Jane Fonda is at it again

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May 25, 2005
Rocky Mount, North Carolina
Look's like she's going on a bus tour to protest the Iraq war. I wonder if she's going to pull another stunt and pose with a bunch of Jihadists holding an SA-16. :uhoh:

Read the article here.

Her party with the NVA, as far as I'm concerned, and based off my interpretation of the US Constitution, is on grounds of treason (It's defined as "treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies"). Personally I think she should be writing all her little autobiographies from prison, but that's just me.

Anyways, if her little tour comes anywhere near me, I might just have to go protest her own protest.



Just saw another thread about it...Sorry, didn't notice it before hand. Let's not discuss how we may want to do unspeakable things, but rather more...'constructive' comments...*cough*
This is after all, The High Road, and we're better than that :)
Are you suggesting that we use her as, target practice. :evil:
She's just trying to revamp her dead career. Who cares what she thinks?
I recall that after her book came out, she apologized for her, uhhh, "youthful indiscreations" during the Vietnam War.

Obviously she had her fingers crossed behind her back when she said it.

Won't buy/read her book, watch/rent/buy any of her movies/videos. Won't allow her to get one damn dime from me or my family.
She is a dispicable coward, a traitorous b****, and should have been hung 30 years ago.

I obviously didn't buy her recent book, but from what I've heard of it, she has had a very empty, unhappy life. At least she has had a life.
"When her bus party comes to town, THR members should organize and counter-protest if anyone is in the area. Who is with me?"

Hey morons, don't you think that is just what she wants? She is a washed up has been and is trying to get attention the only way she knows how. I think it is pretty clear what she is doing and I am not going to help her do it by caring. Do you really care what a washed up old hag has to say about the war, or anything for that matter?

Saying she should be hung makes YOU look like the anti-American, not her. We have a thing in the country called free speech and we don't hang people for speaking their mind. I do think the Communists and Nazis would do somthing like that but in America, we are supposed to be above that. You know land of the free, democracy and the bill or rights?

I know people forget what what it means to be an American sometimes when that are angry about somthing but that is when we need to watch what we are doing the most. Don't let your emotions control you to the point that you are no longer thinking clearly. If you ARE thinking clearly and you still think someone should be murdered because they have a different view of a particular subject, then I guess I'll see you on the news soon.
I remember those pictures of her sitting on that anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi, what she said over the radio in support of the North Vietnameese, her visits with our airmen held captive,etc. Many said then and now that she should have been tried for treason. Then someone pointed out that it applies only when we are in a war. I can only wonder what will happen now should she give comfort and aid to the enemy and everyone says we are in a war.
Always trying to see the silver lining, I say let her go there. The jihadists will have to choose between two unpleasant alternatives:

1) endorse a woman
2) let a famous American infidel get away with her head attached

Can you imagine their mental anguish :evil:

The only downside would be if any GI gets wasted defending her there, while she makes it back to a BBC outlet :fire:
Yeah, she's a real patriot all right.

Nah, she's an old, washed up hag who's looking to eek out a few more seconds of fame. Giving her any attention, even negative attention, is exactly what she wants.

Saying she should be hung makes YOU look like the anti-American, not her. We have a thing in the country called free speech and we don't hang people for speaking their mind.

But we do hang people for giving "aid and comfort" and "adhering" to our enemies... U. S. Constitution Article III, Section 3, Clause 1. I think Julius and Ethel were the last. There is a long line behind them that should have been brought up on charges or thrown out of our Nation.
Don't demonstrate, you may just clutter up some one's field of fire.

OOOOOOOOOOOH, Baby this is gonna be good. What is it we say about payback?

I wonder if Vegas is making a line on this one?
Seems like old times...

... with that adorable, loveable, all American girl in the spot light again. Damn, the mods chew me out for applying Teddy's hard earned title to him so I imagine Sweet American Patriot Jane's actual title, if repeated, would earn me another slap on the keyboard. Opps. There. I did it again. Sweet American Patriot. SAP. I'm sorry. The keyboard made me do it!

"I wonder if she's going to pull another stunt and pose with a bunch of Jihadists holding an SA-16."

Let's hope. The inspiration we all got from that last stunt many years ago makes me anticipate the next one as I drool.

I did hear that no one seems to know anything about the olive oil powered bus tour. Maybe the olive crop will be stunted this year.

There was a time she would have been hung for treason in this country.

Oh wait, surely people don't have more rights, in this way today, than back in the good old days?
She(it) is touring in the U.S. not Iraq. If she(it) went there the terroists or some frendly fire may get It. :eek: She(it) doesn't have the guts to go there. :barf:
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