My Art Project

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Jan 15, 2011
Im a Finance major...but am required to take some art classes. Im in a sculpture class and our current project was aluminum casting. You make a foam figure, burry it in sand, then pour molten alumn on it. The foam burns away and is replaced with alumn 1 to 1. Of course a THR member would (me) would think of this!

I used a handful of my normally thrown out CCI Alumn shells to make part of this. Obviously i used more alumn from else where but there are a couple hundred shells in this melted!

A glock has a lot more curves than i thought it did! Took awhile to sand out the glock from a foam block.

IMAG0113.jpg IMAG0114.jpg

Its not the most accurately carved but i did my best.

This is the end result after the casting, its unpolished and still dirty.

I will post new pictures when its done and polished.

IMAG0118.jpg IMAG0125.jpg

Update 5/5/11

Spent most of today's class drilling but started polishing. Still pretty cool. Was thinking of mounting it off an acrylic rod down the barrel coming it off a wall from a target...or Osama. Well see. As state I'm not an art major so this is mainly for fun. Wo knows!


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Well, someone finally found a use for the glock line of pistols. OK, someone was going to say it, I just happened to be first (for once).

Really, for a first time effort your results were very good.
I know tthe whole campus PD through my love of guns and competition shooting as theyve hhelped me a lot! I didn't bring it on campus as a whole and brought the slide one day and the receiver the next to make it!
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In most educational settings just making a gun with your hand, fore finger and thumb would get you thrown off campus. That really looks cool. I would assume that a brass one would be nearly as simple to make. And it could be machined down a bit and polished up real nice.
Wow that's pretty cool man! Good job, I'm glad that as an English major I don't have to take art classes, that would severely cripple my GPA ;).
That's cool! When I was in dental school I had to cast up some crowns, bridges, etc. You can definitely get great detail if you use wax for your carving and investment plaster rather than sand with the binder. Of course being part of a class you gotta use what they tell you. Doing it with brass would be awesome and would actually make a nice paperweight.
Good thing you're not an art major.
Hahah. Don't know how to take that.

I do love my finance :) everyone was using sand and the same foam. I think mines number 1! Tomorrow (Thursday) is polishing and such. Will post results.
Suggestion... go visit the engineering department where they should have a machine shop and find some enterprising student that wants to clean it up on a manual mill for finishing.
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