Kidnapped girl in FL found dead

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Dec 24, 2002
southeast AR
It looks as if the young girl who was kidnapped in FL at the car wash has been found murdered.

First, condolences to the family and friends.

Second, 'good on ya' to all the LEO's and others who have searched, investigated and captured the perp.

BUT: How many times have we seen this? A terrible crime committed by some piece of scum who has a wrap sheet measured in pounds!!! Our judicial/criminal system won't keep these predators. They are repeatedly released on us to do it yet again. That needs FIXING PRONTO!

To keep it gun related, this 'fine specimin' should have eaten a bullet by come CCW LONG ago!
This event torques me off on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

Kudos and thanks to all who particpated in the capture of this sub-human-unworthy-of-the-use-of-oxygen monster.

My deepest condolences to the Family & friends of that beautiful child.

Now, I'll just go somewhere and rant privately. Other things I should say about this cannot be published on The High Road
I really hope that if the guy they got is the perp that they tattoo "child killer" on him and release him into the general population of Starke.

This upsets and angers me to the point I don't even have words.
IF there ever can be any good from this heart wrenching event maybe it is that since the abduction was captured on video, I have been pointing my three kids to it and tell them "this is why I am so blamed protective". My heart really goes out to the family and I hope this perp, if guilty, suffers forever!
Good point Swamprabbit. I think I'll use this on my wife too.

From a pragmatic safety standpoint: This is a prime example of why to NEVER GO WITH AN ABDUCTOR, EVEN IF HE HAS A KINFE OR A GUN. Handgun wounds on a moving or running target are rarely fatal. Even if the movment starts out at nearly point blank range.

Scream, bite, yell rape, stranger, or fire, run, kick. Even if you are stabbed, hit, or shot, you're better of laying wounded in public, where there's at least a chance of 911, than sexually assulted, and the possibility even your bones won't be found.

Odds are, if your abductor is of the "catch and release" variety, he's not willing to shoot or stab you in the intial confrontation either. If he is the murdering sort, and even with the odds of survival in your favor if the victim runs, you, and your survivors, are better off dying undefiled IMO.
This is why I would attempt to shoot and stop the perp if I had a decent shot (as posted in another thread). Anyone who kidnaps someone is likely up to no good. I'll gamble that a good shot from me beats the fate of the kidnappee.

AJ Dual, I agree with you completely.

Regular or Extra Crispy?

The State needs to dust off "Old Sparky" for this one. No one will complain if a few flames shoot out from under the metal cap while turning him crispy.
Forget "Old Sparky"...

Its time to bring out 'old hempy the rope' and hang this piece of excrament by the neck until dead. :fire: In public, and broadcast to ALL the prisons in the nation. GRRRRRRRR...

I had strong hunch that this would be the end result after hearing that the guy was picked up but was being 'uncooperative'.

I have a neice the same age in Florida, and sadly her mother (my sister) and G-mother have been able to condition her into being a quiet, docile 'good little girl' aka: the perfect victum. :banghead: As far as releasing violent scum like this from prisons again and again, I suggest to follow up on Mr. Bush's proposal to send humans to the moon, with the first humans going to set up a freaking penal colonly there. Send the rapists, muderers, and the like there FOR LIFE.

AJ is correct, NEVER EVER go with an abductor. Fight, yell, scream, claw, kick bite, what ever need to be done to get away.
From a pragmatic safety standpoint: This is a prime example of why to NEVER GO WITH AN ABDUCTOR, EVEN IF HE HAS A KINFE OR A GUN. Handgun wounds on a moving or running target are rarely fatal. Even if the movment starts out at nearly point blank range.
Anyone have a link to the security camera video? When my daughter is (much) older, this scenario may be a good teaching tool. So sad.
This guy, from what I heard this AM, tried to do this to a 20 year-old woman in 1998. She escaped and a passing motorist went after the guy with a golf club. His mouthpiece claimed he was just trying to prevent the woman from killing herself by running into traffic and his "rough" appearance was being held against him, so he walked. I believe she tipped off the cops about who he was.
Shows to go ya

that there WILL be punishment for every crime. If you're a judge or parole board member, you can choose to punish the criminal, or you can decline to do so.....but then some little girl will get the death penalty instead.

Mercy to criminals is a death sentence to the innocent. But now we can at least say that one day, standing before the Judge of All, there will be several people answering for this crime: the killer, and those who let him go free. It won't be pretty.
According to Fox News this AM on Dec. 30 the perp's probation officer went before the court and tried to have him jailed for violating the terms of his parole. The judge refused. We don't know the details yet but when a PO allegedly goes to the lengths this one did to get this guy jailed he should have had a good reason. I can't wait to hear the details on this one. If Fox is correct and the facts show this perp should have been jailed then I vote for the judge who refused to get the same fate as the perp.
I agree with AJ. That is the main lesson I get out of this sad event. If she would have just screamed, yelled, ran away. I have not watched the whole video, so I don't know if he persuaded her or if he actually did threaten her. Everyone needs to tell their kids what to do. Both boys and girls. If you don't know them, stay away. If they try to make you do anything, run and scream at the top of your lungs.

Although I don't share the same thoughts and desires to have this guy tortured in numerous ways, I still think he is scum of the Earth. May he find peace with God because he will likely find no peace with man.
According to Fox News this AM on Dec. 30 the perp's probation officer went before the court and tried to have him jailed for violating the terms of his parole. The judge refused. We don't know the details yet but when a PO allegedly goes to the lengths this one did to get this guy jailed he should have had a good reason.
He probably wanted to make room for more evil, non-violent drug offenders. :fire:
This is really sad and it makes me furious. The person who did this need to be dead. I think they should bring back public crusifixion. This guy needs to hang around for a few days in misery before he bites it.
You see predators on parole like the animal in Florida killing innocent victims constantly, yet thick headed judges like Rhenquist still have the arrogance to argue against minimum mandatory sentences, against truth in sentencing statutes, against three strike laws, and against abolishing parole.
You guys haven't mentioned the worst part yet.....

Guys who do this are almost always repeat offenders....and the fact that this guy was so BOLD shows that he has done this kind of thing so much that he no longer exhibits any nervousness when he does it. That means there are MORE little girls buried somewhere due to that sick bastard. Man...just give me 10 minutes with that guy.....I don't know exactly what I would do, but it would deffinantly involve broken glass and rusty screws......:cuss:
Too bad our revolving door court system let this repeat felon out to murder.
Too bad is right. Anyone have the statistics on what percentage of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders? :fire:

Gordon: IIRC, it was more like mechanics coveralls.

- Gabe
Those with young children have got to teach escape technics. And I'm not talking kicking in the shins. "IF" he/she can, go for the eyes. Sure, some are going to say, sounds easier than done. Well, we have just witnessed the end solution if you don't at least try. Kids are scrappy. They'll know when the threat and danger is serious.
Way back when I was a young lass my grandmother told me if a man ever did anything "Bad" or anyone tried to grab me I was to poke them in the eyes. And she did not mean just poke she showed with me with dramatic show of her hands she meant stick your finges in until you feel bone and have both eyes in your palm.. I have never forgot that. :D ---She also told me never to sit on a mans lap. Maybe she was right after all!!!!
Make sure your kids (and your spouses) know that the time to fight is before they get you in the car. Do not get in the car thinking you will find a time to get away later. Do not get in the car.

- Gabe
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