My posters in Minnesota news

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What a bunch of sheep at that university.

"It will provoke more violence, I mean, if you have something on you and you get upset with some one, you have it available to use it."

And my favorite -

"I would not trust the general student body with that kind of responsibility." Sounds like a future politician in the making.
Did you hear what that cop said "no need to FURTHER defend yourself." Nope, no need at all. But, for ME, I'm wearing my sidearm. Hmm, I guess he needs to further defend himself, but the rest of the campus population gets to wait for him to show up. Hypocrite.

Oleg, congrats on the media exposure.
More police, that's what we need. Yea, RIGHT!

The problem is most of those shee..., er, I mean students don't have a clue what is required to get a carry permit. They think anybody and everybody can just pick up a gun and carry it, and shoot it whenever the mood strikes them. Little do they know that I would guess most of them would be disqualified because of some of their childhood indescretions anyway. Isn't it amazeing how most of those seeking higher education know so little about this subject?
"We don't need more guns on campus to be safer"

"We would like addtional police officers patroling the campus to deal with increased crime"

But police officers carry guns? :confused:

Or maybe the U wants more unarmed police patroling just to 'increase awareness' :barf: :rolleyes:
What I liked was how they did a close-up of the campus Chief of Police's holstered Glock for just a beat as he was speaking.

Perhaps the piece was more balanced than it seemed. The shot of his gun seemed to say "Easy for YOU to say!"


I was gratified to see there was no mention of the firearms instructor being protested or mobbed for daring to ask people sign that petiton.
I like how the cop said "the answer isn't more weapons" while the camera zooms in on his personal firearm. The rules don't apply to the king's men, I guess.
What I liked was how they did a close-up of the campus Chief of Police's holstered Glock for just a beat as he was speaking.
A very nice touch.

I'm proud of you and for you, Oleg. The only way I could be prouder would be to be a model for the poster. (Middle-aged, cubby, balding guys - arm yourselves!)
These people have the idea that you get a CCW license the same way you get a driver's license or a voting card. They don't trust their fellow students... pretty arrogant of them. The cop... he wants more money for his dep't.
knuckles, the pictures on the trainer's table were done by Oleg.
Now there is an uphill battle! Trying to re-educate U of M students that their government can not really take care of them. The State and the media have spent years convincing the populous that "BIG government is better." "BIG government can take care of you." "It is good that a large percentage of your earnings should support our BIG government." "Look at all the good things that BIG government does for you." It is a cultural thing, like putting loons on everything. That's my opinion, based on 39 years of Minnesoda residency. I moved. No longer a 612-er. I am a graduate of the U of M.

Learning has not taken place until behavior is changed. To get this group to support the Second Amendment, and their rights, there must be a perceived need. For now, it is assumed that the campus police will provide instant protection. Therefore, no need for CCW. No need for Second Amendment.

Minnesota has a long process to go through in order to purchase and carry a handgun. As I recall, a permit from the county sheriff, or local police was necessary in order to purchase a handgun. To carry a handgun, comprehensive, professional training is needed. A person in Minnesota that has obtained the privilege to carry a concealed firearm will have been educated in how to use, when to use, and when not to use a firearm. This education usually comes at a high price, but not as high priced as ignorance. To my knowledge, no CCW "incidents" have taken place in Minnesota.

I am sure that the U of M officials feel that their campus is safe, secure and gun free. After all, there are signs posted. All the bad people would heed the signs. It is the "Minnesota NICE" thing to do. Besides, I do not recall there being a 27 story clock tower on campus. Bad things just don't happened there, ya sure, you betcha!

The media in the Twin Cities is really a treat. I remember it being anti gun, anti military, anti conservative, anti big business, anti farm, anti property owner, and pro liberal socialist we are soooo wonderful. Seeing the posture of the news lady, I see that not much has changed since I left. I don't miss their propaganda.

An uphill battle is this worthy quest. To stand our ground and protect the rest. To bring understanding to the ones that will hear, though it may take a bit over a year. Recapture the liberty we let slip away, keeping big government on it's toes and at bay. (My propaganda)

Good work Oleg! Essayons!
Concealed carry "incidents" used to happen in Minnesota. Back when it was based on the "sherriff's buddy" system. Training was not required, but political connections were. I seem to recall a drunk guy showing off his gun in a bar, and then killing the bouncer who kicked him out? He was one of a handful of the sherriff's friends with CCW at that time.
I thought he was a little "Brave" to use the "murdered woman" picture in his wall poster. His purpose was to persuade, not to shock.

But I've always liked the "two ways to shield yourself" poster they featured at the end there -- and that's the one that will stick in people's minds after the news presentation is forgotten.

Good show, Oleg.
Concealed carry "incidents" used to happen in Minnesota. Back when it was based on the "sherriff's buddy" system. Training was not required, but political connections were. I seem to recall a drunk guy showing off his gun in a bar, and then killing the bouncer who kicked him out? He was one of a handful of the sherriff's friends with CCW at that time.

IIRC, the shooter wasn't carrying at the time - he drove home drunk, got his piece, then came back and committed the crime.
sm said:
Evil has recently chosen to violate many schools around the country.

Bailey, CO
Cazenovia, WI
Lancaster County, PA

These are the three latest school tragedies. The current laws only hinder/prevent the protection of good, law-abiding people. I pray the masses will "wake up" soon.
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