Migrant death toll in Arizona on record pace

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The Mexican government has long viewed
the American taxpayer as a resource for
the rich in there country and this will not
stop until "all" americans let there
representatives know we are fed up.

All I know is the political will trickles down from the top and Mr. Bush is unwilling or unable to take a firm or honest stand on this issue. (emphasis mine)
How do you know this? Have you talked to anybody that would know or are you basing it all on the lack of presidential speeches? Are you so “in the know†that you are able to make such sweeping statements as, “there is no demonstrable will in Washington to do squat about the illegal alien problemâ€, or do you just not see the “will†because you either don’t want to or it isn't expressed in your preferred manner?

I think you and I have been in agreement, miraculously enough, on certain aspects of this problem in the past--viz., that step one would be to cut off public monies, including free health care and education, to illegal aliens. That would not doubt be more effective than attempting a police or military approach at this point.
I’ll always agree with you when you say something correct. ;) Yes, I think you and I are in agreement on the true solution here, although we might diverge on a few other issues. As I have said on THR and TFL alike, enforcement of any sort (IOW military or LEO) will never end illegal immigration. And while “flipping a switch†and eliminating any sort of immigration controls would certainly solve the illegal aspect of immigration it would be devastating to our economy with its current configuration of public handouts. I would love to see welfare in all its forms eliminated and our borders opened to any and all who wish to become Americans, but I know better than to think such a thing will ever happen. So until that utopian day arrives I will continue to support various appropriate enforcement measures. And I will continue to try and remove the erroneous conclusions from those that speak out of ignorance, chief of which is that there is no “political will†to deal with illegal immigration.
I'm not going to restate my views as to what I think should be done with regard to to invasion of our southern border. Suffice it to say that if the no mans land was made a free fire zone and bodies piled up 3 foot high, it wouldn't bother me near as much as the thought that my country is being slowly and systematically stolen by hoards of Hispanic Criminals (yes, ilegal immigrants are Criminals in spite of all the retoric to the contrary). When I go to a shopping mall and the majority of conversations are being held in a language other than English, it makes my blood boil.

This country was founded by Anglos and English was the language used to write the Constitution, The Declaration of Independance, and the Bill of Rights. The Star Spangled Banner was not written in Spanish, it was written in English, the language of this country. No other Ethnic group has ever been so catered to as has this one and I say it is not right. If something is not done in the immediate future to stop the invasion there will be no need to patrol the Southern border, it will be up to the Canadians to stop the Hoard at their border.

Call me what you will, but that's the way I feel.

My "ignorance" is based on the actions I see being taken--or more to the point NOT TAKEN. It would be comforting to believe that something substantive is being done to effect the will of the majority of Americans, but so far I haven't seen anything of that nature. The influx continues unabated. You allude, often cryptically, to things you know about that I and the rest of America don't. Please enumerate those and provide me with hope. I'd love that. All I know is that more and more cities are embracing illegal aliens as de facto citizens and more and more businesses are eager for their money. Neither of those things means that the bulk of Americans are anything but supportive of having our laws respected, but it certainly points to some moral slackness in both our politicians and business leaders.

You think Bush's refusal to address this issue means nothing? I suppose Karl Rove's statement to Tom Tancredo--"Never darken the door of the White House again!"--means nothing also. We'll see how tough Bush is when he next talks with Vicente Fox, and we'll see whether he has the best interests of American citizens at heart or just certain segments of the population. Color me dubious until proof to the contrary, judging from the fact that only 9/11 aborted a White House plan to push for another amnesty bill.
You allude, often cryptically, to things you know about that I and the rest of America don't. Please enumerate those and provide me with hope.
You know as well as I do that I have time and again delineated various “things†being done to deal with illegal immigration. Moreover, nothing I have said is “special†information, it is all readily available to those who wish to learn. A quick search through THR or TFL will show you more than a few examples of past occasions where I have taken the time to list various changes made with the express purpose of dealing with illegal immigration. Your dismissal of everything as meaningless simply because it is different than the steps you would take is beyond my ability to control. I am not inclined to repeat myself over and over again when the other half of the conversation has exemplified all the willingness of a fence post when it comes to changing opinion when presented with new facts.

I suppose Karl Rove's statement to Tom Tancredo--"Never darken the door of the White House again!"--means nothing also.
And you have established the veracity of this statement and the reasons for it how again? Sour grapes couldn’t possibly be involved could they?
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