Looking for MSAR E4 feedback

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Jun 7, 2010
Southeast Texas
Hi guys,

I'm about to take the plunge and buy a MSAR E4, and I want some feedback from those of you who actually own one. I have spent the last couple of weeks searching for reviews and have come across some mixed reviews, but mainly about the STG556 model. Can those of you who already own an E4 give me a mini-review of your experiences with them? Pics are appreciated!

I would also like to know if any of you have used Magpul E-Mags with them. If I order an E4, I'm also going to order a boatload of these mags.

Thanks guys.
If you like the feel of bullpups you will like the MSAR. I had two and they were not my cup of tea. I did not like having the bolt reciprocate that close to my face (felt very weird and was distracting). The transfer bar used to open the action sucks because you can not ride it shut, and if you do not let it slam into battery then it will not lock. Have to be careful when inserting mags, if you just slam it in often what will happen is the mag will spit several rounds out of the mag completely jamming it up ( this is a problem with all Augs and their clones). Also southpaws need not apply, and forget about shooting around a corner with your offhand.

Pros: great ergonomics, great balance, quality construction, excellent customer service.

When weighing the pros and cons I just felt that it wasn't worth it to me. Yes I had the bullpup craze until I got one. Did I mention I hate having the bolt next to my face...it sucks.

Ill stick with my conventional configurations (except for my PS90 which rocks).

If you really want a bullpup, then the MSAR is hard to beat, just make sure you like the quirkiness of bullpups before you buy...if you haven't shot one extensively then you really can not judge whether you will like it or not.
A good friend bought one. Shot it at the range recently, and t is short and handy. His is accurate, so much so that he is selling one of his M4'geries. I could get used to it myself. Trigger is a bit diferent, but so are my Glocks.
I have an E4 and I love it.The E4 uses AR mags,so the rounds popping out does not occur.Riding the charging handle forward will cause a misfeed in virtually every semi-auto I know of,just don't do it and you will be fine.My rifle is accurate,dependable and has a 20" barrel in a 31" overall length.This rifle handles like part of you.Mine has become an instant favorite.
I use mostly the XM30 mags that came with the rifle,but I have tried Pmags and they work fine.I don't know for sure,but I hear Emags also are good to go.
Southpaws can get a left hand bolt,or you can get a brass deflector for cheap to do offhand drills.Report back to us after you get yours.
I have a MSAR E4. Here's an audio podcast I made as a review of it. Short answer is that I like it quite a bit...take a listen to the podcast and hopefully it will answer some questions.




I'm going back and forth between getting a MSAR or a SIG556. I'm leaning towards the MSAR. Anyone know how it compares to the SIG?
Excellent. Thank you for your feedback. I have one more question. With all the reports of function issues with the older models, I'm a little weary yet. I would like to know if there are any function issues, however rare they may be, that would cause you to shy away from this rifle as a mbr or shtf weapon. My ar runs flawlessly with the exception of laquer induce failures after 500 or so of those old wolf rounds. Everyone says the E4 is very fun to shoot, but I don't want to buy this rifle if it's not going to be AR dependable.

Thanks for all your feedback guys. I'm not trying to put you guys on the spot, or to have you make my decision for me; just looking for opinions and feedback from owners.

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