Kids Say the Darndest Things

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I'm not entirely sure I should post this but I think I can keep it family friendly. Let's see if I can get this right...

When my son was 1yo: I was sitting at the dining table having a cold soda and he walked up to me. He said, "I want *****, daddy". I was shocked because I'd never used language like that in front of him and couldn't imagine where he'd heard it. I said, "Son, what did you say"? He pointed to the soda I had in my and and repeated his request. Well, If I'd had any Pepsi in my mouth I would have sprayed it all over the floor. See, he mispronounced "Pepsi" and used a very naughty word that rhymes with woosie. All I could think at the moment was, that's my boy!!:evil:
My son asked yesterday when we could go back out to the range - here's his first time with his CZ 452 Scout.


When it cools off a bit, we're going back! He's always liked "helping" Daddy make his posters, too. These two were several years ago...



I have told him several times not to mention Daddy and Mommy's guns at school, because some people might not understand, and he said in that perfectly serious 11 year old voice, "Why, you just have them to protect me and mommy."
I have told him several times not to mention Daddy and Mommy's guns at school, because some people might not understand, and he said in that perfectly serious 11 year old voice, "Why, you just have them to protect me and mommy."
Somebody vote this kid into congress!
So customs guy ask what do you do. Before I can pull my military Id my son yells he kills People that need killlin. needless to say it took a while longer to clear customs.
I was walking down the street the other day, minding my own business, openly carrying, when a soccer mom daycare lady type turns the corner about 50 yards ahead of me, about twelve kids in tow, probably ages 4-10 years old, most of them, and one who is about 13. As they walk by I say "Hi."
She looks, sees the Glock on my waist and :what:, and quickly herds the children across the street. One of the kids, the youngest, says, "Look that, he has a gun!" in a rather excited tone, loud enough that everyone stops and turns to look. The woman continues to push the kids across the street, glaring at me. The 13 year old walks up, and evidently having some prior knowledge of firearms, says, "nice Glock, man. 9 or .40?"
I smirk at the lady, "9 millimeter parabellum. 19 round magazine."
He gives me a confused look because I'm :D at the lady in a mocking way, and then says, "Oh, she moved here from California a few years ago. Doesn't quite get the cultural quirks."
The lady barks at the kid. "See you around." he says. I laughed all the way home.
For better or worse a buddy of mine would occasionally allow his 4 year old daughter sit in his lap while he played video games. (1st-person shooters and such) One day, as he and I were getting ready to go to the firing range, upon seeing him with his rifle, his sharp-as-a-tack daughter said, in a rather matter of factly way, "Uh-oh, Daddy's going to go shoot some people..."
He didn't say anything but my wife's little brother (4yo) saw the pistol in my waistband over the weekend while I was helping with some yardwork and now walks around carring his water pistol inside the waistband.

He was also just introduced to firearms through the BB gun me and my wife bought for his birthday.
Quote: "So customs guy ask what do you do. Before I can pull my military Id my son yells he kills People that need killlin. needless to say it took a while longer to clear customs."

'Bout spit my soda all over the screen.

So my Daughter when she's about 3 is watching me clean some squirrels on the wood pile and is just watching me skin them very intently when she pipes up with "Oh now I know why your taking the squirrels clothes off, so they can have a bath!"

Fast fwd 22 years and my grandson is about 3 and watching me at the same wood pile when he says the same thing WORD FOR WORD.

Just last week and he's just learning to read when he sounds out the words on the back of my t-shirt ( ) and thinks about it for a couple of minutes when he says "Boy Grandpa those sure are two lucky Bucks huh". I think my wife peed herself trying not to fall out of her chair

Gotta love the Kids!
This was many years ago, when my son was about 5 or 6. We're walking through a local dinosaur park. They have life size statues of dinosaurs, they start with the little ones and get bigger as you walk along the trail. We come around the corner to see a 20+ foot tall T-Rex. My son stops in his tracks, cocks his head to the side and says "Daddy, I wish dinosaurs were still alive". After a pause he says "cause then we could hunt them". I about explode laughing, can barely stand up. The anti hunting wife (now ex) is none too pleased. Then he follows up with shaking his finger at it all serious and saying "but you would need your biggest gun for that one".

It makes a daddy proud!
I recently had two of the boys with me ( 4 and 7) at the LGS when the 4yr old spots the NAA mini 22's and says "look dad guns for babies!" The guy behind the counter got a big kick outa that.
I have a 4 yr old daughter who is very much a daddy's girl. She isn't old enough to go shooting with me yet so recently I slipped out of the house to the range while she was taking a rare afternoon nap.

When she woke up from her nap she asked my wife, where daddy was. My wife explained that I had gone shooting, Kirsten, my daughter got a real serious look on her face and asked, "He's not shooting people is he?" My wife explained that I was simply shooting paper targets and not people.
Its all opinions but I think 4 is a good enough age to start them out on a Cricket, I know someone that was and he wasn't a problem.
Originally Posted by Mike1234567 View Post
I do believe it's illegal to buy a wife.
I think you just have to get your county's sheriff to sign off on it and then you pay $200 fee to gov. I hear the urban ones are a little more pricey...


If you're going through the hassle of getting the stamp anyway, make sure you pick up a suppressor too :)
Its all opinions but I think 4 is a good enough age to start them out on a Cricket, I know someone that was and he wasn't a problem.

I started my Daughter at 4 on her Crickett. She's 6 now and joins me all the time.
My mother-in-law was baby sitting my kid at her house the other day. When I went to pick up the baby I decided to sneak out back and do a little shooting first.

My m-i-l swears that when they heard the first shoot my kid looked up and said, "my daddy." The kid then got up and ran to the window and started pointing and saying, "my daddy" every time she heard a shot. That lasted for about three minutes.

She couldn't see me but she instantly knew that sound must mean daddy was near by.
I promised my 9 year old grandson a .22 for his 10th birthday. He asked if he could have his birthday party at the range. I am working on that now. He is already a crack shot with an air rifle and slingshot.
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