Granted I would trust them with my life. That they already own and use firearms may or may not play into this. :scrutiny:
If the SHTF and my trusted neighbor said "You were right, I was wrong, would you please train me how to use a gun and let me borrow one? If we survive, I'll clean it and give it back, promise!", I may be inclined to cave in. :)
I have a neighbor whom is a good friend and even though he is not that experienced with guns I would not hesitate to put a gun in his hand. I would make sure he understood that unless the gun was pointed at the BG that his finger better be off the trigger, oh and don't hide behind me. ;)
Sure...lend 'em a single-shot weapon and let 'em walk point. They can draw fire and serve a purpose as "cannon fodder". Oh, OK, they can have a few rds of ammo, too! Ya never know, they might get lucky...after all, there is such a thing as "gifted amatuers".

While looking thru my guns once upon a time one of my non-shooting friends asked if he could borrow my Rem Mod 7 ltwt .243 if the opportunity arose for him to hunt Javelina with some co-workers. I said "Nope, but I MIGHT let you borrow this SKS".

When he asked why the SKS and not the Remmington I informed him that there was a big difference btwn a $59 a$$ whoopin and a $500 a$$ whoopin if he dropped it or otherwise broke it/grr'd it up.
well now that you said how many guns you own, the ATF will take all 23 of them in a SHTF situation :neener:

I might as well let a few people borrow a gun that I wouldnt need, as long as I trust they wont kill me.. and ill tell them its my last one..
Friends? Why not? Neighbors? A few of them.

Funny thing is I don't keep most of my guns at my place. They'd be out of luck.
You can only shoot one gun at a time (unless you are Neo).

I would give a gun to every able bodied man, woman, and child who would be on my side.

Philosphical points can be made after the S gets cleaned off the fan.
Yeah, if nasty stuff happens, I can come close to arming just about everyone in my little subdivision.

But I think most of 'em already have their own toys.

Whoever comes in walking point won't matter - the folks around here bow hunt...
Unless I had good reason to believe that a potential borrowee would do something egregiously stupid/irresponsible or would shoot me in the back as soon as I turned around, I'd arm everyone I could if it was a truly dire situation.

Philosphical points can be made after the S gets cleaned off the fan.

My thoughts exactly. An emergency scenario like this is not the time to be saying, "I told you so. Now go find your own"
You can only shoot one gun at a time (unless you are Neo).

I would give a gun to every able bodied man, woman, and child who would be on my side.

Philosphical points can be made after the S gets cleaned off the fan.

This is the only correct answer. Anything else is childish "nyaa-nyaa-nyaa, I told you so" stuff.
My neighbors and most of my friends are relatives of mine, And most have thier own go bangs.
If they needed one of mine to help get back to thier stash all they have to do is ask...
Friend, very few. Of course, if it were a life/death situtation, I guess any chance that they may hurt themselves is negligble anyways.

Relatives, Yes.

Neighbors, again very few.
I live in a college apartment complex, so I wouldn't trust my neighbors with a kitchen knife, let alone a handgun.

My friends on the other hand, a few.
Of course.

However unless I had been shooting with them before/knew about their gun knowledge some other way they would only be getting a bolt action. Too many things can go wrong too quickly with a semi auto.

Yes for the most part, depending on if I liked my neighbor or not... but for the most part any man or woman willing to fight for his/her country can fight at my side anytime. So long as he/she keeps the boomer end pointed at the enemy.
Friends, maybe, assuming they aren't already equipped.

Where I live, the neighbors would be the folks I would be watching.
The folks I trust mostly have their own, the few who don't are welcome to them.

As for gun biggots who've suddenly seen the light...they can load my mags.
Joey93turbo, I agree with you whole-heartedly, I would never allow anybody to borrow a gun out of my sight. I also agree that if they are so careless to not have an arm readily available, I am under no moral obligation to provide a weapon for them. I have a friend who said almost exactly the same thing that your friend said about coming to me to borrow a gun. I am not the local gun bank. I will not lend. Having said that, all of the people that I would tend to trust already have toys to bring to the party.
If it was gun that did not fit into my home defense plan I would lend it out. The problem is I don't know to many neighbors that well. I do have a couple of good friends that I know are resposible enough with a firearm that I could probably find something that they could protect themselves with.
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