Kerry Hunting?

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I think the real takeaway from this is: we must remind our Labor Union / Liberal-leaning farmers (who hunt and respect gun rights) that this is not about hunting.

Kerry has tipped his hand. He might not be a total gun-grabber, but his attitude towards guns shows the politics of "need". See he thinks you only "need" a double-barrel shotgun, since you only "need" a gun to go hunting. This, of course, goes against all civil liberties.

He's hoping to hide behind that camoflague and defuse the issue.

We need to spread the word (especially if you live in Ohio, PA, Michigan, Wisconsin, or MN -- I've given up on Illinois) -- 1) it's not about hunting, 2) it is about the future of the 2A.

If we sit back and let the liberals make this issue about hunting and separating guns into hunting guns and crime guns -- we will lose. Kerry has just shown that this is his plan. Spread the word.

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