It's been a real blood bath in AZ

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Here in Kentucky, just before the CCW and the "Castle Doctrine" laws were passed, the Herald Leader screamed that anarchy would swallow our state whole. Gunmen would swarm our state and plunge us into another dark age. Anyone who had an opinion on the matter (as long as the opinion was anti-gun) was interviewed by the paper and local TV stations. Quotes were made, soundbights were recorded!!
Hmmm, years later and no story on how the predictions never came to pass? I wonder why? And let's not forget the sunset of the "Assault Weapons" ban. The horror stories never came to pass in that situation either.
So now we face another tough situation...illegal immigration. and the Govt. says: "If we try to enforce the border..the economy will will lose their farms..floods...murders..anarchy...!!!
It's kinda funny how when mentioning the repeal of gun laws makes "people of certain political idealogies that hate guns" start panicking and thinking everything will go to hell and use terms like "the wild west". But in places which get their gun rights back, its as if everything becomes quieter like nothing happened.

I no longer live in CA anymore, thank the Lord. But I still have lots of friends and family there that need protection. I want to see what will happen when normal people are able to get CCW's and other bans are repealed. Maybe, there will be a lot less crime. I really just want to be there in Sacramento to see the politicians jaw's drop when statistics come back to see there are fewer victims.

But you also have to remember, there are a lot of variables in crime rates. Such as the types of people living in certain areas.
I certainly can't vote for any politician who's in favor of gun control, regardless of his other views. Just ask yourself [or anyone who would criticize you as a single issue voter], "would you vote for a candidate who supported common sense restrictions on the 4th Amendment?".

I think you've chosen a bad example here. The 4th Amendment essentially doesn't exist any more because of the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendment Act, which were easily passed with bipartisan support (including then Sen. Obama and Sens. McCain and Clinton) and signed into law by GW Bush.

Face it. The senate, in particular, has an extremely poor civil liberties track record, whether D or R. With few exceptions, people who are bad on 2a are willing to gamble away the other Amendments, as well, but there are plenty who support the 2a as a political calculation and will piss away the others as another political calculation. I can't think of an example of a sitting Senator who has a good track record on all civil liberties, except maybe Pat Leahy, who has an informal shooting range in his back yard.
This reminds me of a column written by Rochelle Riley in the Detroit Free Press. She was upset about the possibility that the city of Royal Oak might reverse their stand on open carry at a large festival. She invoked the Old West, fretted about drunks with guns (Michigan has a very strict law about guns and alcohol. The penalties are based on how far over .02 BAC - about one beer - you are). At the end of her column, she wrote, "I can make it easy for them where one participant and her family are concerned.


"Or us."

I am delighted to report the city commission voted 4-3 in favor of allowing open carry. I certainly hope Ms. Riley and her family have other plans for Labor Day weekend. :evil:
I'll tell ya. Since the new CCW law, bar/resteraunt bill, and in state ammo bill all passed AZ has gone to hell. Shootings everywhere, not safe anymore anywhere here. News story after news story of the horrors! So many I don't know how they fit the world news in at the end.

Goes to show you gun control works.....wait a minute. There hasn't been one incident yet. No shootings, no massive rioting, no problems at all. How can this be???? I guess we can start trusting our citizens now??? ...

<nodding> Just like when the AWB expired in 2004 ... from all of the Anti rhetoric one should have expected to have trouble just driving your car down the street because of all of the gunned-down bodies.
I think it would be nice if more states switched to constitutional carry like Vermont, Arizona and Alaska.

Although, I can't complain too much about the carry laws in Georgia.
I really enjoy the freedoms here in Alaska. The crime rate is low - and we don't have any leos in my town at all. We take care of ourselves and our neighbors. We have had two murders in the last 20 years

1. Drug dealer threatened to kill a bunch of people and he was found dead - 1 shot probably when trying to make good on his threat and his target was armed. That was 20 years ago

2. Drunken brawl over a stupid argument. It involved a knife and the killer was apprehended. He was later acquitted for lack of evidence. That was 4 years ago

I have more to worry about from the wildlife than the people. Moose can be rather dangerous - especially the mothers. Black bears and grizzlies are common too.
I HATE Arizona, absolutely HATE that state (and Vermont & Alaska too). Of course, I live in California and its understandable that I would!
Buck, come over here and hate directly. :)
I keep looking outside for the flood of guns on the streets...I can always use another one or two...:D
Of course, I live in California and its understandable that I would!

Nobody's sayin' you can't own a gun. Nobody's even sayin' you can't carry a gun.
All we're sayin' is you can't carry a gun in town. That's not so bad, is it? ...

Frankly, I detest the AZ constitutional carry law, for making me want to move again (depressing thought). It's even worse that they passed the firearm freedom act as well this year. What a bunch of freedom loving politicians you all have - those are the most dangerous type, so I've heard.
Murdering hordes in vermont

Yep. Lot's of murdering hordes running around up here in Vermont. You should see all those innocent deer hanging from the trees, and them damn rednecks shooting all those coyotes...OH THE HORROR.:eek:
This reminds me of a column written by Rochelle Riley in the Detroit Free Press. She was upset about the possibility that the city of Royal Oak might reverse their stand on open carry at a large festival. She invoked the Old West, fretted about drunks with guns (Michigan has a very strict law about guns and alcohol. The penalties are based on how far over .02 BAC - about one beer - you are). At the end of her column, she wrote, "I can make it easy for them where one participant and her family are concerned.


"Or us."

I am delighted to report the city commission voted 4-3 in favor of allowing open carry. I certainly hope Ms. Riley and her family have other plans for Labor Day weekend.
I sent her an email.

Define owned:

"I can make it easy for them where one participant and her family are concerned.


"Or us."


Imagine that, people selecting their constitutional rights over a loud mouthed leftist reporter.
"It's gonna turn cities back into the Old West!", eh?

Lemmesee here...

According to a lot of John Q. Publics, the Old West had a lot of people running around, shooting other folks over simple disagreements, using guns that were acquired without background checks, for example...


In major cities across the U.S., people are getting shot over simple disagreements, using guns that were acquired without background checks, etc....

In the Old West, there were areas in the southwest that were so remote that there was little law enforcement present and as a result, a lot of people were getting shot to death with no way of the identity of the shooters being determined, much less apprehended...


(Insert your own examples here. Plenty to choose from)

So, how is gun control s'posed to keep the U.S from TURNING BACK into the Old West, again?

Looks to me like the Old West is already back, ain't it?

One difference, I guess, is that according to popular belief: in the Old West, people were considered to be mostly responsible for their own safety and part of that was using their own common sense. That muscle appears to be atrophying in some of the arenas that are supposed to be making educated decisions regarding the good of the inhabitants.

...Just sayin'...
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Well there is a problem. At night the insistent gunfire keeps me awake, and in the morning when I take out the trash I have to step around the bodies… :what:

But that’s in Chicago, Washington D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, … not here in rural Arizona. :scrutiny: :D
I used to think that a National law would be better than individual state laws but the Anti's would only have an easier time getting one law changed rather than fighting their diry little fight in all 50 states.
It would be great if all 50 states would get together and agree on a basic set of conditions and rules so all would have reciprocity and we wouldn't have to carry a book with us to tell us what hoops we have to jump thru when crossing a state border.
Its too bad you don't see any news stories about decreasing crime rates following expansion of gun rights. Of course that wouldn't be news.
It would be great if all 50 states would get together and agree on a basic set of conditions and rules so all would have reciprocity and we wouldn't have to carry a book with us to tell us what hoops we have to jump thru when crossing a state border.

Let the feds control gun rights? Nah, let's not...
And all that violence from AZ is spilling across the NM border.

Damn you Arizona for having such weak gun laws! After all the violence in Vermont you'd think our country would have learned something!
It would be great if all 50 states would get together and agree on a basic set of conditions and rules so all would have reciprocity and we wouldn't have to carry a book with us to tell us what hoops we have to jump thru when crossing a state border.

It would be… only if it were calibrated to the currently least restrictive state (that being VT). I'm not going to give up my right to carry without a permit (like any adult should be able) so you can have reciprocity. Especially since adopting VT's standard would actually be constitutional. There's just not a lot of momentum for offering permits in VT, for reciprocity purposes or otherwise. We don't need your stinking permission slips.

And, likely, a national standard would be more akin to NY state's ideas than VT's. No thank you.
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