Mexico Retaliates for Border Wall Plan

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We need to pull our troops out of Germany (70,000+-) and thier equipment and put them on the southern border. Mexico has its army on its southern border to stop "immigrants" from crossing Mexico on thier way to the U.S.

Livin in TEXAS
All of these things I believe are very beneficial in the long run. The more GWB and the likes of him discredit themselves, the more obvious the real conflicts become. Within twenty years we may very well have both major parties split up as the issues mount. That will result in more political controversy, but also in more transparency, which can only be good. The only danger comes from a ratchet effect in gradual loss of fundamental liberties, but the ratchet will be broken if the two-party system fractures.
Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall," Derbez said.

this makes me want to join the minutemen.
We need to pull our troops out of Germany (70,000+-) and thier equipment and put them on the southern border. Mexico has its army on its southern border to stop "immigrants" from crossing Mexico on thier way to the U.S.

It may come to that. I just can't really imagine this President ever leaning very hard on Mexico.

Let me get this straight- the US is going to build a wall on its own territory with its own money and another country objects and expects it not to go ahead?Give Mexico back to the indians that the Spanish then Mexicans stole it from.
I notice that the liberal media is trying very hard to blur the lines between ILLEGAL immigration and LEGAL immigration. This is a pretty stiff slap in the face to all the people who went about things legally.

"If people in the U.S. and Canada had an accurate view of the success of democracy, political stability and economic prosperity in Mexico, it would improve their views on specific bilateral issues like immigration and border security," Rob Allyn, president of the PR firm, told The Associated Press Tuesday.

Gee, and if Mexico actually had a successfull democracy, political stability, and economic prosperity maybe their citizenry wouldnt be fleeing their nation like it was on fire.
8,800 Abrams Main Battle Tanks in the US inventory - evenly spaced along the US-Mexico border - no need to build a wall. :evil:
The worst possible thing for Mexico would be for any substantial percentage of the American people to become clearly convinced that Mexico were meddling in our internal affairs. They haven't even begun to see the barest beginnings of where this can go. It won't end in a Mexican standoff, that much we know.
"Our president should oppose that wall and make them stop it, at all costs," said Martin Vazquez, 26,

At all costs? Bring it on. Me and my Mexican wife and in-laws would be glad to bear arms aginst you in your declaration of war.

My (legally immigrated) Mexican father in law has no tolerance for illegal aliens from Mexico or any other nation.
One small difference....

"Mexicans are outraged by the proposed measures, especially the extension of the border wall, which many liken to the Berlin Wall."

One tiny difference: The Berlin wall was for keeping East Germans IN. Our wall is to keep illegals OUT.

But anyway, now you know how Israel feels.

c_yeager said:
I notice that the liberal media is trying very hard to blur the lines between ILLEGAL immigration and LEGAL immigration. This is a pretty stiff slap in the face to all the people who went about things legally.

Gee, and if Mexico actually had a successfull democracy, political stability, and economic prosperity maybe their citizenry wouldnt be fleeing their nation like it was on fire.
You're surely correct on this..I hear more and more on TV, the phrase
"undocumented" immigrant, than what it really is... Illegal
infestation !!

I hate to say it, but there's a possibility the wall may become our version of Siberia's
infamous Road of Bones.
"Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall," Derbez said.
Thats about all I need to hear to support putting up a wall... takes some cajones to tell another country that you will not let them enforce their laws that are supposed to keep your people out. Jerks...
matis said:
One tiny difference: The Berlin wall was for keeping East Germans IN. Our wall is to keep illegals OUT.But anyway, now you know how Israel feels.


Oh, gosh! I wonder whether Jorge has a plan for Mexico's unhappiness. That's certainly got to be a higher priority for him than America's borders.

The problem is that both major parties, plus both of the minor parties are all just as bad on immigration. George W and his party members have to feel the heat scorching their feet from within their own ranks to make a difference.

Although I'm generally a libertarian, I disagree with them in regards to "no borders" issues. I'm more a follower of Pat Buchanan in that regard. I believe in easy and free legal immigration for those who want to be Americans, and keeping illegals out, using as harsh a measure as is neccessary.
Excuse me, Mexico does enforce its border. The one on the Central American side. Only way to get across is to bribe the Mexican army. They sure have an opinion of us as idiots. They are right. As for internaitional outrage, let the countries that allow unfettered acess across their borders step forward.
the Mexican government has taken out ads urging Mexican workers to denounce rights violations in the United States.

Um.... presuming they're talking about the ones that skipped the not-a-wall in the first place.... wouldn't that kinda be helping the INS out? :confused:
Now that Vinny and his buds are tub-thumping maybe APUPIReutersetal will send seasoned reporters to MEXICO's southern border are report in a multi-page special how MEXICO control's its border. What does Mexico do to illegal border crossers? It would be instructive in that we could see the breathtaking hypocracy of Vinny and his posse.
Forgetting all of the political stuff, isn't this like me getting mad because you are putting a fence up on your side of our adjoining land?

Mexico wouldn't care unless the actual stemming of illegal immigration was going to nail them in the pocketbook...

Oh wait, that's exactly why they care. We ARE the Mexican economy. :fire:
The degree of arrogance reflected in some of the quotes in that article ..... simply amazing.
The PR firm mentioned has interesting information on their website. Look to be capable of some pretty heavy lifting.

Have a safe and happy Christmas.
Hmm, war with Mexico. That should take, about, hm, three days? Maybe? I think the troops at Ft Huachuca and the fly boys at Davis-Monthan AFB can handle it pretty much by themselves, if need be.
We have already been invaded, time to counteraattck.
"It's against what we see as part of our life, our culture, our territory."

"Our territory" That's the problem. It's still Mexico's territory. (Can't believe you guys missed that line.)
GOOD. If they hate it I love it. Our country is under invasion pure and simple and it needs to stop. You want to come here for a better life for you and your children great mroe power to you. But do it legaly and with respect for your new home, not with the utter and complete disrespect for it that runs rampant.
I've previously said the fight over illegal border crossers will expose lots of different issue hidden from public view. The first to show up will be the extend to Mexican interference in American affairs. Please, Vinny, get huffy and make a spectacle out of yourself.

Second point, There may be deep dark linkages between Casa de Bush and the Mexican ruling class. I've read only one article which gives a realistic guesstimation as to why Bush goes belly up around Vinny. The writer speculated the Mexican power structure, knowing how pathetic the countries economy is, had a word with Bush and explained to him that the US will accept a comparative trickle of illegal border crossers. If the US objected and sought to hinder the flow, the Mexican government would simply increase the trickle to a flood. So instead of a million a year Mexico could conceivably muster 10 million a year with a simple change in tax or labor laws.

Not sure I buy the explanation but it sure explains a lot of stupidity by some fairly astute people.
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