Kids try to rob police station

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In a previous thread, I stated that police stations are "hard targets", meaning that an attempt to assault one would prove costly or suicidal. The idiots who attempted to rob that one proved my point, although I am glad no one was wounded or killed. I suspect that the "cost" those juveniles will pay will not prove very great given their ages.

I know when I wonder where I would be likely to find a lot of money, I think of a police-station.

"Why do you rob banks?"
"Because that's where the money is."

Doesn't seem as obvious anymore, does it.
Hi Beagle-zebub,

When the police bust a guy selling drugs do they not confiscate the money and the drugs? Don't most police stations have evidence rooms where said money and drugs are kept?

As I said- I see their logic but am not impressed with their common sense.

Here's what's really retarded.

Another aide ran into the back screaming for help.

Within minutes, a half dozen officers, some with guns drawn, burst into the lobby and arrested the boys. Both are charged with attempted armed robbery.

If it takes cops minutes in a POLICE STATION to come to their own receptionist's aid... how long do you think it will take them to come to YOUR aid?
That comment from the punks.."we'll be famous now" should have some judge doing all he can to wipe that smirk off their faces! name should get out...just let them try to explain why they dissappeared for a few years.

That comment from the punks.."we'll be famous now"
Make them famous by sending them to do hard time in the general population of the roughest prison in the jurisdiction. They'll be famous there, the Belles of the Ball, their dance cards will be filled.
It seems like some kind of an initiation stunt to me.

I get that impression too. Probably doesn't look good to their 'street credentials' not to have some form of LE record.

Getting started early! Just because the kid is 12 doesn't mean you need to let your guard down folks. They're getting younger.
"That comment from the punks.."we'll be famous now" should have some judge doing all he can to wipe that smirk off their faces! name should get out...just let them try to explain why they dissappeared for a few years."

Seems to me that these kids had too much free time on their hands - I think a year or so at HARD LABOR would teach them to value time and look for other pursuits. I bet the dance-card filling will also be a painful reminder of their stupidity - especially when they sit down.

These guys are destined for some well deserved Darwin awards. They didnt get them this time, but I am sure they will soon.

That is a truly DEE DEE DEE moment.
I hadn't thought of the possibility that the kids were involved in some kind of initiation rite. But what would be the point of setting up new members of a gang for sure and certain failure with no chance of success?

Here's what's really retarded.

If it takes cops minutes in a POLICE STATION to come to their own receptionist's aid... how long do you think it will take them to come to YOUR aid?

I'm amazed that it took so long for somebody to post a cop bashing response. :rolleyes:

Consider that the reporter who wrote the article dosen't know the difference between minutes and moments or that the editor was asleep at the wheel? :scrutiny:
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