Just saying Hi!

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May 28, 2004
New Jersey
I've been lurking for a week or so, and thought I'd say hello.

Some years ago I was a pretty avid target shooter, also a Civil War reenactor. I still have my shootin' irons, but havn't been to a range in a while (still looking for a good one near home). I live in NJ, and before everyone groans I moved here from NYC, that's where I bought my guns.

Just so everyone knows how bad it can be, when I lived in NYC I applied for a target license, it took NINE MONTHS to process. When I was accepted they told me I had to bring new pictures of myself, since the law requires that they be less than six months old and these were obviously at least nine months old. I had to renew the license every two years at the cost of a couple hundred bucks, had to maintain membership at a range/club, and when I bought my second gun I had to apply for a purchase authorization which took a few months to process. Each gun purchased must be taken to the main police headquarters with 72 hours for "inspection", the gun is then recorded on your license.

I moved to NJ a month after my license was going to expire, so I had to turn my guns in to the police, they shipped them to a dealer in NJ (at my cost), and I had to apply for a license in NJ in order to actually get them from the dealer.

I can't say that any of this made me feel any safer riding the subway.
WOW... I guess I never really realized just how bad it is in other parts of the country...

For example, in Indiana, the day I turned 18, I walked into a gun store, filled out a 4473, they called the FBI, I paid cash, and walked out with an AK and a 30 rd magazine...

After reading your post.... yow...

I'm glad to have ya here though, Welcome!

(who is still stunned about NYC's gun laws :eek: )
NYC gun laws get worse. I never got a long-gun license, you have to go to a different place for that. Pistols in Manhattan, rifles/shotguns in Queens. Since I lived in Staten Island and worked in Manhattan getting to Queens was a pain. When the NYC "Assault Weapons" ban passed some police chief decided that a WW-I era bolt action rifle was illegal because it had a bayonet lug. I don't recall which model it was. Garands, AKs, ARs etc were strictly verboten.

As the holder of a target license, I wasn't legally permitted to keep my guns loaded at home, only at the range. They no longer give those licenses, they now give premise/target licenses where you're only allowed to remove your guns from your home twice a month on preselected dates (like the 10th and 20th of the month), if you want to change the dates you have to notify the police precinct in writing and you give up one of the other dates. I don't know what happens if you want to shoot more than twice a month, that happened after I left NYC.

Oh yes, after your application is processed you have to go in person to pick it up, and while you're there they try to get you mad, if they succeed your license is denied.

I had to go thru a runaround to get my guns in NJ too mostly because I moved from one town to another while the license app was processing, licenses are issued in your town, so the new town had to go thru the paperwork too. Didn't have to do another background check though.

On the other hand, I can now go into a gun shop and walk out with a rifle or shotgun since I have a firearms ID card (which also allows me to buy pistol ammo).

I told my wife I wanna move to Vermont!

Howdy and welocme to THR!

The kin folks said, "hey, move away from there"! "Said a gun friendly state is where you want to be so you load up the truck and move to where you're free".

NYC is not in any way a gun friendly place. The licensing was originally supposed to be three dollars and protect you if your guns were stolen. The damn place is now run with gestapo like tactics as far as gun owners are concerned.

I very rarely if ever make a journey into the bely of the beast!
Welcome! Pull up a chair next to the BBQ, glad to have you here. I have a friend from NJ, but he now lives in New Mexico. I think he likes it better there.
Howdy from out west. Like the others said MOVE fast far and soon, guess that it is some what easier now but really.
You mean there is somewhere with even more draconian gun laws than California!?!?!

Guess I've got to quit feeling sorry for myself...;)

Welcome, mhdishere! I'm an FNG here too, been reading for a while but just registered, and I've got to say, this is a great group of people.

Oh yeah, and they've got the best smileys here, too...:D
They actually told you what days you were allowed to shoot your own guns?!! WTH?

Out here, my friend, THAT BIRD WOULD NOT FLY. Nor will it in the future if I do my part correctly.

There must be something in the air in that state is all I can figure.
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Thanks for the warm welcome all!

Yeah, I'm glad I left NYC (even though I still work there). New Jersey is bad enough, but NYC is insane. A couple years ago there was talk of NJ becoming a "shall-issue" state, I told my wife if that happens I'm first on line.

One thing I forgot until just now, in NYC when you bring your firearm in for inspection they keep your bill-of-sale. I didn't know that the first time, and they refused to copy it for me. The second time I made a copy for my own records. NJ is a hassle, but to me it's just SOOO much better.

Thanks again for the welcome!
Welcome to Joisey and the THR mhdishere.

You should check out the NJ Coalition for Self Defense. I'm a new member and havn't attended a meeting yet so can't give you much info beyond the link but several officers are here on the THD.

I'm from PA myself and to me NJ gun regs are oppressive and over the top. It really makes me feel sorry for anyone in NYC to hear you talk about NJ in such glowing terms.
Move away!

They haven't made the money that would entice me to move to NY or NJ. I can't believe how bad it is. Get out of there while you can.:cuss:
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