more guns = more crime?!

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Because even though the one guy was apparently more than willing to steal cars then sell them, he would be more than happy to not carry a gun if it were illegal.

Which it was. Also it sounds like the cops should make a promise to be everywhere at once, so they can protect each individual person, not the community as a whole.

Though I have to say I'm hung up on the "terroristic threatening" wording. Is that some new thing, picking up on the 'hip' thing of calling everything terrorism or is it another way of saying "threatened violence."
"The criminal element if they want it they go get it, so don't make it easier for them by having it in your house and putting your family's safety even at more of a risk," said Maafala.

i have to agree.......a gun in the house is a bad idea.....ide much rather have it in my hands.
Just do a peaceful protest against it. They won't be expecting that from a dangerous man trying to protect himself :rolleyes:
The criminal element if they want it they go get it, so don't make it easier for them by having it in your house and putting your family's safety even at more of a risk," said Maafala. (Purchase a safe.)

"We're definitely against any organization that's coming here to say that it's safe for a city to have more guns in people's hands it's not, it's going to make it worse," said Maafala. "Guns will end up in the wrong hands." (Fear monger,control freak and coward!)

"We believe that giving firearms to law abiding, responsible, and we would like citizens to be trained in the use of them, we believe that is a deterrent to crime and it can help bring things down," said Baker.(This man is very intelligent and puts the CITIZENS safety first. That's a genuine leader.)
Well then, if less guns makes us 'safer" according to our "leaders", THEY should set the example and get rid of all armed security that protects them.
Then just go about their day to day business defenseless as their "own man" like they say we should.

Then after a few years have passed and we see how well it works for them, and how much safer they are.....

Very few things bug me more than a hypocrite
"More guns - more crime" - yep, I totally AGREE!!

IF we take the view of these dimwads that their big city areas already make civilian gun possession nearly impossible. Thus, only the cops and thugs have guns.

In the Free States, we know better! Wider public gun ownership REDUCES crime - it's a proven fact. But checking facts is not 'cool' in journalistic circles these days.
In the Free States, we know better! Wider public gun ownership REDUCES crime - it's a proven fact. But checking facts is not 'cool' in journalistic circles these days.

True enough and they totally ignore the "more drugs = more crime" equation while calling for "decriminalization" and using the Mexican drug cartels for reasons why we should have more "gun control".
I don't think that Hawaii is a "disarmed state" in any event. I think Hawaiians probably like their guns as much as the folks from just about any other state, they just don't make a big show of it.
I listened to some audio of a recent Gun Rights Policy Conference, and a pro-gun Hawaiian journalist said that at least one million firearms were in the hands of residents of that state.
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