....liberalism will die of self inflicted wounds

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Dec 25, 2002
the city

Camelot's dying embers

Posted: February 6, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

In the end, liberalism will die of self-inflicted wounds. Such is the meaning of tragedy in the classic Greek sense: Buried deep within the hero or heroine's character are the seeds of destruction. They take root – the victim is ruined. Not even the gods can save him.

I imagine that modern liberalism will die like an old, sick animal in the roadway, unable to move, avoided – for the most part – by passing motorists, shunned by pedestrians as they cross the street to walk by. No one will claim the body, because it will have no friends left.

Survival has a wonderful way of focusing the attention. When one is under attack, all else vanishes from the mind in a whoosh of adrenaline. Police officers, firemen and soldiers experience this. It's the way we are made. The threat becomes the sole focus of mind and body. Whether one succeeds in eliminating it – or is eliminated by it – there is in that interim eternity no doubt just who the enemy is.

Islamists were emboldened by the modern faith of liberalism and its guiding star and lone commandment, tolerance. They rightly identified this as the West's Achilles' Heel: a society that demands acceptance of other cultures based not on its values, but on theirs. Islamists correctly reasoned that such a society would be incapable of labeling anyone an enemy, especially those from the outside. Hence its survival mechanism would not function and they would take over its hollow corpse.

Indeed, liberalism's adherents believe they and they alone are above the primitive concepts of "friend" or "enemy." Liberals have "evolved" to where everyone and everything is seen as equally good, no one is in a position to judge another, and whatever happens is meant to be. The only enemy, if such a crude concept can be sustained, is one who resists the faith of liberalism and fails to practice its lone commandment of "tolerance." Liberal experience with "enemies" was limited to Christians who opposed "a woman's right to choose" (to kill her unborn children for her own convenience). Such a belief was intolerant because it imposed sexual limits on others' behavior. No greater evil existed in the liberal world than Christians intent on protecting the lives of unborn children.

Modern liberalism is a fantasy, a concoction of the immature late 20th-century mind, which is itself a product of too much money, too much time, waning academic discipline and bad parenting. As such, modern liberalism was ill-prepared for a confrontation with reality.

That confrontation came on Sept. 11, 2001. Men from another culture seized control of airliners full of people, slit the throats of stewardesses in front of passengers to quash resistance, battered down cockpit doors and took control of the aircraft. They then intentionally flew those aircraft into buildings filled with mothers, fathers and children going about their daily lives – the same types of people as those who had just hours earlier boarded the airliners. Were the true cause of death written on the Sept. 11 victims' death certificates, they might well read: "Death by self-inflicted belief."

When push came to shove, only Todd Beamer, a man schooled in the Christian concept of good and evil, was able to rally others and correctly identify the threat confronting them. Together, they set aside their own survival for a greater good, and with the immortal words "let's roll," attacked and destroyed the evil bent on delivering its fiery human and fuel-oil bomb into the White House or Capitol building in Washington, D.C. It is only by God's grace that we have experienced two more State of the Union addresses.

Liberalism is incapable of taking action other than appeasement, because it is incapable of rendering judgments that make choices possible. Thus as America prepares for war, liberals are like deer caught in the headlights on a dark road at night: frozen, terrified, their hooves glued to the pavement, unable to move. Whatever the threat to America – a radioactive dirty bomb, plague, smallpox, nerve gas or a full nuclear attack on an American city, liberals are incapable of action because their mental processes cannot accept the reality of an enemy.

Instead, they gather together and clamor for the world that once was, gathering in huge demonstrations for "peace" while standing in the path of certain destruction. Their minds are incapable of comprehending an enemy who seeks their blood splattered across airliner seats and flowing down the aisles, the incineration of skyscrapers filled with people, or the deaths of millions under the cloak of Hitlerian appeasement that only enables the enemy to grow stronger and further refine its attack to become more deadly.

America's choice is not between war and "peace," as the paralytic left of America's liberal establishment has framed it. America's choice is survival or oblivion. Only the American people can choose whether the rotting corpse in the road is America, or simply its hollow liberal shadow.
That might be the best one that I've ever seen. Thanks.
When push came to shove, only Todd Beamer, a man schooled in the Christian concept of good and evil, was able to rally others and correctly identify the threat confronting them

Wow..... I guess that means Mark Bingham really wasn't there on 93 right beside him, if'n one needs to be a Christian family man to correctly identify a threat.

Feh... much as I dislike modern liberalism, and as misguided as I think their philosophies are.. they ain't cowards, and they aren't totally incapable of acting in self defense on a national scale. Heck, WWII was filled with fighting folks thinking FDR was some kinda saviour for gosh's sake.

This kinda "we're noble, they're craven cowards" stuff just makes it easier to underestimate the punks I think. :p

Typical 'World Nut Daily' trash. I'm somewhat embarrased to admit that I used to read their stuff.

Funny thing is, he's almost right - collectivist society will self-destruct, due to it's own internal contradictions if nothing else. Other than that, McMillan's opinions are useless tripe.

- Chris
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