Let McCaskill (D-MO) know how you feel

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Done. I am embarrassed that this woman purports to represent my state. A pox on you Todd Akin.
She's not alone. BOTH of the senators from my home state of Illinois are anti-gun zealots, one posing as a republican. Both PURPORTING to represent Illinois. Durbin is a lockstep Democrat who NEVER EVER deviates from the party line. And Kirk is nothing more than a RINO
I've been writing her throughout the whole process her tone softened a bit on AWB for a little while and I thought there was a slim possibility she might not support it. Though we seriously have nobody to blame for her next 6 years but Todd Akin, was a slam dunk to get her out before his little science lesson.
No Kidding vamo... The whole time I was thinking please just shut your mouth. I found it funny though that he led her in the polls for a little while even after that comment.
Don't let her get away with it, pay attention to when she comes up for reelection and work your butts off to unseat her!!

Keep up the good fight gentlemen (and ladies).
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