LAPD big time fail

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One of the important considerations to well timed propaganda is not that the facts are true, but that the impression you want is widely distributed.

Of course the whole thing was a lie and LAPD had to know, but it was carried coast to coast on network media and hundreds of millions saw it and are under the impression that gun owners also have anti tank weapons at home.

The refutations are out of synch with the news cycle and basically, no one cares.
Noted here shortly after the buyback....and the mainstream media never reported it so Mr. and Mrs. America still think there are rocket launchers running around LA.
Noted here shortly after the buyback....and the mainstream media never reported it so Mr. and Mrs. America still think there are live, loaded rocket launchers running around LA.

There, fixed it for you.
After the buy back, they also showed a whole table full of totally pristine AR's. Some really nice ones. It was VERY hard to believe people really turned those in for $150. I'm still waiting for some local reporter to prove the police put some cop owned weapons on the table just for the dog and pony show!

The sad truth is that no matter what we do, we are doomed.
No we're not, we are doing good to protect our Rights, the AWB is already all but beaten, we just need to keep up/increase the pressure so that the universal background checks and mag cap bans don't get through.
For my fellow Cali-ites here, we're not totally doomed, and I ask that if you have a few bucks laying around in your sofa, to please join up with the CRPA. They look out after us & do very good work fighting the fight.....
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