Met a girl the other day...

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Feb 11, 2003
Aurora, CO
On our first date I took her shooting in the mountains above Boulder, Colorado. She outshot me with everything I brought with us. Didn't matter if we were shooting my rifle, pistol, or shotgun - she beat me hands down.

I did the only honorable and reasonable thing I could do under the circumstances. I married her!

Our little shooting match happened 23 years ago this month and we've been happily married ever since.
Yeah when you meet one like that she's a keeper!!!! My grampa always said the couple that shoots together stays together. Congratulations......tom
Yeppers, that sounds like a keeper all right. :)

I bet she can still outshoot ya can't she? :D

Happy Anniversary.

In only two more years y'all can celebrate your silver anniversary...
Tell her that Bright Stainless will be close enough. :evil:
theres a picture of my wife,,,

shooting the bushy on the board over at the rifle range,,,

we just celebrated our 3 WEEK anniversary,,,so far so good,,,

congrats and i hope ours does as well as yours,,,


oh,,,but she can't outshoot me,,,yet...

Almost the same story here...(Little farther in the past, though.)

My wife outshot me the very first range trip. With a handgun, she STILL outshoots me. I can barely beat her score with a rifle. (She considers THAT an insult.) As we get older, either she's getting better--or I'm getting worse. (I suspect the latter.)

My Grandpa was the kind of guy who would take five .22 shells with him when he went out walking. More often than not, he'd come back with six squirrels.

My Grandma used to shoot against the men every year in the Thanksgiving turkey shoot. She'd outshoot most of the men, but after the second round, when they started to move back, the men's 12 gauges would out-distance her 20 gauge. Other than that, she was a much better shot than they were...
When I first started dating 45Boo almost a year and 7 months ago, I took her out to the range on one of our dates. Taught her all the safety rules and gave her a quick shooting lesson.

Well today whenever she goes to the range the ROs are always complimenting her on her performance. This puts a little smile on my face as she can pretty much centerpunch the X ring with a .22, .38 or 9mm at 7,10 and at further indoor range distances keep it within a 3-4in group. Now I just need to get her more comfy with my 1911 :)

Congrats on your 23 years!!!!
My brother's best friend dated this really hot girl one time who would shoot with us. After Sunday lunch, we'd all go out back and shoot handguns and she'd wear really tight tops and really short skirts, and high heels. He fell in love with her and for some reason he gave this girl's dad a ruger .40 pistol for Christmas. Then she broke up with him.
Thanks for all the kind thoughts and words!

After a LOT of practice I can usually beat her now. We are going out to the range next week so wish me luck!

Budget limitations won't allow me to buy her a nice new gun for our anniversary.:(
Congratulations!!!!!! I hope in 23 1/2 years I can say almost the same thing. I am happy to see people staying together. Good for you. Course I outshot Jon on our first trip to the range together. I hope I always will. :neener:

Heck, if you can't buy her a new gun, have the jeweler make a silver bullet and have it engraved. Women love jewelry - and so would I if it was a silver bullet.
That really is how Annie got her man. In the musical (supposedly, I haven't seen it) she throws the contest.
In real life, she beat him, and he was impressed. ;)
Sounds like my aunt and uncle. He came back from the North Africa and Sicily campaigns, serving as an infantry rifleman under Patton, a real crack shot.

He met his future wife out hunting, a sweet young thing, just 17, who could shoot a squirrel in the head with a .22 at any range she could see it in the trees. They were married nearly 50 years when he died of a stroke. He never could outshoot her with rifle, pistol nor shotgun!

May you have another 23 and then double it! :D
an armed wife deters domestic violence , 'specially when she can out shoot her hubby :) way to go , ladies!

:evil: :neener: :neener: :evil:

oh yeah, happy anniversary! got ya beat by 3 years :D :p
Well, me and the "war department" have been enlisted for 37 + years.
For Christmas, I'm going to sell my Beretta 9000SF and use the cash to get her a wheel gun. I'm gonna try and find her a Python.

I remember when I took her shooting the first time back in '65. I was plinking a tin can with my little Beretta Minx (.22 short) She got curious so I showed her the ropes, loaded it up. 6 shots, 6 hits as she chased the can across the grass. Married her and have slept with one eye open ever since. heh.

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