My 15 year old son

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Dec 6, 2010
My 15 year old boy posted this on Facebook tonight. (I would imagine this is in response to the many children in his school are posting up anti-gun rhetoric).

I'm re-posting without edit or modification. He did this of his own accord, we haven't even talked today (I've been wrapped up on work).

Anyway enough of a prelude; here's the thoughts of my 15 year old son.

A lot of people think that if we just get rid of guns, America'll get 'better', whatever that means.

However, a large portion of the world (Americans included) view Americans as this -

Which is a pretty accurate description of Americans, in a sense.

Too many Americans own guns for self-defense in case anyone threatens their life, why would we take their largest form of self-defense away? Criminals will keep their guns, no matter what, letting them hold deadly weapons against innocent people. What's a grandma supposed to do against an armed mugger? Karate him to death? As an old lady? Are you kidding me?

The only thing that would come from a gun ban would be a large amount of people being relatively defense-less. Although, Americans would probably stand up for this right (see: picture above), seeing as it is CONSTITUTIONALLY granted, and the government shouldn't be able to tear it apart for the "safety" of our citizens (see: Patriot Act).

I've seen too many posts about "guns kill people" and posts calling for a ban on guns. You're only blaming the guns because the guy who killed 20 children killed himself, giving you nothing to be mad at, so you have to blame the object. You don't say that guns killed Osama Bin Laden, you say a Navy Seal member did. Seriously, play fair.

"What about psychological screenings before you get a license for a gun".

Firstly, in Illinois at least, you can't get a FOID card if you've had a mental health issue involving homicidal/suicidal tendencies.

Secondly, psychological screenings would be ineffective at best, too weak. Someone who really wanted to do harm would just lie on the questionnaire. The necessary conditions you have to meet when taking one are also subject to change based on government whim, you could have nothing wrong with you, yet still 'fail' the screenings.

It's nearly impossible to prevent criminals/someone who REALLY wants to do harm from doing harm. That's that, nothing short of mind control will change that.

You are blessed to have one intelligent and level-headed child. If only many of our fellow Americans and politicians could see that violence is an act by a person and not inanimate objects. People are killed with bats more than they are with guns. I guess we need to ban baseball.

Go hug your kid and tell him how smart he is.

You are blessed to have one intelligent and level-headed child. If only many of our fellow Americans and politicians could see that violence is an act by a person and not inanimate objects. People are killed with bats more than they are with guns. I guess we need to ban baseball.

Go hug your kid and tell him how smart he is.

Already done. :)
Your boy is thoughtful, articulate and educated on the matter. Very well done. As he gets older and more seasoned in art of debate (particularly debating anti gun folk), his arguments will grow stronger still. By the time he's our age, he'll make one heck of an ally in this ongoing battle.

As well, I feel that what he wrote is more likely to have an effect on his peers than what some of us here on THR might say to make the exact same points. Much of the adult lexicon and minutiae would be lost on a typical 15 year old (Of course, some of his will probably cause eye glazing as well....).
sounds like you raised a smart level headed kid......and better spoken than most adults.

also, i must admit the bit about the karate grandma made laugh.
+1 on the Bin Laden line.

I'd just point out the Constitution doesn't grant the right, it protects an inalienable one. Might just be me nitpicking, but for 15, all I can say is Bravo, sir. Bravo. Now go buy that young man an AR if you haven't already (and don't have to raid his college fund to afford one now).
I forwarded him the thread URL, he can read your remarks when he gets home from school.

Children listen when their parents speak, whether we realize it or not. A lot of the stuff he posted was drawn from dinner-table talk, or conversations I've had with my wife that he's overheard. Of course, he put his own view on those base ideas, to come up with his own argument; which is perfectly acceptable. :)

I think the catalyst was when I was talking about "It's not about *US*, it's about our children, and grandchildren. THEY are the ones that will ultimately pay, if we hand over our rights today."
Yeah Trent, and as they get older they decide whether to listen or argue :p

Sad thing is, I think I'm closer to the age of the kids of most of the people on this forum than the people themselves...some of you have kids older than me!

He will get better at debating over time, but nobody is better at arguing than a teenager ;)

Correction: teenager or lawyer.
Yeah we've had a 15 minute debates over "justification of chores" on several occasions. He loves to argue.

EDIT: And he's VERY quick of wit. He attacks problems not from one angle, but from several, simultaneously.
Well thought out, developed and delivered. A good post at any age, but exceptional at 15 years of age.

That being said, I have a few teens at home myself, and I would not want to come home after a long day at work to face "negotiations" with your son. That kid is smarter than some whole families. ;)
Bless his little heart. Good job, Trent.

(Why am *I* proud as if I had something to do with him? I don't know, but I am.)
Unfortunately Springfield that will have to wait until 2032. Just like in another thread someone said Skribs for President...maybe in 2024.

(Constitution says you gotta be 35).
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