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New Glocks Illegal in Massachusetts, Again?

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Dec 22, 2002
People's Commonwealth of Massachusetts
I heard from my local FFL that the Massachusetts AG has just ruled that new Glock pistols are not acceptable for sale in Massachusetts, after having been approved in the recent past. It seems that a certain Massachusetts gun manufacturer complained about the style of the Glock loaded chamber indicator and the AG reversed his previous approval. However I have not yet seen anything in the papers (no big surprise here) or on any of thw firearms websites.

Has anyone else heard about this?
Yes........ the gun shop that I work part-time at / sent too much time at / spent too much money at, had a bunch of new Glocks in (and even sold a few of them). Last Wed., I went in and they had to pull all the New Glocks off the shelf because the AG determined that new Glocks are not legal to sell in MA anymore. They were told to send back the guns to the distributors for their money back. No one knows what's going on, we are all just waiting to see what happens.
Girlfriend ranting to follow:
It seems to me that once again, the residences of MA are getting the short end of the stick. Glock went through, put in the stupid New York trigger #2 (I think is the 5lb job...maybe 7), chamber indicator , and new locking devices. The AG needs a new job and needs to leave us poor gun owners alone. We are not the ones that casue the problems.....they should look to the source. (My girlfriend on her soap box) :cuss:
Four Seasons in Woburn has this on their website

NEWS ALERT! No new Glocks can be sold after 6/30/04. Only pre-10/21/98 models are legal to sell.

Sales on new Glocks are suspended until further notice. If you left us a deposit on one please stop by the shop for a full refund.

There are ongoing discussions between Glock and the Mass. Attorney General's office regarding compliance issues. We will keep you posted.

Glock should sue the AG for damages and to recover costs associated with the recall and the costs associated with modifications made to comply with the code.
"Glock should sue the AG for damages and to recover costs associated with the recall and the costs associated with modifications made to comply with the code."

You are absolutely right, they should sue. But, from what I have heard, they are just going to take their toys back and go home and sulk.

I hope I am wrong about this, but I'm not holding my breath.
Having an AG and legislature and the SJC who spends his time trying to undermine the rule of law is just one of the many amusing means of suffering from high blood pressure here in the Commonwealth. :fire:

I think "1984" and "Brave New World" should both be required reading before you get to make any laws, and that's anywhere/everywhere in America.

They should pass a test before they are allowed to wield a pen :barf:
I feel for you guys. It must really suck to live in MA.

It could be far worse , I could (n't !) live in the Midwest , MD , DC ... The totally insane part of this is that Four Seasons had plenty of pre-98 factory refurbs for $399-429 last time I was there so anyone wanting one of those horribly unsafe Glocks could easily buy one for far less than the new not-quite-as-horribly-unsafe ones :banghead:

As far as actually living here goes : it was 75 degrees today and I spent 5 hours of it flyfishing for Stripers at one of the nudie beaches . I might not be able to buy a new Glock , but when it all comes down to it , nudie beaches with some great lookin' girls and great fishing are worth that tradeoff to me :D
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