Knife Info . . . Incorrect Information . . . Happy New Year

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Gary Slider

Apr 6, 2006
West Virginia has a document that only covers the carrying of “Folding Type Knives.” I have found another site that covers most of the laws for Knives in the different states. seems very good butI have not looked at the site extensively but it does give the alpha/numeric code and case law for the knife laws in most state. It is worth a look to those who wish to find out more about the knife laws in their state or where they are traveling. It also allows you to comment on each states listing.

I keep getting emails saying, “ is wrong!” USA Carry or USCCA or NRA-ILA or USA Carry and the NRA-ILA or NRA-ILA and USCCA say Nevada honors Missouri or that VA honors MO or that PA Honors ID or that AR or MS don’t honor CA or NY. These other groups are saying things different than!!!! is correct and up to date. I don’t want people to think I am bashing those sites in any way but the fact is they are not up to date. They show states as still honoring another state which has dropped them and don’t show all the states that honor some states. Not showing a state honors another state will not get someone arrested. Showing a state still honors another state when they don’t can cause someone huge problems. I have contacted all those sites in the past about updating certain things and have never received a reply from any of them. Confirm everything you read on the internet.

Confirming can also be very difficult. Calling the AG’s office or the State Police to check sounds all well and good but over the years I have seen countless examples of those offices giving out incorrect information. Thursday 12/19 an administrative assistance in the WV AG’s office (My home state) put out incorrect info to a person who called them. The person in the AG’s Office just didn’t know and I believe that that person just looked at their AG’s website listing and saw a state listed and told the person WV honored them. When in fact that listing showed that that state honored WV but that WV did not honor them. This person was given incorrect information that could have been very detrimental to him and his right to carry in the future.
Even the Missouri AG continued to list VA and NV as honoring them when both dropped Missouri until I contacted then and gave them the correct information. Then they removed them.

Don’t quit questioning anything I have on if you believe it is in error. I am human and far from perfect and can make an error. The vast majority of the time I am correct but there are instances where I have been incorrect or have left something out and I appreciate someone pointing that out. All the sites listed above and has a disclaimer saying you must confirm that information. We have to do that because we are human and can make a mistake. hopes your Christmas was everything you were hoping for and that the New Year is everything you are expecting.
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Gary, as always, your tireless work is enormously appreciated!

And thanks again for the updates.

Happy New Year!
I've said it before and I'll continue to say it....

Thank you for all of your work. I appreciate it very much.

Tremendous resource.

Happy New Year to you too.
I FINALLY got it for my state. Thanks very muchly, that link is fantastic includes the court cases cited, all of the reading is in plain english.

And I found my states laws not as restrictive in carry, as I am, I can ''lighten up'' :)
Mr. Slider, I also want to say THANK YOU for and the enormous effort you put into your website to keep people well-informed.

To say your site has been a great help to me, would be an understatement. Thanks again.

On another note, it is most baffling that I can carry my pistol(s) concealed (I have a CPL) but if I happen to have something concealed like a hunting knife on me, here in Washington I could possibly lose my CPL and quite possibly land in jail. Such is life.
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Gary, I have read Knifeup's summary of Michigan knife laws, and besides the numerous grammatical and spelling errors, it says absolutely nothing about local ordinances. Your knife page does attempt to address the local ordinances, and that is much more important, IMHO.

Since the state of Michigan does not have state preemption of knife laws (as they do with firearms laws,) it is vital that you know the local ordinances where you live and travel. In my home state at least, there is a patchwork of local laws regarding legal blade length of a folder. The state of Michigan may say it's OK to carry a 4 1/2" folder as long as it isn't carried with unlawful intent, the city of Lansing says anything over 3" is illegal, period.

Keep up the great work, Gary, and may I add my thanks to your tireless work.
Posted the link to KnifeUp to give people another place to start looking for more info. I have also added 3 other links for knife info on the Knife Document. Again just to give people another source to check out and maybe find other places to look for more info. The one thing I have found out in my 19 years of cataloging firearm laws is the more I learn the more I realize I don't know.
The person to refer reciprocity questions to in most every state is the AG or other person authorized to enter into the agreements.

Get a response IN WRITING and carry it with you.

Do not bother asking for information about other states from your issuing state.

The other state's understanding of the reciprocity terms is what matters in their state.

Do not expect a rapid reply.

You may then need to CALL the letter writer immediately before departing if you are relying on reciprocity.
The law or agreement may have changed yesterday.
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