John Kerry's core values

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Oct 27, 2004
lawton, Oklahoma
John Kerry's core values (NOT a joke blank post!)

As the liberal media pundits mope in their sackcloth and ashes, they refuse to even consider that the ideology of the "progressive" (i.e. Socialist/Communist) left is an anethema to a majority of the country, instead insisting that their program and platform is sound, they just didn't have the "right guy" running...just as Al Gore wasn't the "right guy", Mike Dukaucus wasn't the "right guy", George McGovern wasn't the "right guy", and were it not for Ross Perot splitting the vote, Bill Clinton would not have been the "right guy". No, the lefties harp, "we lost because nobody new Kerry's CORE VALUES". To the extent that a weather vane can have a direction, Kerry had core values,..(wait for it)... HE DELIBERATELY CHOSE TO CONCEAL THEM. To do otherwise would have been political suicide for the Senate's most liberal member's attempt at nationwide office. HE COULD ILL AFFORD to come right out and say "I'm here, I'm for the queer - get used to it. I'm gonna grab your guns, remove every trace of superstition, (I mean, "religion") from the social discourse, subordinate your country to that gang of thieves and rabbal called the "U.N.", put your wives & daughters in combat...but only if there is NO compelling American interest at stake. I'm gonna raise the taxes on everything to pay for "Annie Sprinkle's" performance art, and I'm going to raise taxes on gasoline to or past European levels to force you out of your SUVs. And speaking of European, I'm going to hold our foreign policy hostage to the same French and German dogs that were being corrupted by Saddam in his "Oil for Bribes" program in the first place. I'm gonna raise the spending on everything EXCEPT defense, and rather than control our borders, I'm gonna bus in as many illegal immigrants as I can, so long as they fill out a voter registration card first. And tort reform - fuhgedaboutit! I'm gonna let suzzy trial lawyers like my running mate sue all the doctors out of business until both the suppliers and consumers of health care are BEGGING for some good ol Hillary style Canadian type government health care." No, instead of coming clean, he tried to let his values be a big question mark instead - he should have dressed up like the Riddler from the TV "Batman" series. "I'm a proud Vietnam vet,..but not so much that after my traumatic 4 month tour, I couldn't spew commie agit-prop slander for the amusement of Congree, the press, and residents of the Hanoi Hilton. I'm Catholic,..but not so much that I would in any way hinder the national pastime of infanticide. I LOVES me some Hunting!...but not so much that I wouldn't push for "moderate, sensible" gun control. I'm agin the loss of American jobs overseas, (which is in no way related to my good buddis the union bosses pricing the cost of American labor right out of the market)...unless my wife's pickle factory is involved. I'm agin SUV's I tells ya...unless I'm driving mine. And I'm for alternative energy - but don't put none of those ugly windmills near where me & the Kennedy's go yachting. I was for the war in Iraq (before I was agin it) because of the weapons of mass destruction I knew he had (which Bush LIED to me about) so I was against it, but now I'm FOR it, but I'm gonna be more SENSATIVE about waging it."

All things to everybody....

Fact is, since the Democratic party was co-opted by the loony left, draft dodgers, and "fellow travelers" in 1968, the same tired, collectivist, tyrannical ideas have only been able to prevail at the national level when a signifigant third-party candidacy splits the center-right vote AND the Democratic nominie is, according to his own party, "ann uncommonly good lier". Kerry concealing his core values INFLATED his vote total - not diminished it,...and was a CONSCIOUS STRATEGY.

No matter the flavor of the Kool-Aide, Reverand Jones...I ain't gonna drink!
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