Most effective RKBA poster... made me tear up

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i think that putting the images ina format that could be taken and each perosn could get his own posters made would be most effiecent.. unless you had more of a profit motive.

I'm not even remotely Jewish either, but why does it seem that mostly the christian right are the only ones that have Israel's back ? and to a greater extent USA is the only country that has their back? is the rest of the world that anti semitic ?

great posters Oleg
Well, ElToro

hang onto your hat...may be a little deep

I think the real reason is that we are being separated into the "have's" and "have-not's". Jews have always been the winners. That is, most anything they do, they win at. Banking, business, jewlery, entertainment...etc. The Nazis hated the Jews because they were successful. Everybody elses misfortune was because the "dirty, underhanded, evil" Jews were stealing it from them.

Fast forward to September 11, 2001. Why do the Arabs hate us?? Because the "dirty, underhanded, evil" Americans stole it from us. I fail to understand why some kid in Afghanistan is living in a cave because of me, but that's their logic. 80% of what was formerly Palestine is part of Jordan today....but it's my fault that the Palestinians are living in camps.

Look at the liberals, the Hollywood and east coast snobby types (Kennedy, Kerry, Walter Cronkite, Babs Streisand, etc, ect.). It's not fair that some people should get ahead, when others that just aren't winners in life's lottery are left behind.

Not fair, just not fair...need to even the playing, tax the most successful in society until everyone is the same (except me of course, because I'm an aristocrat). All you common folk should be held to the same level.

Think it's a exxageration??? Zero or nearly zero tax on two incomes in the 30k range, and 60% on people in the 100k range. Do the math.
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I read a history of the Jews. My maternal grandfather was Jewish. It started with Abraham and progressed to the late 60's when the book was published. An interesting thought came to me after I had finished reading the book. That thought was that it appeared America was the only place throughout history where Jewish people came that a pogram was not instituted that resulted in their mass murder or wholsale deportation. Have isolated instances of anti semitism occured? Of course, but never genocide in America.

I then began to wonder why. It occured to me that because America was a free Constitutional Republic made up of, for the most part, immigrants living under the rule of law and that Jewish people felt more comfortable in assimilating into the local climate because of the resulting American culture. Sure, they had synogogues and even lived in neighborhoods together in some large cities and some even dress "funny". But many, if not most Jews spread out over the entire country and blended in, just like everybody else did. According to what I had read, almost everyplace else in the world where the Jews settled in the Diaspora, the Jews kept themselves apart and did not assimilate, but did become very succesfull which was previously mentioned in this thread. When tough times came they were envied and ultimately killed or kicked out because of their separateness and lack of assimilation. Not so in America. Again, why?

I think because America was a polyglot culture, a melting pot, where everyone could be a contributing member, the Jews could not become a wholesale scapegoat. That is the important point about American culture.
It is a culture that is inclusive not divisive. But you have to embrace it to be included. When you do, even though you can keep your history, your historical identity is no less real, but it becomes muted and secondary because you become an American.

That is the point that the Liberals, the Multi-culturists, the celebrators of diversity don't get. If we give up our American culture, we will certainly give up our Constitutional Republic eventually and we will follow the rest of the historicaly recorded world; we will become enclaves of suspicious and envious "diverse" groups of people who will also, eventually, be at war with each other. It will not happen suddenly. But there is today an erosion of the American culture because of political correctness and the elevation of "diversity" to a level that the word implies. We will become divided. Then the shtf just like it always does.

Think about it! Look around and see what is happening in our country and think about it again!

Sorry for being so windy, but I believe America is something special enough for me to want to be an American. Not an African-American, Mexican-American, Oriental-American, Native American, Euro-American, or any other hyphenated hybrid that is everything that it should not be. E Pluribus Unum. From of the We should celebrate that, for there has never been anything else quite as grand any where at anytime. Not perfect, but certainly grand. Amen.

AMEN Grampster.

I believe that when America was full of "Americans" that was out finest hour. But since we have become a nation of "us" & "them" we have fallen.

If each and every person living within our borders once again makes the choice to become "Americans" again then we will once again rise to the top.

"United we stand. Divided we fall." Does it get any simplier?
NATEDOG: Outstanding! Let me see if I can post it here:

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