My step daughter was a victim....

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I think that we can all agree that public schools are currently spending more money with less results than they have in the past.

I think they are spending more money with more results. Look at the course catalogs for high schools now. I bet they are twice as thick as they were 20 years ago. Schools teach kids about equipment that didnt even exist 20 years ago. And all the computer stuff costs a ton, but its pretty much essential for kids to learn if they want a decent job these days.
I would bet that ZERO dollars were spent on firearms education other than the Eddie Eagle publications.

Like I said earlier in this thread, my middle school had gun safety class and my high school had a trap team. Both public
TexasBill said:
So the answer is to take away their rights? Interesting concept - for an American concerned about his own.

Be careful, friend. You are dangerously close to supporting the communist teacher's unions.

Public employees are servants of the People. Teachers are public servants. They are paid through YOUR taxes. Public servants have no right to unionize and strong-arm the People whom they serve, same as all other public servants, to include all the representatives we directly and indirectly elect to public office.
In most states, employees do have the right to organize and require collective bargaining

Do some homework and I believe you will find that prior to the 1950s the number of states that allowed public employees collective bargaining was ZERO. Wisconsin was the first, and that's why the events there today are so symbolic and significant.

Haven't heard of any legislation hostile to home schoolers but I agree home schooling is every parent's right.

Michigan took some unfortunate family through a ten year legal battle in their effort to squash home schooling. The Michigan supreme court finally ruled in the families behalf. Now New Hampshire is going after them. The assault usually is veiled in "regulation" (i.e. you can only home school if you are a state certified teacher... who controls teacher certification? the state branch of the NEA)

Not really. The NEA has what power it has because it was given to them by all the parents who see school as free day care; who abdicated their parental responsibilities and put it on teachers to inculcate the values and beliefs that should be learned at home. That's one of the biggest complaints teachers have: they can't teach what they were hired to teach because over years of neglect, they have all this other garbage to deal with.

Amen.... our society is simply reaping what it has sewn.

I'm not down on teachers.... I'm not down on public schools....

I'm not really down on unions either.... it's a free country. Workers are free to organize and negotiate for more, and owners are free to shut down their plants and move to greener pastures...

I am big time down on the NEA! and any other union that attempts to hijack democratic institutions and manipulate them for the gain of a few.... it's extortion and manipulation of the democratic process... pure and simple. It's also indicative of the weakness of Democracy when people are short sighted and unwise. 51% of an unwise population can use their majority to rack up a huge debt and give away the money to the electorate, thinking that somebody else (that rich guy) will pay the bill.

As John Adams was want to say.... "facts are stubborn things", and all this foolishness is now coming back to bite us in the collective rear end.

Soon enough public employees will be the only ones left with insurance and any type of pension..... but who's going to be paying the bills?

Irate masses can get nasty.... no wonder they want a disarmed population.
The high school spanish teacher said she will never give up her AK and I told the lady that there were enough guns owned in the room to equip a small army. She never mentioned that issue again

Let's face it, our nation has an adversarial approach to education. We encourage ignorance. Naturally, that desire for ignorance extends to knowledge of guns and gun control.

For every person that opposes Eddie Eagle, there's another that opposes sex ed. There are efforts to force schools to have a science curriculum discussing creationism. How many posts have you seen which were dismissive to the value of a college education? A prominent Board of Education wanted to remove Thomas Jefferson from the history books. The lack of formal education by one popular electoral candidate was considered a quality. Intellectual has become a derogatory term.
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