Liberal Air America Sinking Fast

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Oct 19, 2003
Arlington, VA
Air America is becoming a very sad example of the absolute intellectual bankruptcy of the political left in America. The best the Liberal Democrats seem to be able to offer in counterpoint to Conservative talk radio is this purile, childish crap. Very sad.


Liberal radio is airing bad jokes and worst taste

The United States "is on the slippery slope to theocratic fascism." "The Catholic Church has been secretly encouraging oral sex for years."
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld "ought to be tortured." President Bush should be taken out and shot.

Those are a few nutso nuggets from the hosts of Air America Radio, which calls itself the new liberal voice. The fledgling network is carried in New York on WLIB, 1190 AM. With the Iraq torture scandal everywhere, I tuned in, expecting to hear sober policy analysis mixed with glee over President Bush's political pickle.

Instead, I got 10 hours of rancid venom directed at the President, Rumsfeld, Rush Limbaugh, the Catholic Church and anyone else the hosts felt like slamming. If you're a card-carrying lib who likes crude sex jokes and a cartoonish echo chamber, Air America is for you.

Take one host's linking the talk of "pulling out" the troops with the claim that "that's what the Catholic Church says about premarital sex." Ha, ha.

The network aims to give Dems a media organization to counter Limbaugh and others on the right who dominate talk radio. (What, National Public Radio and The New York Times aren't enough?)

The signing of comedian and best-selling author Al Franken gave Air America a liberal drawing card. But if his three-hour show on Monday was typical, he could sink the ship instead of saving it.

Two attempts at humor were offensive. In his "oy, oy show," set to Israeli music, a sidekick reads news reports - in this case, the murder of the Russian-backed president of Chechnya. Franken's role is to pipe up with a lighthearted "oy, oy, oy." Yep, nothing tickles the ribs like assassination.

Franken also imitated a priest giving Communion, saying "Body of Christ" when an imagined pedophile priest was in line but "not for you" when pro-choice politicians came up.

The church was a day-long obsession, as was Limbaugh. He is an "awful man," "a pig" and "a Nazi."

Color me confused. If Franken & Co. hate the pill-popping Limbaugh so much, why imitate his tarpit tone? Sounds like Limbaugh has simply driven them nuts.

Missing was the tension that comes from honest debate. Only Franken had guests voicing even slight distance from the party line, which is that John Kerry is perfect except he should attack Bush more.

The queen of venom, Randi Rhodes, followed Franken in the host slot. Her imitation of a cracker military type telling a soldier to "insert this fluorescent light bulb into that man's buttocks" was revolting. She compared U.S. prisons in Iraq to the "Nazi gulag" and said, "The day I say thank you to Rumsfeld is the same day I'll say thank you to the 12 people who raped me."

Rock bottom came when she compared Bush and his family to the Corleones in the "Godfather" saga. "Like Fredo, somebody ought to take him out fishing and phuw," she said, imitating the sound of gunfire.

During a day of torture by radio, I heard ads for Hewlett-Packard, Greyhound and, especially, General Motors. I asked GM why it appeared in such shows.

Ryndee Carney, GM's manager of marketing communications, said the ads were wrongly picked up from an earlier deal with WLIB. She said the station was ordered to "cease and desist" yesterday, and added: "GM will not advertise on any Air America affiliates."

Originally published on May 12, 2004
My local A.M. station recently replaced Gallagher, Hannity and Savage with this drivel. I predict they will continue (fed by virulent hatred for GW) until the November elections, then they will sink faster than Ted Kennedy's car :D
I am Jewish. Al Franken is an embarassment to my religion/culture. There is a word for people like him: schmuck.:neener:
It's failing because their message of socialism is not what the American people want or need. I hope they lose money on it until it dies. If every program connected with liberals dies a slow death, our country will be better off.
That talk radio is dominated by "conservative" hosts is just a by product of the fact that these same "conservative" hosts make money for the radio station.

If the moonbat left made money in radio, they would have their hosts on air too.

The simlple fact is, leftist radio fails every time because it looses money.

Ain't capitaism great? :D

The above is why I think that Air America will last only up until November 8th, and then will die a quick death. That this date is a day after the 2004 Presidential Election is just a co-incedence, I'm sure...... ;)
Fading faster and faster

"So is Mike Malloy on Air America?"

Nope, we had him on WLS here in Chicago on the overnight shift for a while.

He pulled a small fantical handful of kool-aid drinkers but never made a dent in the arbitrons. Of course when he was fired it was all the fault of the right wing conservative management conspiracy to get him and other "truth seekers" off the air and hide the real truth.

AAR has Franken, Janeane Garafalo and Randi Rhodes as their big draws. They were thrown off Chicago and LA markets for not paying their bill for the air time they purchased and are still off the air here at least (Chicago) and last week they supposedly missed payroll by a few days.

Franken's humor is weak, Garofalo comes across as incredibly impressed with her own "wit and insight" and Rhodes is just downright mean and nasty to everyone, even the libs that call in to praise her. She is big on screaming at people and hanging up on them while they try to tell her how great she is. Good tactic.

General Motors had some ads running on the network, probably bought as general air time and when they found out they pulled all their ads. Their listenership doesn't even show up on the ratings books and internet streaming doesn't count for ratings points, and that translates into revenue.

Bottom line, they have no significant revenue stream yet and don't show any signs of creating one.

The good news, it's a huge money pit for George Soros to keep dumping his fortune into.

My prediction, when it finally goes off the air there will be a big hue and cry that they were driven off the air by big corporate interests that were afraid of them.

Radio is the ultimate democracy where everyone an vote with their push button every 15 seconds or so if you don't like what they hear.

And, in the immortal words of Wavy Gravy at Woodstock: ... The "for those of you that don't think capitalism is all that weird" award goes to Air America Radio.

How dumb do you have to be to spend a good part of your air time berating every major corporation in America as evil, then turn around and ask them to advertise on your show?
As Rush has said many times, the reason that the right wing has been so successful with talk radio is that they have the left wing to hold up for the entertainment portions of the show. So who do the left wingers use for entertainment on Air America? Themselves. Al Franken and Jeneane Garafalo? You know they are going to try and do the entertaining, because that is what they consider themselves to be. They are the focus, in their world. That is why this will fail in the end.
My 2 year old daughter has more wit and wisdom than that" schmuck" Franken.I am glad that it's a money pit for Soros.Let the whiners crash and burn.BTW,how come they get away with what is known as "Hate Speach"?

Gallagher, Hannity and Savage


I can't speak for Hannity because i've never listened to him, but I can't stand listening to Savage of Gallagher (Who is a biggoted ???????).

I don't care for Air America either, in general talk radio sucks (Aside from Art Bell, lol). I suppose I can stand listening to Rush though, but even he gets on my nerves at times.
TV = Visual = Half-hour shows, quick soundbites, less thinking required = choice of Left

Radio = Audio = 3-hours shows, in-depth commentary, More thinking required = choice of Right

editted to add: Generally speaking.
I have never heard a three hour conservative talk show on the radio. Seemed more like 29 minutes of talk and 2 hours 31 minutes of commercials and self-serving book plugs.

I quit listening to AM a long time ago and could care less who is on it from either end of the political spectrum.:barf:

I can't speak for Hannity because i've never listened to him, but I can't stand listening to Savage of Gallagher (Who is a biggoted ???????).

Gallagher annoys me. He is heavily into consumerism and self satisfaction. Also he is very whiney.

Hannity annoys me too. His ego is actually bigger than Rush's and he is a lapdog party hack for the RNC.

I like Savage because he is entertaining & very funny with probably a higher IQ than the other two put together.

I have never heard a three hour conservative talk show on the radio. Seemed more like 29 minutes of talk and 2 hours 31 minutes of commercials and self-serving book plugs.

We all know that in showbusiness, an hour only has 22 minutes.
Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot




Ah, yes, the intellectualism of conservative talk radio, compared to that drivel on the left. :rolleyes:


The purpose of any broadcast media is to sell ads. Period. You may think that Jerry Springer is the epitome of everything that is wrong in America, but a lot of eyeballs catch his sponsors. That's why his show is still on the air.

Was it Barnum who said, "No one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the public"? Talk radio is not about presenting great ideas, or solving conundrums. If you make a listener think, he might be too busy cogitating to hear the commercials. If subtlety and reason were as entertaining as histrionics, Bill O'Reilley wouldn't be yelling, would he?

One-dimensional, My way or the highway declarations are the rule of "talk" radio, because if the excitement and controversy levels aren't kept THIS HIGH,
listeners will change the dial, and all those ads will be broadcast in vain.

Rush knows this.

Hannity knows this.

Even Franken knows this.

Talk radio is a waste of time, unless you as a listener need to have your ego stroked by a ranting entertainer, or perhaps you do need one of the "miracle" snake oils being hawked. It is no complement to freedom-loving Americans that left-leaning talk radio is failing, but that Right-leaning ranters are more popular than ever. It only suggests that the left is too smart to listen to that crap for very long.

And what does that say about you, Dittohead?
And what does that say about you, Dittohead?
I say the more sources of information, the better. I pick up news from talk radio that I don't get from other sources, just as I pick up some points on the network news that are not covered on talk radio.

So I listen to talk radio, TV news, newspapers and magazines, couple of dozen online news sources (including THR) and read a bunch of books. This allows me to reach my own conclusions as to what is going on.

Was it Barnum who said, "No one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the public"?

No, that was Baltimore Sun columnist H. L. Mencken:

"No one in this world, so far as I know ... has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.
Notes on journalism, Chicago Tribune, [19 September 1926] "

Talk radio is not about presenting great ideas, or solving conundrums. If you make a listener think, he might be too busy cogitating to hear the commercials. If subtlety and reason were as entertaining as histrionics, Bill O'Reilley wouldn't be yelling, would he?

And that would include commercial-free talk radio like NPR's All Things Considered, Talk of the Nation, the Diane Rheme show, etc?

Talk radio is a waste of time, unless you as a listener need to have your ego stroked by a ranting entertainer, or perhaps you do need one of the "miracle" snake oils being hawked. It is no complement to freedom-loving Americans that left-leaning talk radio is failing, but that Right-leaning ranters are more popular than ever. It only suggests that the left is too smart to listen to that crap for very long.

National Public Radio has found that approximately two thirds of its regular listening audience is composed of self-described political conservatives who tune in to shows like "All Things Considered" etc. in order to consider an alternative, liberal-left viewpoint.

It suggests that the left is too intellectually lazy to pursue much beyond the preprocessed pap spoonfed to them by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc.

The American "intellectual" left is also illustrated by the child-like literature it produces; e.g. "Lying Liars and the Lies they Tell" "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" etc.

And what does that say about you, Dittohead?

I haven't listened to a Rush Limbaugh broadcast in over seven years. I don't believe I have ever tuned in for more than fifteen minutes of his show in total.
... and faster

Liberal Talk Show Shuts LA, Chicago Sales Offices
Wed May 12, 2004 09:21 PM ET

By Sue Zeidler
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Air America has shut its sales offices in Los Angeles and Chicago and is recasting its business plan, the network's president said on Wednesday as troubles beset the liberal talk show network.

With Air America not broadcasting in those two cities after a financial dispute in April, network president Jon Sinton said, "There's not much sense in having sales offices in cities where you don't control a station."

About 15 to 20 people were laid off in the closing of the sales offices, the latest sign of problems for Air America, launched on March 31 as a liberal alternative to the country's predominantly conservative talk show culture led by right-wing icons like Rush Limbaugh.

Since it started, Chairman Evan Cohen, Vice Chairman Rex Sorensen and Head of Programing David Logan have left while co-founder Mark Walsh has stepped down as chief executive to take a smaller role in the organization.

Sinton said Air America was in "high-level affiliate discussions in Chicago and Los Angeles" and other cities.

Sinton said the company had moved away from its original business model, which was to lease and totally control the radio stations in which its programing ran.

Rather, Sinton said Air America has found success with traditional affiliate relationships, under which it provides about 20 hours of programing per day in many cases in exchange for the ability to sell a certain number of minutes per hour of advertising.

"The business model has changed with our on-air success. The fact that we are moving the needle so quickly with affiliates has surprised us and negated the need for us to control our own stations," Sinton said.

After its launch, a dispute with business partner Multicultural Radio Broadcasting led to its programing being yanked from the air in Chicago and Los Angeles.

Air America, which is said to have more than $30 million in financing, is operating in about nine markets, and on satellite radio and the Internet. Its Web site said that 15 more stations will be coming in May.

"We're always looking for new financing, but the investors we have are committed and we would we like to raise more money," said Sinton, who said that certain people on the board with long-term radio experience have recently taken over key decision-making roles in a departure from the past.

Serious errors in business judgment account for Air America's problems, rather than its slate of programing, say various radio industry insiders.

"It makes you wonder why everybody is leaving the company," said Michael Harrison, editor for Talkers, a magazine about Talk Shows.

"I think the concept of liberal radio is great, but they went about it wrong. They first insisted that stations take an entire line-up. The odds of getting enough stations to take a whole line-up are so impossible."


© Copyright Reuters 2004. All rights reserved.
"There's not much sense in having sales offices in cities where you don't control a station."
"The business model has changed with our on-air success. The fact that we are moving the needle so quickly with affiliates has surprised us and negated the need for us to control our own stations," Sinton said.
Hmm...the fact they can't control stations has negated the need to control stations. Sounds like a success to me.:rolleyes:
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