Meet a Libertarian that was elected.

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
I am using this opportunity to illustrate the fact that you can be a Libertarian/Republican and get elected.

Can you illustrate a Libertarian that won as a Libertaian?

I do not know if he is running this year or not, but I do know he was a Libertarian and regestered as a Rupublican and was elected and reelected.

So, if you want to be elected to office run as a Republican and proudly proclaim your Libertarian beliefs. You do not have to leave your beliefs behind, no more than than you leave behind your church or any civic organizations you belong to.

Representative Ron Paul Speaks the Truth In Congress And the Roof Does Not Fall

(Ed. note: Ron Paul, M.D. is a Republican from the Houston area and is a libertarian. I was on a PBS television talk program once, when he was in the audience. Another member of the audience, who was also a doctor, got up and talked about how "drugs" nearly ruined his life and so had to remain illegal. Ron Paul stood up and responded, "The fact that you can’t control yourself does not give you the right to pass laws to control everyone else."

It is ironic that the subject of the debate is called "the sense of the House." Ron Paul is almost the only one in the House with any sense at all. It will be interesting to see if he gets re-elected and if his courage has any influence on the invertebrates who govern us.)
I love Ron paul, wish all congressmen thought/voted as he id, he is the only true strict constructionist I know of
I love Ron paul, wish all congressmen thought/voted as he id, he is the only true strict constructionist I know of
I wish Ron Paul's district was a little further south. He'd get my vote for sure. As it is I'll be stuck voting for Tom DeLay or his opponent. Whether the AWB goes away in Sept will be my litmus test for whether he gets my vote or not.
Ron Paul is doing what I keep telling all you LP types to do ... leave the LP and help us in the RLC to change the GOP from the inside.
Topic Review (Newest First)

NO, NO, NO. They do not have to leave the Libertarian Party, just register as a Republican to run for office. Make it a duel membership just like so many other things that are duel memberships in life.
This would also work for the Constitutional Party.
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