Iraq and 9/11 are connected how?

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Jan 6, 2003
Put aside your opinions about the source and respond to the facts.


Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz undertook a full-fledged lobbying campaign in 1998 to get former President Bill Clinton to start a war with Iraq and topple Saddam Hussein's regime claiming that the country posed a threat to the United States, according to documents obtained from a former Clinton aide.

This new information begs the question: what is really driving the Bush Administration's desire to start a war with Iraq if two of Bush's future top defense officials were already planting the seeds for an attack five years ago?

In 1998, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were working in the private sector. Both were involved with the right-wing think tank Project for a New American Century, which was established in 1997 by William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, to promote global leadership and dictate American foreign policy...

Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries provide haven and support for terrorism, like the collapsed Soviet Union used to. Unlike a sovereign nation that has something to lose, the terrorists have the will to use whatever weapons they may obtain. What have they got to lose?
This is hardly new news or evidence...

and why would Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz want to attack Iraq (which Clinton did in 1998 although only with air weapons...)

Because they believed
the country posed a threat to the United States

And as far as I know, the administration isn't making any claim that Iraq was connected to 9/11, only that Saddam is currently harboring terrorists allied with Al Queda and is materially supporting other terrorist organizations.
While Clinton was dealing with the worldwide threat from Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz wrote to Clinton urging him to use military force against Iraq and remove Hussein from power because the country posed a threat to the United States due to its alleged ability to develop weapons of mass destruction.

I love this statement. Clinton "was dealing with the worldwide threat from Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden". Yep, excellent job. Clinton was offered bin Laden's head on a platter and TWICE TURNED IT DOWN.
I too would like to know more about will be coming up in class discussion next week.....

Keep it going!
This is standard trash from CounterPunch.

I fail to understand why saying Saddam is a threat five years ago somehow impugns the same warning today. If anything, it's a case of "told you so."
They are related in that Saddam has provided grounds for training of terrorists in Iraq & has sponsored acts of terrorism throughout the world. Directly or indirectly, Hussein is a cancer that must be cut out!:cuss:
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