Kukri carry in California?

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Dec 25, 2002
Salem, Oregon
What are the laws on blade weapons carry in California. I wouldn't mind being able to carry my machete or Sikh Kukri on my bicycle or walking for nasty dogs that don't mind the aroma of triple action Mace.

Maybe Crocodile Dundee style? (Tha's not a knife. THIS is a knife.)

Only partially serious, totally curious.
I wouldn't mind being able to carry my machete or Sikh Kukri on my bicycle or walking for nasty dogs that don't mind the aroma of triple action Mace.

Sikhs carry Kirpans and the ones I've seen carried are mostly for ceremonial purposes and didn't have a real edge. The Ghurkas are normally credited for the Khukuri.

A good stick works well for troublesome dogs.
Small plastic water pistol*. Fill with formaldehyde. Non-permanent-damage way to dissuade dogs and people from biting.


* Preferably translucent and bright green or yellow. Or, substitute a small squeeze-bottle...

You are correct. If I were not too lazy to dig mine out I'd probably know that.

The Khukuri I have is one I got at the International Revolver Championships, is made by Cold Steel. It has an edge suitable for chopping firewood.

Actually, I am not too hot on knives as I think they are evil things made only to slice and dice. Wouldn't think of hurting a dog, either, but wouldn't mind watching the owners dirty their britches. Some of the Yuppie types are terminally aggressive dog owners.

Wouldn't want to lose my freedom to own firearms over it, though.
Knife Law Summary is Jim March's doc. Quick summary:
  • Fixed-blades, concealed on your person, are a no-no. (In a backpack or laptop case you are carrying is 'on your person'; in the glovebox or under the seat of your car is not.)
  • Open carry is generally OK.
  • Folded folders are OK.
  • No knives bigger than 2.5" on k-12 school grounds.
  • No fixed-blade knives bigger than 2.5" on college/university grounds, but folders are OK.
A campus cop tells me that CSU Hayward pd thinks it can ban folders; I don't get where they think they have the authority - state agency, with state law, so far as I can understand - but what do I know?

Other jurisdictions may impose other restrictions. Don't try to take one through a metal detector, and I'd guess you would be fine.
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