John Jovino?????

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Nov 30, 2003
Can anyone tell me about the revolvers customized by John Jovino? Most I've seen are .44's and say "Effector" on the barrel. How good was the work? Thanks.
That's right, he was just a distributor. His shop is the one that's in all the 70's & 80's cop shows set in NYC. It's the one with the big wooden revolver hanging from the awning of the shop
John Jovino had a 'smith do the conversions; I have never seen this 'smith named, but his work was quite good. I had a Jovino Effector in .45 ACP. It didn't work too well for me, as my hands are just not quite big enough for N-frames.
John Jovino is the only gun store in NYC.

They are the NUMBER ONE SOURCE of crime guns in NYC as well.

A store staffed by NYC finest retired and off duty, A store where you must show your NYPD ID or your NYC gun permit to even go inside.
<John Jovino is the only gun store in NYC.

Actually it is the only gun store in MANHATTAN.

<They are the NUMBER ONE SOURCE of crime guns in NYC as well.


<A store staffed by NYC finest retired and off duty, A store where you must show your NYPD ID or your NYC gun permit to even <go inside.

MORE BULLS*IT.... although you do need to show a pistol permit to TOUCH A HANDGUN...
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