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Logistics for the Mrs??

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
Now that I'm married, question for all you married people; I had not put "Mrs. Twoblink" into the logistical plans, didn't even consider it; but now..

Do I go the "All your guns are belong to her" route,


Do you all have a "His & Hers" of everything as far as guns??
You clearly have been married for all of about five minutes, because you haven't yet discovered that _all_ of your stuff, including anything and everything you get from now on, is now hers. :neener:

Unless she shows no interest in it, is heavy, strikes her as ugly, or is in need of repairs. In which case, it is yours.

You will, of course, be expected to make any such object meeting the above criteria interesting, light, beautiful, and either repaired or hauled to the dump.


In reality, gwa9 picks her own guns. She can use any of them, but some are clearly hers.
She has her guns and I have mine, but nothing stops either one of us from using any of the guns. Some days we'll go to the range for carry gun practice and switch guns just so we're proficient with the others carry gun.
I'm married 36 years and I whole heartedly agree with Geek.
Everything you think you own, you don't.
It's that simple, so don't fight it.
Now if you're a good boy (in her eyes) you may be allowed to borrow things on an occasional basis. she might even let you out to run with the other dogs at times.
Married is strange but on the whole it's nice.

Well.. that solved the logistical problem then :banghead:

I have a friend who told me "All your guns are belong to her" (Until death right??)

So let me make sure I've got this correct:

What's mine is hers, and what's hers is hers, except the things she doen't want, in which case, they are mine, but she can, at anytime, claim that they are hers again.


Also, factor this into your budget plans...

Mrs. Spoon is a stay at home mother of two children (three if you count me:D ). I work outside the home creating a permanent revenue stream and she works in the home both raising the afformentioned kids(3) and with a sewing business that creates a good bit of revenue in its own right.

So we put all the money into a big pot and we split it right down the middle, she gets 90% and I get 10%...and I pay the bills with my 10%!

Just wanted you to get that correct out of the gate also!

Actually, I'm just kidding, but don't make the mistake of getting into his and hers. You're marrying to "become one" not to remain two. It "all y'alls'" as we say here in the South.

Just make sure that whatever is designated as "hers" for use is always ready to go, or even better yet, she'll take enough interest to keep it ready to go on her own
twoblink said:
So let me make sure I've got this correct:

What's mine is hers, and what's hers is hers, except the things she doen't want, in which case, they are mine, but she can, at anytime, claim that they are hers again.


Mostly correct. Keep in mind that if you ever get divorced, even the things that she didn't previously want, and you thought were yours, will now be hers. In fact, the more you wanted it, and the less interest she had in it, the higher the probability that she will demand (and get) it.
"All your guns are belong to her"

You guys are talking like that's a problem?


Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the 'y' becomes silent. -- my grandma

As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will -- he will be sure to repent it. -- Socrates
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I haven't been married for a full year yet, but here's how it works for us so far. I say "ours" and she says, "yours" to just about every posession we have, including ones she brought in or bought since.
aaaaand, I've got a new signature, thanks to Twoblink. That's great! I always use the "What's mine is hers, and what's hers is hers", but you just took it to a whole new level.:cool:
Rabid Rabbit has the sense of it. My wife's guns are hers. My guns are mine. Any modern combat firearm of mine is "ours" from a defensive use standpoint.

Don't ever confuse "all my heart, body and soul" during the wedding with the property or bank accounts in a marriage. Keep everything in 3 categories of your, mine, ours and be fare about it so that when you want to buy that diamond pendant or RAMI for her and she wants to buy that Omega Seamaster or AT3000 for you neither of you give it away by pulling money out of the joint account.
So let me make sure I've got this correct:

What's mine is hers, and what's hers is hers, except the things she doen't want, in which case, they are mine, but she can, at anytime, claim that they are hers again.

unless she wants it thrown out. Then it's yours and it has to go, and yes she will catch you/find it after you try to sneak it back into the house. (unless you hide it the back of the gun safe.....;) )
No problems when I was married. The problem of "what belongs to who" really came to a boil when we were getting unmarried.

I learned a lot for the next time though.
Mrs. Browningguy of course owns everything that she likes of our firearms collection. However when it gets down to actually shooting that's another story. What she likes are the Bersa .380 for a pistol, and the Keltec SU16C for a rifle. Because of rhumatoid arthritis she will no longer shoot any rifle/shotgun over a .223, and the Keltec is light enough that she can actually enjoy shooting it.
Congrats twoblink!

The mistake you made was to buy guns that your wife could shoot. I'm right handed, my wife is a lefty. I'm 6', she's 5'4". So all of my (right handed) bolt action rifles are impossible for her to shoot, not to mention they're too physically big for her anyway. Some goes for the pistols. She doesn't like the recoil of my .44mag, the .40 has too long of a trigger reach, and so far at least she hasn't tried the .45 but seemed to think it might not be very comfortable for her.

When we can afford it, she's going to pick out her own lefty bolt action hunting rifles and additional handguns. Actually she's decided on a Sig P239 in .40S&W for her next pistol (she has a Lady Rossi .38 snubbie now).
You made her Mrs Twoblink, gave her a ring, and she put it through your nose before you made it out of the church. Convince her that she needs her own and provide them for her. Even if you get duplicates, she will want them both. You need to develop a taste for extreme guns that she will not like.

Mrs Sam stole my 3" M13 a long time ago and I still haven't got it back. I found another and she stuck it in her van. Now I stick with Auto's. She doesn't have a strong enough grip to operate the slide so there is no interest on her part.

For the most part, in our household, it is a "mine" and "hers", but.......as long as I keep buying her firearms for birthdays and anniversaries.......and make a lot of "his" and "her" purchases, like our two Bersa 380s, two Yugo SKSs, and two Mosin-Nagants, I figure I should be "safe".....for a while. :confused:
Me and the Mrs have his and hers.

Mine: Sistema Colt Government 1911

Hers: Kimber Compact 1911

Mine: Yugo SKS

Hers: Rock River Arms AR-15

Mine: old Remington 870

Hers: Benelli Nova

Hmmm...notice a trend? :cuss:


are you trying to tell me you didn't get the guns set aside in a pre-nup? for shame..... :)
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