Million Gun Owner March

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Jul 20, 2008
radcliff, Kentucky
I think we need to start one, march on congress and let them know we have a voice to and will be a force to be reckoned with in the future. What say you.
There was an effort on Facebook to have a national march on 08 FEB. All the state capital buildings. If it does happen, I'll be driving to OKC. I think they were talking 10 am to noon.

I've always wanted to see DC, and I have a family who would love it. So if it happened, I might be interested in taking a trip (I'd leave the family when I went to the march itself).
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It is better not to have one that have a million march be a few guys in funny clothes.

Spend your time contacting legislators.
It's a dangerous gamble, on the part of gun owners, to announce a massive march. If the numbers don't turn out, that fact can be cited as proof that support for the pro-gun side is weak. It's a case of the old adage, "If you strike at the King, you must strike to kill." There's no room for half-measures. Vocal letter-writing campaigns would be more effective, and safer, at this point. (Also personal visits to your legislators.)
Marches as about as effective as boycotts. I would suggest a national "take an anti to the range" day or even a week of it. Pushing this from the roots up will have more effect than trying to pull it down from the top.
Most responsible gun owners will probably be working and not be able to attend.

OK, I think that deserves to be addressed. I'm a 51 year old man, married, with children in middle school. US Army vet. I have better things to do than drive three hours one way, stand around with a few "unusual people" then drive three hours back. This is probably the reason I have attained the age of 51 and never been a member of any kind of demonstration in my life.

And I'm sure that previous posters are right that it will be hard to get decent numbers.

HOWEVER..... I can't really accept the argument that one is too busy or has to work. That applies to all of us to one degree or another. But IF you really believed that getting out of work and going to this demonstration would be the tipping point in whether this sort of legislation passed or not.... I submit to you that you would find a way to "get it done." If that's true... the question becomes that big IF. And maybe HOW can we organize it?

I'm staying open to the idea at this point.

I'm hoping that Feinstein's introduction of the "new and improved AWB" will create so much outrage that real public demonstrations can make a difference.

Maybe the whole Occupy Wall Street movement has somehow tainted the idea for the Right? You don't have to be on the Left or have long hair or even smell bad to be willing to go out in public and make a statement for your rights.

I'll make one "prediction." If we end up with some super tough gun control laws... THEN gun owners will be ready to go out in the street and march. I'm sure there will be protests all over the place. IMO... it would be better to have the protests BEFORE the gun bills can become laws.

Maybe the whole Occupy Wall Street movement has somehow tainted the idea for the Right? You don't have to be on the Left or have long hair or even smell bad to be willing to go out in public and make a statement for your rights.

Yes, but those guys didn't have jobs. I had to take off on the 8th. But I will be in Trenton.
It was tried in 2010, and there wasn't that much of a turnout -- see here and here.

True, but the difference between then and now is that there is currently a major anti gun assault looming. That alone should get more people to attend, especially since the media will be reporting on the legislative push for gun control.

On the national level the republicans might block gun control efforts, but there are some state legislatures that are determined to screw us over as much as they can get away with. A rally could help stop them. I plan to attend the rally at my state capitol.
Time driving: 2.5 - 3.5 hours each way
Money in gas: $50-60

I'd rather donate that money to the NRA-ILA and spend that time writing and calling Senators and Congressmen. I re-upped my State NRA association membership today for 2 years. NRA-ILA donation coming this week.
I might attend a DC march but I have a full time job and I work for myself on the side, all my family lives on the East Coast and I can hardly find time in the year to visit them. Maybe if I were retired I could find time to attend such a gathering but I don't plan to retire for many years.
Some of the comments make me think of some articles I have read on the idea of proxy activism. Basically that many people, rather than being involved, prefer to simply pay some money to some interest group and call it good and expect those people to be involved and deal with the issue.
I think it would take the NRA organizing it, and lots of buy-in from various state groups to make it happen. (State groups would need to be very involved and arrange bus trips and such.) Until it looks like a specific bill has a chance at passing, I don't see any of that happening. Although, I would consider going if it did.
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