Moron law student shoots his textbook with a rifle from the balcony of his apartment.

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Dec 29, 2005

Textbook may have been target in Bloomington shooting
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — An Indiana University law student accused of firing several shots from an apartment balcony may have been aiming at a textbook, police said.

Investigators said Friday that they found two bullet holes in a book on real estate transfer finance and development in the apartment complex's parking lot.

Jesse M. Sneed, 27, faces a felony charge of criminal recklessness with a weapon in connection with Tuesday morning's shooting.

No one was injured, but the incident prompted police to close businesses and roads around the complex for several hours. The apartment is about a mile away from the Indiana University campus.

Officers arrested Sneed on Tuesday as he tried to drive away from the area. Police have said they found Sneed "under the influence of alcohol" and uncooperative.

Investigators said they found two assault rifles, an AR-15 and an AK-47, in the attic of his apartment.
After having taken Real Estate Finance, I'm leaning towards self defense on the part of the student... :eek:
No one was injured, but the incident prompted police to close businesses and roads around the complex for several hours.

It took them that long??

This sort of thing aggravates me. I once went to pick up daughter #2 from school and the Dairy Queen across the street got robbed about 15 minutes prior to class dismissal. I waited 2 hours for the school to get the word from LE to let the students off campus. ***?! I understand not wanting the foot traffic through a crime scene, but they could tape the place off and let the world keep turning. Grrr.

Sounds like justifiable libroicide to me.:D Only class I felt like using profanity aloud during the final. I'd rather take a class just in Future Interests in Chinese.

Besides, it wasn't a rifle, it was just a dinky, little carbine. Hardly worth prosecuting isn't it?

"Look if the police are lying about this rifle thing, what else are your police lying about? How about we let my guy admit to an ordinance violation--discharging a firearm in city limits and wasting a natural resource, paper?"
I dunno. On the one hand, the class is truly evil, btdt. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure it's an elective. Is this justifiable librocide if he let himself in for it of his own free will?
Book'em Danno! Idiot is as idiot does.

While we have the right to own guns, we also have the responsibilty to use them correctly. Idiot ex-law student will just have to loose his.
Idiot ex-law student will just have to loose his.

Oh, he loosed it right into that book :evil:

Sorry, couldn't help it....

By the way? What caliber for Law Books?

My Business Law book was seriously thick.

Ought Six Armor Piercing maybe?
Any one of you ...

... could be a numbnuts like that fellow. That is why the only person who should have the right to carry a gun, and who can be trusted with one, is me. :neener:
Jesse M. Sneed, 27, is fixing to be taught a painfully expensive lesson about the price of stupidity. BOHICA.

Wow, this guy should try some of my classes... Hate to see what he'd do then.

People like that scare me, because they are what causes us to lose our rights.
Do you think the school would let me fill his place in class? I promise to keep good notes for him so he doesn't fall behind. Idiot!
I watched this happen at the complex where I lived my junior year at Central Michigan University. Guy shot a Rem 7400 .30-06 from the 3rd floor balcony cross a 100+ yard parking lot full of cars (and people), and shot at his old books on top of the garbage bin. Danged fool missed the book, but did hit the 10 foot X 6 foot trash bin. Cops never even showed. :banghead:
Some boys just never grow up. What can you say. I have had some painfull classes but I never thought about shooting my books. (Might try that on the range) Wonder what a 50gr v-max would do to some of my books. ART 101 would be the first to go. That was just a wast of money for a book and a class.
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