I've concluded that all sports radio is anti gun

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Glock River

Nov 28, 2008
Before everyone says "I don't listen to sports radio" or "sports radio is garbage blah blah blah," I want to establish right off that most guys listen to a little sports radio, regardless of what they claim.

I listen to Rome's show because it's funny. He has said things in the past that are clearly meant to make his listeners believe he is not anti gun, but I believe that is a lie.

I almost never listen to local sports radio but with this plaxico situation, the local sports radio big mouths are talking about guns. My shock at their ignorance about firearms and their anti gun attitude (all while claiming they are pro gun) is proof of how little I listen to local sports radio.

Sports radio is a funny animal. It's a guy's hangout, and since there aren't many places left where only guys are involved, sports radio has some bizarre behaviors since it is ONLY catering and marketing to guys (unlike everything else in society which is mostly marketed to women).

Since the macho-ness is flowing on sports radio, the hosts and guests don't DARE be openly anti gun, however, I noticed today that while the hosts and guests go out of their way to say they "don't care if you have a gun," and they go out of their way to claim they are pro 2nd amendment, THEY REPEAT LINE AFTER LINE that is straight from the gun ban groups (no exaggeration here either).

As I was listening to these ignorant buffoons, they were saying "look I'm pro gun, but do it right, get licensed." :fire::banghead: The icing on their cake of ignorance was when they said it's easy to get a permit in New York :banghead: Well I called in and told them what a long EXPENSIVE nightmare it is to get a purchase permit and how it is next to impossible to get a NY carry permit. He let me talk for about 30 seconds before hanging up (how dare I challenge his ignorance).

The funny part was how they knew I had caught them in ignorance, so they spent several minutes after I was off the line, saying over and over how "it doesn't matter how hard it is to get a new york permit, Plaxico should have done it the right way."

My conclusion from this eye opening experience is this:

1. PLEASE call your local sports radio shows and inform these liars who claim to be pro gun that they are constantly saying anti gun things like "you should be licensed," "get licensed" (even if none is required :rolleyes:), or "guns kill," or "if you feel the need to carry a gun there is something wrong" etc.

2. The sports world is massively ignorant about the 2nd amendment. We have seriously neglected the sports world. If you want to make converts to the 2nd amendment, don't spend endless energy trying to reason with gun haters like aunt Linda, try to reach these ignorant guys who listen to sports radio.

3. I have NEVER heard so many anti gun talking points out of one tv/radio program. Furthermore I have certainly never heard so much anti gun drivel, while simultaneously hearing from the same idiots that they are "very pro gun." I think these sports radio guys are just massively ignorant because their whole life is sports, but the ease with which they start spewing anti gun rhetoric convinces me that these elitist sports radio hosts are quietly very anti gun who blame guns for crime.

4. I can't leave out how these sports radio hosts run like scared little children when the gun issue is brought up. It's nothing short of incredible to behold, especially since it is coming from guys who put on this "manly" persona. They are terrified of the gun issue. They run from it and clearly they know they don't know anything about it, yet ironically, they won't "man up" and deal with the issue and search for truth. Which is even more ironic because these guys are constantly telling sports athletes to "man up and take responsibility."
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It's the sports world. They are massively ignorant of most causes, including ours. I don't see why they need to be informed of this. I don't think that a sports radio host's opinion is going to do much to hurt us. This seems a little pointless. If he was a politician or a news reporter with a political agenda, that would be different, but since he's not pushing an agenda or focussing on the topic very intensely, just let it go. He probably doesn't know a whole lot about diabetes either, but he might have an opinion on it. It's ok. All he really needs to know is sports, unless he's trying to use his position to gain political support for anti-gun legislation, in which case a letter campaign is called for.
I agree with expvideo, It's not really that big a deal.

But - don't think I'm anti-gun just because I'm Aussie. I've been converted :)

Don't let it work you up too much. You'll make yourself sick
They are massively ignorant of most causes, including ours. I don't see why they need to be informed of this. I don't think that a sports radio host's opinion is going to do much to hurt us. This seems a little pointless.
Wow, you could not be more incorrect. I thought we were in basic agreement here that our #1 goal is to educate people about the truth about guns and the 2nd amendment with the purpose of preserving our rights. Apparently I was wrong because we clearly are NOT in agreement. "Pointless?" Wow. The more I observe guys, the more I develop the belief that nowadays they are afraid to a take a stand. That is the rule. In the gun community, there are a lot of exceptions to that rule because we are threatened. I look forward to other posters who are NOT afraid to educate and take a stand (and camouflage it behind not caring and calling it pointless).

Sports radio reaches GUYS who are our most valuable asset (i.e. guys who are masculine but are ignorant about guns). The sports world is one of the last places where guys actually act like guys. Why would you ignore such a powerful tool? Clearly there is an UNSPOKEN undercurrent of pro gun energy in the sports world, but these anti gun radio hosts (who everyone is afraid to challenge) keep it buried.

So do you guys also not even try to influence your congresspeople? I'm just wondering because you seem awful quick to encourage INACTION. Is writing an editorial also "pointless" to you guys?

Since you guys were so quick to take a dump on what I'm saying, please give me YOUR suggestions for reaching the ignorant guys who spread misinformation about firearms. From the sound of your posts, I think your "solution" is to give up.

Don't let it work you up too much. You'll make yourself sick
Oh sorry, how dare I encourage ACTION. How dare I be pro active. Maybe not getting "worked up" is the reason we've had so many national and state gun bans strapped to our backs. But hey, you're right, we should just give up. That tactic worked so well in Australia we should try it here too :rolleyes: By all means, DON'T get too "worked up" about your liberties or anything. They are easily recovered once they are lost :fire:
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Before everyone says "I don't listen to sports radio" or "sports radio is garbage blah blah blah," I want to establish right off that most guys listen to a little sports radio, regardless of what they claim.
I NEVER listen to sports radio, EVER. They talk about SPORTS.
The more I observe guys, the more I develop the belief that nowadays they are afraid to a take a stand.
A stand against what? A sports radio host that doesn't know what he's talking about? Pardon me, but yawn. Don't get me wrong, I have actively been involved in protecting my gun rights, but jumping on a sports caster for not knowing what he's talking about is absolutely pointless. Especially since nobody cares what his non-sports opinion is.

BTW, calling me a coward because I don't care what a sports caster thinks is not high road.
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Don't get me wrong, I have actively been involved in protecting my gun rights, but jumping on a sports caster for not knowing what he's talking about is absolutely a futile effort.
You are incredible. It's not just the sportscaster dude, there's a thing called the AUDIENCE who will hear the truth when you set the sportscaster straight. Good grief.
Don't get me wrong, I have actively been involved in protecting my gun rights, but jumping on a sports caster for not knowing what he's talking about is absolutely a futile effort.
Um, a decent portion of what is said on sports radio has NOTHING to do with sports.

Hey, you're right, speaking to potentially 100,000 guys and clarifying mis information about firearms and the law IS "absolutely a futile effort." Yea, you're right :rolleyes:
You are incredible. It's not just the sportscaster dude, there's a thing called the AUDIENCE who will hear the truth when you set the sportscaster straight. Good grief.
Nobody cares what he thinks. He's not exactly Oprah. Sure, guys listen to him, but they only, ONLY care about what he says about sports. Nobody... NObody cares what his political opinions are, or what kind of permit he thinks is required to own a gun.

...except you.
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General rule of thumb: ALMOST ALL media outlets are going to be SEVERELY liberally biased, that includes on gun control. It's not a sports radio thing, it's a media :barf: thing.
Yes moi it's a media thing, but when the audience is guys, and especially when the host is afraid to call himself anti gun, there is a golden opportunity to get some truth out to guys, who are more inclined to help us out on the 2nd amendment than the audience of Oprah.
expvideo said:
Nobody cares what he thinks. He's not exactly Oprah. Sure, guys listen to him, but they only, ONLY care about what he says about sports. Nobody... NObody cares what his political opinions are, or what kind of permit he thinks is required to own a gun.
Expvideo you are still incredible. This isn't about whether the listener "cares" or not. This is about mis information being spread to a concentrated group of guys, untold thousands of them, who, whether you admit it or not, could be influenced by a courageous person speaking the truth about guns and the law. Untold thousands of guys who are listening could join us IF they understood the issue a little better.

Clearly you want to argue in favor of the "do nothing" side so either drop it and go away or admit that we both want to do everything possible to educate the ignorant about firearms and related law.
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Yes moi it's a media thing, but when the audience is guys, and especially when the host is afraid to call himself anti gun, there is an opportunity to get some truth out.
He's not afraid. I'm not afraid. He's uninformed and not hurting anyone with his lack of information. Not everyone agrees with you, and it's not because they're affraid. Please think about it before you use this word. He doesn't realize that what he is saying is anti. Compare that to CNN, where they have a polical agenda and they are intentionally anti. One is a problem. One is a waste of time. If you can't tell the difference, you're not exactly helping anybody.
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expvideo, if you want to split hairs and divert from the topic then please do it elsewhere. You've made 4, count em 4 responses so far in this relatively short thread, so clearly I've gotten your attention. I added some things to my last post directed at you that I hope you read and think about. You seem to want to argue but that's not why I'm here. I want to unify us against anti gun forces. If you want to continue to argue I would appreciate it if you took it elsewhere.
It's funny,but most of the guys I know are either pro-gun,or pro-sports,but seldom both.
Yes, that is definitely an interesting phenomenon that is becoming clearer to me. I think plaxico has unwittingly helped me stumble upon something we need to deal with.

Dealing with this feels like trying to get into a "forbidden city" where there is a lot of resistance and people get defensive and say "there's nothing there, just keep walking."

It's almost as if the guys in the sports world are hiding from something, maybe from reality, maybe from how difficult government makes our lives, maybe hiding from their wives, or from all of the above. Since guns are by definition, physical and based in the real world, it's no wonder the guys in the sports world are as far apart from us as oprah's audience. The only difference is that in my view, we can STEAL guys from the sports world and get them to help the 2nd amendment.
Even a lot of the shooters that I know irl (both sports fans as well as those who aren't into sports) carry many of the restrictive views. I don't get how they don't see the harm in it, but it is a problem in all facets of society. I really don't see singling our attention to sports radio making a lick of difference. I think it might be a cool thing to do if maybe we could get the NRA to sponsor a week of gun owners in the community. Where we can go out, do productive things in our community (while displaying either on a shirt or something of that nature that we are gun owners), and SHOW BY EXAMPLE that we are responsible and good hearted people. The problem is is that people are afraid because they haven't been taught any better, we need to teach them better, but because they are operating on emotion as opposed to logic, we can talk until we are blue in the face and they still won't get it, we need to appeal to their emotional side, make them like us :p
Sports radio.....I find reading a vomit bag is more entertaining
I heard two radio stations talking about this today, and they were all ignorant of the law, and also ignorant of our tradition of liberty and its connection to our being armed. I live in CT, and both were local stations, and it really brought home the situation here, and it is very discouraging.
I agree that shrugging it off is defeatist, and allows this sort of disinformation, and anti-gun thinking to spread and intensify. Some callers were calling in with pro gun points, but they were shut down, straw man'ed, and not paid attention to.
In another thread here recently,I comment on one of my bosses.He's a ''manly man'',having made his way to college through a sports scholarship,and coaches little league and kid's football.He thinks anyone not into sports is a ''little off''.The way I once actually had a meaningful conversation with him ,was by pointing out that shooting is a sport,and aproaching it as a competition.I believe that sports are seen as a legitimate outlet for masculinity,while shooting is ''scary'' to some.In our increasingly urbanized world fewer people are growing up with a positive view of guns.In a more rural setting people grow up getting a positive view of firearms,whether its suplementing the family larder with game,or just enjoying ''plinking'' cans in the back yard.The modern urbanite sees guns in a negative light,either in some gangbanger's hand ,or on some violent show on T.V..
Part of the problem is that "sports" should be read as "moneyball". If it doesn't involve grown men playing children's games for wads of cash, they don't give a damn.

I'd be inclined to call in and point out that shooting is a VERY serious sport. About a dozen Olympic events at present. More participants than ANY other Olympic sport. More at an ISSF World Championships. I won't even mention a World Muzzle-Loading Championships...those can have over 400 competitors. And the competitors come from all over the world - it's not a sport dominated by one country.

REAL sport.
Hey Glock River...
I woud like you to explain more about what this radio guy is doing wrong by you, as I don't quite fully understand why you're getting angry about it...
Another thing, to teach in a kind and loving way is far more effecitive than yelling at someone.
My parents never have anything nice or positive to say to me. EVER. It hurts, and I find that I just passively disregard anything they say because of it. Then they wonder why I never learn to clean up after myself, or why I always sleep in 'til midday.
My english teacher at school in year 12 was the sweetest most beautiful person I have ever met, and I learned a lot from her.

Think about it. Don't be so nasty, and people will not be so eager to counter what you say, because it won't seem like you're attacking them. Yes, people will respond when they disagree as well, but everyone's entitled to their own opinions.

Those are just my thoughts.
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Then they wonder why I never learn to clean up after myself, or why I always sleep in 'til midday.

WOAH NOW! Don't give yourself excuses to not take care of your responsibilities, to be lazy, or otherwise disrespect your parents. You live under their roof, they are good enough for you to take from, then they are good enough to respect. If you don't like it you should find other accommodations.
I meant no disrespect or ungreatfullness by what I said moi_self26, nor was I making excusses. I was just sharing on my feelings as a 19-year-old.

You sounded just like my parents just then in your last post :)

It is hard though to be thankfull when they are abusive and aren't thankful for me...but I know what you're saying. I get that all the time at home. And besides, what do I do for them that they'd be thankful for anyways?

Sorry :(
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