New Documents Reveal Saddam Hid WMD, Was Tied to Al Qaida

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Well I am just going to say this....Having actually seen the ISG ( Iraqi Survey Group) at work I can safely say that with their speed and work ethic it doesnt surprise me that it has taken this long to find anything on paper. The one site i had access to literally had millions of boxes cramed full of papers stacked in the SCIF not organized in any manner what so ever.

Now dont get me wrong I am glad that we are reading the papers and translating them and such but i dont trust the work force. Locals are brought in and they do the inital translating and they were a lazy bunch of people who spent more time standing around socializing then working. Of course this is bottom level site we are talking about parked in the middle east on a US military base.
Well I am just going to say this....Having actually seen the ISG ( Iraqi Survey Group) at work I can safely say that with their speed and work ethic it doesnt surprise me that it has taken this long to find anything on paper.

I think the real question that a lot of people are asking is how this guy knows the content of a "paper" that he claims has not been translated, processed, or even released.
I know US citizens who speak various Arabic, Turkish, and Urdu who have applied for jobs as translators and have heard nothing from the government. I don't know what the priorities of our government are.

Security clearances cost a LOT, in both manpower and raw expenses. We have military-trained linguists right here at the Defense Language Institute who have been sitting here for a year after their class has ended. A year. They cannot go onto their follow-on trainig because they do not have their security clearance yet because of some minor snafu. These are American-born, white as white can be completely un-terrorist looking members of the armed forces. Fortunately, their putting something of an end to this madness by putting vital human resources such as linguists at the top of the queu.

Even if your friends are American born, white non-terrorist looking types (I'm not saying that just because they may be of ME descent that they should be descriminated against, but we both know it happens) there is simply too much of a workload and too little funds to handle the background checks on someone who would be hired under a non-military (and therefore much less rigid) contract. At least that's what I believe their rational is, based on my kind-of-insider experiences.

As far as this evidence goes... the unfortunate thing about it is that, even if true, a vast portion of America will not believe it. Much like the findings in the Kennedy assasination reports, even if the evidence is air-tight, it will be "too convenient" for most people to buy.
Gary H said:
Bush is so weakened that I can't imagine that he will be able to deal with Iran.

Do you mean after Syria? Right now Syria is the one being talked up as a bad guy. I would have to look at a map, but I believe they border Israel. It is the same prepping as for Iraq. You have to track Condi Rice's speeches and will then be on top of the plan.

Iran is not a lot worse than Pakistan. 1) has nukes 2) harbors al Quaida. Pakistan is the more advanced because they really do have operational nukes and host Osama bin Laden, never quite able to find him somehow and won't allow US troops across the borders, not even to help with an earthquake aftermath. Neither are remotely democratic. Of course, we never talk about that, because relations with Pakistan are "hunky dory", and the press isn't interested. I doubt if they can go there either.
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