need help to identify a rifle

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May 29, 2011
ive been a hunter all my life, and been around a lot of guns. many years ago, i aquired a bolt action rifle with unknown origins. at that time, it was just a curiosity, and i had no justifiable need for it in my collection. now, the curiosity is back, and i am anxious to know all i can about this firearm. i am not an athurity in wepons, but my best guess is that it dates at least to WW2. there is no manufacturers name that is visible, just a few different symbles, and a lengthy number stamped on the barrel, bolt, and clip, witch is not designated as model or serial. the only time i tried to buy ammo for it, a gunsmith told me it was a 7.62 mm, but could offer no more info, or rounds. decades have passed, and now i am searching again for the history behind it. any help is welcome, and pictuers can be posted if needed.
Post some pictures and maybe someone here can help you with a little info.
Welcome to THR, fabricator1.

It's fairly simple to upload a picture once you load it on your computer, just know where you have saved it. Go advanced, and part way down the page you'll see manage attachments, and browse to your picture's location, select and upload. It will post when you apply.

if you dont post pictures try, it is dedicated to mosin nagants, witch could be from just about any country in the world, even the germans produced ammo for it for a little while

finish modles are normally the most saught after, russain modles are the easiest to find

characteristics of the rifle, has a single stack magazine, that is not detachable, the stock covers the top of the barrle, it has metal bands that hold the top to the bottom, and little clips in the stock that keep the bands from moving

here is a sure fire way to tell if its a nagant, the rifle has no visiable safety, pull the rear of the bolt back and turn it to the left and slowly release it, in most models the bolt will lock down so it cant be moved and that is the safety
go to Gun Parts Corp they have breakdown images of many guns on file or go to yahoo images and punch up rifles you might get lucky
Does your rifle look anything like this?
This is called an M44, a carbine version of the Mosin Nagant 91/30 that the folks above me are referring to. If your rifle is a Mosin Nagant 91/30, it will be longer than the one I have attached, and will not have a bayonet mounted to the side.


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If you can write down/describe the markings that would help.

Also if you've got some time you could even do a google image search for bolt action rifles and see if any come up that greatly resemble yours, even a general resemblance might help us to identify it.
And as has been stated, pictures are best of course.
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Rubbing temples, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Do it have a Chrysanthemum, on the reciever?

7.7 Arisaka
so did the guy just fall off the face of the earth?

we demand pistures, besides, i want to see another gun anyways, i might be buying another, not planing on it at the moment, but sometimes a good piece just speaks to me :)
thank you all who actually are trying to help, and even the clowns who just wasted their time with sarcasam. i know pics are the best info i could offer, but time is not on my side. when it is, i will start a new thread with detailed pictures. kingcheese, i hope you will find the new thread when i eventually steal the time, as it seems you have the most knowledge in this area of firearms.
this gun has a flip up rear sight with a slider showing a 2k yard range. or it may be meters. i havant studied it in a while. and yes, it is two thousand on the sight.
A LOT of people would call YOU the 'clown' for asking us to identify a rifle with no information.

"It's a rifle, I think its old, and it has sights" doesn't tell anyone anything.

Start by looking around HERE. If you're serious about finding an answer, we need to rule out the obvious choices.
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Um fab,
Friends don't let friends post drunk
I might as well ask the price of rice in China for all that it matters

But, thanks to your insightful information I can DEFIANTLY tell you...
you have a rifle looking thing, there are many of these things, and many types of these things, so I can justly tell you, you have a rifle looking thing...

Come back with pictures or helpful information, instead of 'guess what I have' and you will get helped
Otherwise call Miss Cleo and her psychics, they are train in how to play this game.
Odds are, if the serial number is only on the barrel, bolt and magazine floorplate, it's a Mosin-Nagant. There may possibly be a serial number on the buttplate as well. Also, if the sight is graduated to 2000 meters, it is most likely a model 91/30.

Does the magazine floorplate open and hinge down? Is the bolt handle in front of the receiver bridge? Is there a big cocking knob on the end of the bolt? Are there any marks on the barrel over the chamber area that look like an arrow inside a triangle? Is there a date on the barrel?

Pix would definitely help.
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