Muzzle loudening devices.

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Dec 27, 2010
I had an idea come through my head when walking through my swamps the other day. Being the prepper type ( I know how that's viewed here ) I did a little research. The idea I had was

" how do I make myself seem much more more deadly in a SHTF/WROL situation in these swamps. Everyone back here is going to be armed most likely with the same thing I have so how do i scare them off while I'm breaking contact in the other direction."

Keep in mind im all by myself I don't have a " group " I have my wife and my boy that's it. This is the only thing I could think of. Make my rifle loud, really loud. I looked into directional muzzle devices like the linear comp. Probably grab one for the this use.

I found this and it seems pretty useful for fun

Snake Hound Machine is building something called “The Loudener.” It’s a muzzle blast enhancer. Why—and this is not a rhetorical question—would anyone want a muzzle blast enhancer?

The Loudener is a heavy duty muzzle brake that generates a huge muzzle blast which, according to the company, feels like a .50 cal blast. They claim the Loudener has a legitimate combat application; maybe so, but at least at first glance it seems to be just a toy for people who want their weapons to be extra loud and scary.
The Loudener will be offered for 5.56 ARs, AKs and .308 caliber weapons ($75 for the 5.56 and AK versions, $85 for .308).

When I was in high school my dad took me to a machine gun shoot near San Antonio, Texas. All kinds of full autos, from .50 calibers to suppressed .22 caliberss, were available to shoot. I got to fire an AK and an MG42. I think I fell in love with the MG42.

But one of the things I remember most was an AR-15 that made a huge muzzle blast when fired. My dad had bought me an AR-15 the previous Christmas, so I knew what normal AR muzzle blast looked like. This weapon was so loud it was almost painful, even through hearing protection.

I asked a man working the firing line, “Why is that AR so loud?” “It’s got a muzzle blast enhancer,” he answered.

I was puzzled. What’s the point of making a weapon louder and easier to spot? He explained that filmmakers use the enhancer to get footage of weapons firing with giant fireballs coming from the muzzle.

Read more:
Kit Up!

Be advised the youtube video below is not my product. The " S " word is used around four times.
I don't get it.

I would think others in this type of situation (this thread will get locked soon BTW) will be just as worried about someone with a .223 rifle as any other type of rifle. The noise isn't likely to scare off anyone ("Uh-oh, that doesn't sound like a .308! It sounds like a .50! Let's get outta here!") and is only going to alert more people as to your presence.

And, in the swamp, is someone really likely to even differentiate here? A supersonic crack at a medium distance is a crack at a medium distance regardless of caliber.

Can't imagine the usefulness of such a device in reality. Ich Bein Ein Cracker. Florida boy for pretty much ever (Uncle Sugar sent me over the water a couple of times and I went to college up in South Carolina for a bit) and I was a light weapons Infantryman. About the last thing I would want would be something that told folks "I AM OVER HERE! COME TAKE WHAT I HAVE!"

The best way to break contact and continue the mission is to do so. Failing that make the other fella have to stop and deal with casualties of his own. A hoot and holler just don't do it.

Extra noise and flash just make it harder for YOU to hear and see.


That's just plain wrong thinking from the get-go.

If shooting starts?
Nobody gives a crap how loud it sounds on the other side.
(Ever heard an artillery shell or a morter round go off?)

(And nobody who ever served in the military is going to mistake a .223 or .308 for a .50 Barrett!)

If you need to disengage?
You need to do it as silently as you possibly can, and slip away like fog in the swamp.

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Heck, forget the SHTF/Prepper stuff. In normal times, "loudening" creates unpopularity for being a bunghole.

In any "bad times" of whatever sort, bad guys might devote more effort to getting hold of this "super-weapon", meaning that the user has made extra trouble for himself.

Bad idea, all the way around.
I should think in one of those "scenarios" that louder would simply be a greater attractant. Throw too wide a net and you're gonna get mudsharks.
Simpsons did it first!

Sledge Hammer! had one before that.


In all seriousness, these silly little muzzle devices only make things louder for the shooter and those nearby. They do so by venting some of the exiting gas backwards, just like a muzzle brake. The noise on the other end of the muzzle will actually be less.
I tend to think any attacking party would be much more scared by a suppressed weapon picking them off from no discernible location than a very loud one easily homed in on.
I tend to think any attacking party would be much more scared by a suppressed weapon picking them off from no discernible location than a very loud one easily homed in on.

This is what I was thinking.

I think the true answer is cardio. Knowledge of your surrounding areas and cardio.

Or form friendships with your neighbors so you don't need to fight off everyone crashing through the swamp.
There are a couple companies that make a device to reflect the noise down range, it is a parabolic muzzle device, May be just what you are looking for.
Oh please, no.

I was next to a guy shooting his braked AK. It was so unbearable I had to stand behind him when he decided to rip through a 40rd mag. Ironically I was shooting my bolt x39 and it was nowhere near as loud.
I clicked on this thread thinking "what the..." and 25 posts in I'm still thinking "what the.."

Here's the thing.

If we drop the prepper/SHTF stuff, and just consider the "scaring an attacker away" part...

#1 I don't care what the attacker is thinking, if they are attacking me, I'm going to end the threat.

#2 What noise I may or may not make while performing task #1 is irrelevant.

#3 I don't care if the attacker hears my gun fire or not, or to even care how loud it is - I want my bullets to penetrate their body and drop them, fast and hard, so they are no longer a threat.

#4 If the attacker has friends who are also attacking me, then I want THEM to get penetrated by bullets as rapidly as possible so that THEY are no longer a threat.

Noise doesn't even factor in to any of that.

Putting hard fast moving objects through soft objects is the only objective, so I live to see another day.


... In before the lock. ;)
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