New Ad From The Brady Campaign

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I am glad that we have FINALLY moved on about their incorrect terminology and focus on the real problem. As previously mentioned, we (pro-firearm people) need to work on making intelligent advertisements and counter-point articles to help win support from those people in the "undecided" group of voters.

One form of media that is IMHO not being used to it's full potential is the internet. Video sights like YouTube have the ability to get you more exposure than even a SuperBowl commercial. Also, I feel that it could be of benefit to try and strengthen support from non-Republican politcial groups (like the Libertarian Party) that may not support all your politcial views BUT do support certain ones.

Lastly, I don't want to drift too off topic but if you've never seen it there was a program on Showtime called "Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t!". It was a GREAT show were they basically called "BULLSH*T!" on a a variety of topics and used legitimate experts to support their claims. Anyway, I forget what season it was (will have to check the DVDs) but the one they did on Gun Control was especially great. The thing I liked most about it was they did NOT use many typical "pro-gun" experts from the NRA and similar groups. Instead, they used more unbiased people from groups that are considered more "middle of the road." IMHO using such people can really help strengthen an argument because they are considered neutral and more "honest."

We need to use data and articles from "outside" groups like the Cato Institute that support our cause more often to help persuade people.
I would like to repeat some points I have made on other forums or other threads on this forum on this issue:

In 2004-2006 we had eight murders in my hometown, none with use of "assault clips" or "assault weapons"; three were by one man who used a knife and baseball bat. Back in the 1990s we went three years with no murders, then there was a stabbing.

I own thirty round magazines for the military rifles I use in military weapons matches and/or Civilian Marksmanship Program activities at the gun club.

So quite a few of us local gun hobbyists would be targeted by these laws, but none of the recent local murderers.

Also, the Virginia Tech killer used standard size magazines, ten and fifteen shot, not extended magazines, to kill FIVE times as many people as the Arizona killer. So if it is logical to accept felonizing owners of extended magazines, then it is more logical to felonize owners of the standard size magazines that fit entirely in the butt of the gun. (That's fuzzy logic.)

The problem with violence is not the guns, knives, baseball bats, but it is the violent people who use them to destructive ends, when the vast majority of owners do not use them violently.

It would be so much simpler to target criminals than to target guns or the vast majority of gun owners. But it gives the anti-gunners a warm tingly feeling to self-righteously bash gun owners, so we might as well face it, they're addicted to hate.

ADDED: The Penn & Teller episode is telling: I downloaded a copy. That and five broadcasts ABC, CNN and Channel 2 San Francisco TV on the post-Katrina gun ban in Nawlins are keepers.
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The problem with violence is not the guns, knives, baseball bats, but it is the violent people who use them to destructive ends, when the vast majority of owners do not use them violently.

It would be so much simpler to target criminals than to target guns or the vast majority of gun owners. But it gives the anti-gunners a warm tingly feeling to self-righteously bash gun owners, so we might as well face it, they're addicted to hate.
It is also politically infeasible to take measures which would reduce or hinder the criminal element. We've had threads about restoring the gun rights of felons where supporters mention that a person who is too dangerous to own a gun is too dangerous to be out in society. What goes unsaid is how we go about reducing the motivations of criminality.
Every change in legislation contributing to a decrease of violent crime rate while the gun laws relax is less ammunition for the anti-gun camp. Do you want to rely on improved gun ownership to disarm the anti-gunners, or do you want to do more?
Found this poking around on their site today:

"There is no Second Amendment right to be able to maim and kill your fellow Americans with military-style arms. When the large-capacity magazine restriction was in place from 1994 - 2004, it helped reduce gun violence. That's why the Brady Campaign is continuing to pressure elected officials to support a ban on these 'assault clips.'
Brady Campaign
When the large-capacity magazine restriction was in place from 1994 - 2004, it helped reduce gun violence.

The CDC 2003 and NAS 2004 panels that did a critical review on academic research into Firearms and Violence could find no evidence that the assault Weapon Ban and 10 shot magazine limit had any effect on the crime rate. And given their blood lust to discredit John Lott, you better bet they wish they could have found it.
Wow just wow.

The Second Amendment does give us the right to rise up against a tyranical government. For this we need military style weapons.
Nooooo! Think of The Children™!


If they want to ban 10+ round magazines (again), here's my proposal:
Start with the police and military.
After considering this for awhile, I've decided that we must acquiesce and get rid of our evil assault clips, and switch entirely to wholesome and good belt fed weapons.

^^ What he said :D
Start with the police and military.

ive always been a believer that what applies for the average joe should also apply to G.I. joe...

buying drugs is illegal........unless you are a cop on duty ( not saying i support drug use, its the idea im getting at.)

speeding is illegal......unless you are a cop on duty

assault weapons are illegal.......unless you are a cop on duty

breaking into peoples homes is illegal......unless you are a cop on duty

now dont get me wrong....i love the guys and gals in law enforcement.....i just dont think they should be a samurai class

i mean......after all.....if they ban all the "evil guns" so people cannot get them.....what need would the police still have for them?....

.....unless of course gun bans dont actually work.
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It's simply marketing, and assault clips sounds scarier that magazines. Everyone has some magazines around the house, but gangstas use clips, and hardcore gangstas use assault clips. It makes me sick how many folks on this board repeat the words "assault rifles" because the Brady clan brought the word into the political spotlight because of it's marketability.
LOL @ "Clips"

you can tell those N00bs know nothing about guns. Too bad the general public doesn't either and will continue to think that the word "clip" is interchangeable with the word "magazine"
^ THey know plenty about guns, and also what stimulates the emotions of the voting public.

Yes they do. They know everything they need to know and they're effectively applying that knowledge while we sit around and make fun of the improper use of "clip". I wonder who is winning this little battle with the public.
Most non-gun people are going to lean in a direction that owning these magazines is indefensible.

As such, rather than trying to justify why you own them, it would be much better to point out how widespread and mainstream they are, and that it would be fundamentally impossible to enforce any sort of effective ban on them.

It's also worthwhile to point out that during the ten years the AWB was in effect, the ban on >10 rd magazines had absolutely no effect on the rates of violent crime.
If they start banning everything we use, I say we all get behind Trump as long as he walks into the senate and says "YOUR FIRED" to all of them, can I get an amen.
If they start banning everything we use, I say we all get behind Trump as long as he walks into the senate and says "YOUR FIRED" to all of them, can I get an amen.
I'm pretty sure he's fairly anti-gun.
I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s Internet technology we should be able to tell within 72-hours if a potential gun owner has a record.
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102 Jul 2, 2000

Didn't the Brady Campaign go backrupt? Who bailed them out?
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