Mini Range report, safety lesson learned

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Mar 10, 2004
St.Louis Missouri
Well. First the MN news.

The 43' M38 (my boyfriend's) patterns about softball at 50 yards and soccer ball at 96 yards. This was standing, unsupported.

My 45' M38 however didnt do nearly as well. First she patterned down and to the right, then she patterned up and to the right. Then she'd drop a round into the black, and the rest all over the place! I dont know if the sights need tweaking or if I'm just not doing my job. It patterns very tight, just nowhere I want it too Sad

To top it off, after the MN was done I went to do a few moving fire drills, I'm training for 3 gun with an all Russian Setup. Ak, Makarov, Baikal ect ect. Anyway, I didnt see the ice under the snow and I was running. I had maybe, 150 rounds downrange in rapid fire maybe more. I slipped and I become -terrified- of blowing my own skull I gripped that forestock with all my might and took my hand off the pistol grip entirely. I ended up slamming the buttstock into my toe(may be broken) and then busted my ass. My hand slipped from grip, to barrel and the barrel burned my glove so badly the glove fused partially to my hand. So I set the rifle down, tried to 'walk it off' with a few more rounds, before just packing up and moving up the road alittle to hit this frozen pond. Well I hit the ice with a rock, and I went in up to my hips..I atleast got my hand cooled by that time and got the still sizzling glove off.

Ended up goin to the hospital and all. Much fun. See folks this is why you should NEVER go to shooting alone, at an empty range. If I had broken my foot, or been injured lord knows how long it would've been before anyone came to help me.
Get better soon.

Not trying to be the grammar ogre, but a " '43 M38" is a 1943 Mosin-Nagant, while a "43' M38" is a forty three foot M38! And while a longer barrel can increase velocity, I don't think that's what you had in mind! :p
Glad you're OK (almost) - indeed a potential salutary lesson. Certainly when a fall might occur - the gun and its fate matter more than self ... when it comes to safety. Not to keep gun from damage of course but - to avoid tragedy.

Take it easy! :)
So you have (possibly) broken toe, a burned hand, a frozen lower half and a thoroughly wounded ego. On the plus side you got one heckuva lesson out of it. Get well soon.
On the '45 M38 you might want to check the two reciver bolts. Particularly the one on the underside in front of the magazine. Make sure they are snug, and not to tight.

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