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Man shoots and kills intruder

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Oct 2, 2010
A man in Dallas heard noises coming from a room in his house. He investigated with gun in hand and found a man trying to climb in a window. He shot and killed the man who apparently ended up hanging half in half out on the window.

The relatives of the man killed responded to the scene and told reported he had a long history of crime.


Probably no charges will come against the home owner since it is first of all Texas and their Castle doctrine.
And now there is one less maggot :(
Breaks my heart. Had this happened in California, the home owner would be on trial for Murder 1. Gotta love Oklahoma and Texas. If we weren't such rivals on the field we would make one hell of a combined state.
And now there is one less maggot :(
Breaks my heart. Had this happened in California, the home owner would be on trial for Murder 1. Gotta love Oklahoma and Texas. If we weren't such rivals on the field we would make one hell of a combined state.
True about Cali. The sad part of this is people believe this wont happen to them and they are immune to crime.
According to Biden he should have used a shotgun and fire two blasts out the window.I wonder who advised Joe on this use of force model???
According to Biden he should have used a shotgun and fire two blasts out the window.?

Uh, I believe he did! It just so happens the window chosen to shoot out of had a bad guy hanging out of it. Maybe Joe's advice can be of some use?
Half in half out. I gotta wonder in some unfriendly states, that because his whole body wasn't inside, he was just an accidental tourist, and the homeowner would be charged?
Good for the homeowner choosing defense over being a victim / statistic. Though my thoughts go out to him as taking a life is never easy no matter how prepared you are. Speaking of good ole Biden: I would love to see someone sue the crap out of him because they followed his advice about the double barrel and were charged with reckless endangerment for unsafely discharging a firearm (or some similar charge, I think you get the point). Thoughts?
Half in half out. I gotta wonder in some unfriendly states, that because his whole body wasn't inside, he was just an accidental tourist, and the homeowner would be charged?
No. That's just old claptrap from TV and cartoons.

Only in a very few states would the homeowner not be give a rebuttable presumption that the invader was there for harmful purposes, and in no states does "half-inside, half-outside" feature in the such an analysis.

His suggestion would be unlawful in almost every town or city in the country, but no one is going to ever bring suit against the Vice President for taking off-hand advice proffered on a TV show.
It s good news everytime we read these kinds of news. More power to gunowners for taking the responsibility of defending their lives and homes from bad elements of society. The police can t be around all the time and more so nowadays as PDs are laying off people.

A dead robber is a dead robber. A good society has the duty to trim down their numbers when they commit crimes and acts as such.
nbc.com actually posted this story second on the top stories list yesterday; a slight glint of hope…
True about Cali. The sad part of this is people believe this wont happen to them and they are immune to crime.
Not absolutely true. CA has some pretty good castle doctrine laws in place even thought you would never suspect that from their other anti-gun stances.
Obviously, you hate that they had to go through such a traumatic event, but it definitely turned out better than it could have.

Always nice to see the good guys come out on top.
I remember back in the 60's my uncles used to joke, make sure he falls "in", the house not out. They were all sportsmen who had lots of guns. That was in NY, now it wouldn't matter which way he fell, unless you had a carry and you still would have a hell of a time in NYC.
Having lived there and had one until I was 46, if I hadn't have left in 1994, I surelly would now.Funny all the men are gone and the women still around, that's when you know time has gone by.
I still hear my uncle "who was a gunsmith", has rifles that one aunt won't talk about. His son is a Californian, who doesn't shoot, but won't sell the guns, even though he has no wife or kids.
I remember back in the 60's my uncles used to joke, make sure he falls "in", the house not out. They were all sportsmen who had lots of guns. That was in NY, now it wouldn't matter which way he fell, unless you had a carry and you still would have a hell of a time in NYC.
Having lived there and had one until I was 46, if I hadn't have left in 1994, I surelly would now.Funny all the men are gone and the women still around, that's when you know time has gone by.
I still hear my uncle "who was a gunsmith", has rifles that one aunt won't talk about. His son is a Californian, who doesn't shoot, but won't sell the guns, even though he has no wife or kids.
As a doctor, the version is, what happens if a patient dies as he is leaving your office? The answer jokingly was, turn him around to look like he is coming in.
I read the California Home Protection Bill of Rights. The "intruder" in Dallas was attempting to climb in the window. That does not necessarily prove forcible entry. And he also was not inside the residence. So "rebuttable presumption" doesn't necessarily apply. Had the intruder been inside the residence it would be different. Not a road I would want to go down in California. But murder 1 is not a stretch. But I didn't join THR to argue with anyone. Nothing should come as a surprise when it comes to a trial ie: OJ Simpson...
I've got to give Pipkins' mother credit - none of the tired old "They had no right to do that" or "He was just turning his life around". She was quite up-front about it: "Yeah, it's something he would do". Sounds like he might still be around if he'd listened to her more.
Yeah, that quote from her means that she is either a terrible mother or the best mother, and he didn't listen to her enough.

I do remember my grandfather telling me that he kept his shotgun loaded for just something like this, and prayed he'd never have to use it for such. He didn't believe in shooting any creature he wasn't going to eat.
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