More Junk Mail from a Junk Organization

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Apr 1, 2003
Senate Poised To Create Lawless Industry


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gift will be doubled.
Dear StoptheNRA Member:

Finally! People are beginning to notice the sneaky antics of Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn), who is trying to slip a harmful bill through the Senate while nobody's watching. The bill is S. 397 — or what we like to call the "Leave No Gun Dealer Behind" Act.

Washington media, and a few local papers, have been reporting that Frist and the NRA want to pass this bill within the next few weeks, or even within the next few days. While everyone's talking about the Supreme Court, our legal system — a system that's supposed to ensure a level playing field, and fair representation to everyone regardless of wealth — is about to change radically.

And it might happen as soon as this Monday, July 18.


Click here and make a $15 donation. A generous donor will DOUBLE the gift you make today.

Click here to help us build our email coalition.

Why the secrecy? The NRA wants this kept quiet, because if America knew that the Senate was on the verge of placing one entire industry above the law, the public outrage could stop the legislation. The gun industry knows as well as we do that the little guy with truth and justice on his side always wins, so they’re trying to change the game. They’re trying to make it so the little guy can’t even get into the game anymore.

The NRA talks a lot about law-abiding citizens, personal protection, and freedom. But it wants the Senate to change the law, protect big businesses, and take freedom away from law-abiding citizens. And the NRA deception machine has kept the Senate from seeing this bill for what it is: a blatant giveaway to the gun industry, designed to make it easier to sell more and more guns to more and more shady characters.

We need your help to get the word out. Donate to our new ad campaign, so we can tell the Senators — and their voters — what this law is really all about. And help us build our email coalition — the more who know about this, the more noise we can make.

We can't let this one pass quietly. The louder we get, the harder it is for the NRA to keep up its campaign of misinformation. Click here to learn more about the truth behind this bill.


1. Click here and make a $15 donation that will pay for print ads and other efforts to stop this insane bill. A generous donor will DOUBLE the gift you make today.

2. Click here to tell us the emails of three people we should alert to the NRA's activities.

3. Click here to forward this email to your friends and family who care about this issue.
Stay tuned! There is more to come . . . .

Your Friends at

You want to know what else is funny? The original recipient of this bulk email NEVER signed up for this e-letter OR the ones he gets from the Brady nuts. Both of these groups have been buying email lists from the Democratic Party - the ONLY group that this particular fellow gets bulk emails from.

And I've converted him to a gun owner :evil: (ok so it's only an old beat up Taurus 82 in 38spcl, but you gotta' start somewhere.)
I think I'll send that $15 to the NRA instead.

Their tactics of trying bankrupt the gun industry with lawsuits is the problem, not the gun industry being above the law.
Just another mask worn by the Brady Bunch:


Campaign, Brady
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
1225 Eye St, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005


Administrative Contact:
Campaign, Brady [email protected]
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
1225 Eye St, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
Notice they don't actually talk about the content of the bill at all. Course it is pretty straightforward and putting out the text would reveal it to be the tempest in a teapot it actually is.
I always hate political mail that does not give me any details. I get a lot of requests for donations from the NRA and others. They always have this long form letter stating a bunch BS on why they need money and what they are doing, but they always stay real general and don't really give you any details. I hate that. I don't even read that stuff anymore. I just toss the letter and decide later if I want to donate to that organization or not. Even the charities do that.
I got the same mailing and looking it over, I got to wondering how a legislative action fell under the heading of "StoptheNRA"? :confused: How does this vote relate to the NRA? Are they a voting body in a branch of the Government now? :scrutiny:
If they send me a postage paid envelope, I'll be happy to donate a dollar's worth of pennies to their cause.
and I never get these notices .

That's because you're an EVIL gun owner and they can smell the CLP through you're computer monitor with the latest technology from Monisniff, Al Gore's latest invention. :neener:

You've been outed as a mole.

Don't send them $1 in pennies, tape a dollar bill to a brick and let them pay the postage on that. :evil:
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